Helpful Score: 14
Just like with "The Power of Now," Eckhart Tolle just rambles and rambles on. He writes just like he talks. If you've ever seen any of his videos, he's very quiet-spoken, laughs at his own bizarre jokes and references, and drones on without taking a breath. I bought this book for a book club I signed-up for but all they did was watch his inane videos and never discussed the book. I lasted one week. This book didn't awaken anything in me. In fact, it put me to sleep! Also, I removed the big O sticker on the cover because I don't like Oprah. GASP! Shocking, I know.
Linda E. (uncbballfan) reviewed A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose on + 10 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 14
Be fully present in the current moment. So many people these days are stressed out because of what's happened in the past, or what they think may or may not happen in the future that they do not fully appreciate the present. And the present moment is really all we have. Reading this book has made me aware, or has awakened me to the present moment. It is my hope that others will receive a spiritual awakening by reading "A New Earth." It is not meant to change your religious beliefs - it is meant to enhance them.

Helpful Score: 8
I started this book hoping for more. I was disappointed to find the way the author misquoted and misrepresented world religions to make them fit his philosophy. It was such a turn off that I quit reading it. Maybe his own philosophy is good, I just never got past the misrepresentations that he claimed to base it on. Not for me, but clearly Oprah likes it!
Mary Ann W. (MrsLoveBug) reviewed A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose on + 5 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 7
I couldn't get through this book at all. I found it so dense and the author just beat every point to death so that it could not hold my attention at all. I gave the audio book a try because of all the hype about this book changing your life, but I almost fell asleep in the car! Usually, I am very open to this type of read and to new age thinking, but I was sorry that I could not get into this one.
Helpful Score: 7
I got this book to participate in Oprah's book club and webcast last year. I though it would help me to gain better insights on my life and start the new year off on a good foot. Well i spent most of the time disagreeing with the book and Eric;s views. I feel I am a good person and more importantly a good Christian. I;m not so sure what faith he belives in, it sounds sort of mystical and creepy at some points of the book. Well I did finish the book and the webcast. But I must say that the writing assignments were the things that helped me become more intouch with myself more that the book and watching Eric & Oprah talk about the book.