Looks like this book was planned to be the first in a series, but so far (2022) there are only two. Ellie Rush is a likable character, with ambition but not a glut of self-confidence. I liked her naivete but was unsure if anyone going through the police academy would still be so unassertive. Still, I liked her; she has an interesting group of diverse friends and I also liked the setting in Los Angeles. I'm familiar with a lot of those places so I found it entertaining. The mystery is slow going though; Rush can't quite get a grasp on Jenny Nguyen's character and neither can the reader. so I found myself not really interested in the solution. I did like the ending though, that was a fun little twist on the usual. But in the end, it wasn't interesting enough for me to want to look for #2. Hirahara is the author of the Mas Arai series; I've only read the first of those but I remember it as having more impact on me.

Ellie is a LAPD bicycle cop with dreams of becoming a detective. Her aunt happens to be high up on the hierarchy at the LAPD. Her dad is quietly supportive, her mother didn't support her becoming a cop (like her aunt). She has a close group of friends (of which her newly ex-boyfriend is also a part). When a former classmate is murdered, Ellie is drawn into the investigation.
I really enjoyed this one and I liked Ellie's growth and her ability to note her mistakes (and learn from them). I also thought it was realistic to admire a relative, but then to see them in action up close they weren't as perfect as thought to be (and acknowledge that). I wish this was a longer series (only 2 books).
I really enjoyed this one and I liked Ellie's growth and her ability to note her mistakes (and learn from them). I also thought it was realistic to admire a relative, but then to see them in action up close they weren't as perfect as thought to be (and acknowledge that). I wish this was a longer series (only 2 books).