Vincent Majestyk saw too much death in the jungles of Southeast Asia. All he wants to do now is farm his melons and forget. But peace can be an elusive commodity, even in the Arizona hinterlands -- and especially when the local mob is calling all the shots. And one quiet, proud man\'s refusal to be strong-armed by a powerful hood is about to start a violent chain reaction that will leave Mr. Majestyk ruined, in shackles, and without a friend in the world -- except for one tough and beautiful woman. But his tormentors never realized something about their mark: this is not his first war. Vince Majestyk knows more than they\'ll ever know about survival ... and everything about revenge.
Vincent Majestyk had had enough - enough fighting, enough war, enough death. He knew too well the feel of the recoil, the smell of gunpowder, the sight of a human target falling. But pushed to his limits by the Mob... the killer in him again awoke.
Good book. Elmore Leonard is a very skilled writer. His Valdez is Coming is still my favorite, but this one was quite good and in the same vein. Don't push around the quiet guy. There is more to him than you think.