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Topic: New device - Kobo Glo HD

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booklover6 avatar
Subject: New device - Kobo Glo HD
Date Posted: 4/7/2015 10:25 AM ET
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Kobo has released a new ereader, the Kobo Glo HD. With a screen that is a direct competitor to the Kindle Voyage, and a price that is reportedly much lower, I'll be buying one as soon as Chapters gets it on their site. Yes, I will pay for shipping. I've heard too many stories about ordering direct from Kobo to be unreliable.

Kobo Glo HD

Ok Pre-Order goes love April 24th, for $129. I'm counting down the days!

I keep asking myself if I should return my Kindle Voyage. It does have a very small light prick on the screen.

Last Edited on: 4/7/15 1:46 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
booklover6 avatar
Date Posted: 4/8/2015 9:35 AM ET
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I was able to place an order today through the Canadian seller, Chapters Indigo. My delivery date is May 22!

gingerkitty avatar
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Date Posted: 4/10/2015 8:57 PM ET
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I saw that Anne and figured you'd be getting one!

I just bought a Sony T1 on Ebay.  My Kobo Touch is okay, I certainly love the screen on it, but I can't get used to the touch screen and it certainly sucks for PDF books.  Even after 6 weeks (and I put the Sony away entirely so I wouldn't go back and forth), I still miss the Sony and my page turn buttons.

booklover6 avatar
Date Posted: 4/11/2015 7:12 AM ET
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Sarah, I can understand that.

If you ever find a great price on a Sony T2, jump on it. I liked it a lot better than the T1. (I'm sure the T3 is even better, but the likelihood of finding a good price is slim to none).

There are other ereaders (European ones) with page turn buttons. It's a shame that the only Kindle with buttons now is the overpriced one. I do like those page press sensors on the Voyage, though. It's nice to have the option.

I got rid of all my non-lighted readers. I really like the light. (Well, still have my son's Kobo Touch, but I don't use that).

EmilyKat avatar
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Date Posted: 4/11/2015 9:13 AM ET
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I really miss the page buttons. That said, my last machine with them, the small Nook without a light, had really horrible buttons. With a touch screen. (That machine is currently loaned out.) 

I have a Kobo. The screen does not always swipe. Argh. Or it will be slow to respond and I'll go several pages trying to turn one page. 

gingerkitty avatar
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Date Posted: 4/11/2015 9:51 PM ET
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Yes, my Kobo Touch has the same issue Emily.  I swipe and it doesn't go.  I swipe again and it goes two or three pages.  I love the screen on it and I love the battery life.  So easy to read on and no shiny glare like my Sony PRS600.  The PRS600 is a touch screen but I don't use it while reading, love my page turn buttons.

I don't care if the T1 has a sucky battery life, I'll charge it nightly if that's what it takes, but definitely looking forward to a Sony with a better screen than my 600.

booklover6 avatar
Date Posted: 4/12/2015 7:41 AM ET
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You don't have to swipe a Kobo. You should be able to just tap. I don't swipe.

gingerkitty avatar
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Date Posted: 4/12/2015 7:36 PM ET
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I've tried tapping and it doesn't do anything.  Me and touch screens just do not communicate well.

gingerkitty avatar
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Date Posted: 4/19/2015 10:59 AM ET
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The Sony T1 arrived Friday.  Finally got some books loaded on it yesterday and I am so in love!  Excellent screen for reading (none of that glare like the shiny screen on the PRS 600), page turn buttons, it groups books based on my Calibre tags, battery life seems excellent.  Oh, I can even password protect the reader like on my Nook HD so no one can pick it up and turn it on and see what I've got on there.  LOVE that.  It's so much slimmer and lighter even than the Kobo Touch.  I did order a silicone skin for it since I love the one I bought for the Kobo.

I think I'll be parting with the Kobo Touch.  It's a very nice ereader, just not the one for me.

Last Edited on: 4/19/15 8:12 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
booklover6 avatar
Date Posted: 4/19/2015 3:43 PM ET
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Cool, Sarah. Did yours come with the stylus? I just found one that I obviously couldn't find when I sold a Sony in the past. I could send it to you.

gingerkitty avatar
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Date Posted: 4/19/2015 6:44 PM ET
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It did come with the stylus.  Not sure what to do with that, it doesn't store on the ereader like the one on the PRS600.  I left it in the box.  I so rarely use the stylus anyway.

Did I mention I love that it turns on right to the open book I was reading?  The Kobo had to boot up and then I had to tap the cover of the book to get it to reopen to where I was.  The Sony just is right at the page I was on after I enter my passcode.

Last Edited on: 4/19/15 8:11 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
booklover6 avatar
Date Posted: 4/20/2015 6:26 AM ET
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My Kobos do that too, as I never turn them off. Just let them go to sleep. Open the cover, and I'm right back to where I was. (The KTouch doesn't have that cover on/off feature). I never turn any of my devices off unless I have to for some reason.

dordale avatar
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Date Posted: 4/23/2015 7:43 PM ET
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I'm really considering ordering the Kobo Glo HD.  But I'm having a hard time justifying it.  I have a Kindle PaperWhite 2 and a Kobo Aura HD now.  (As well as aging Sony PRS 350 and 650's).  I love both my Kobo and Kindle--don't have the problem with non-recognition of swipes as mentioned above.  Maybe the newer Kobos have more responsive screens than the Kobo touch.

I also swipe to turn pages.  Since my first touchscreen reader was a Sony, and they required a swipe, it's what I'm used to. 

I'd love to have the higher resolution/smaller size of the Glo HD--and the price is much more reasonable than the Kindle Voyage.  The $200 price tag has kept me away from the Voyage--but The Glo HD at $130 is very tempting...

booklover6 avatar
Date Posted: 4/24/2015 9:16 AM ET
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I know, I shouldn't have splurged on the Voyage. Way too much. But I use it!

I ordered the Glo HD from Chapters, and with the exchange rate, it's only costing me $118, including shipping! So there you go, great reason to buy one!

Reviews from reputable people are good, so far.


dordale avatar
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Date Posted: 4/24/2015 12:53 PM ET
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Anne--You are being an enabler!  Haven't broke down yet--but I'm sure it's only a matter of time!  If (when) I do order a a Glo HD, it'll be from Chapters.  I've read plenty of posts on the MobileRead forums of people ordering from Chapters having good experiences.  (Better than ordering direct from Kobo)

booklover6 avatar
Date Posted: 4/24/2015 4:44 PM ET
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I live to enable!

You could wait til people get theirs and reports start coming in, and then decide.

dordale avatar
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Date Posted: 4/24/2015 11:32 PM ET
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"You could wait til people get theirs and reports start coming in, and then decide."

That's probably what I'll do.  My hubby bought me my Aura HD last year for my birthday--in July--just before the H2o came out.  I'm thinking that an Glo HD might make a good present for this birthday. cheeky

booklover6 avatar
Date Posted: 5/2/2015 7:34 AM ET
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My Glo HD has shipped. No tracking so I don't know how long it will take to get her from Canada.

DH found out he was getting it for me for Mother's Day. He acted annoyed! (Not because he would have gotten me something). He said, what, another tablet? I tried to explain it's not a tablet, but he doesn't get it. Geez, I only have 3 ereaders, and one is listed on ebay! So really, two, plus the one that's not here yet. I hardly think that is an excessive amount. The original Glo will be the back up. I've been reading mostly on the Voyage lately (I guess he doesn't realize how much that one cost!) So can't wait to compare the Glo HD and the Voyage and see which I like reading on best!

Plus I have 2 tablets, they are very different, a 6" and a 7" so that is not excessive.

booklover6 avatar
Date Posted: 5/3/2015 6:58 AM ET
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My Glo HD arrived yesterday. It looks gorgeous. The size, the back, the bezel, love it.

Compared to the Kobo Glo, the text is much sharper.

The latest firmware has slowed down page turns on all the Kobos I have.

My particular Kobo Glo HD unit has a two toned screen. Yellower at the top, whiter at the bottom.

The Voyage has a whiter screen, at least indoors. The Glo HD has more of a parchment look.

The text on the Voyage is a bit sharper, to my eyes. I still have to do more testing.

It's definitely an improvement to the Glo. I haven't decided whether the Voyage or the Glo HD is better. I haven't seen any other reports of a two tone screen. Just my luck!