Helpful Score: 1
As always Francine Rivers tells a page turning story. She brings you in with her character development till you feel like you know each one. While I enjoyed this book it was not Rivers' best, in my opinion. I'd still recommend it however; but you might need your hankies!

Helpful Score: 1
Finally, the wait is over! Francine Rivers has a new, full-length, fabulous novel, and it has been worth every day I've had to wait for it! And no joke...I read it in 24 hours. It was that good!
Francine creates some of the most memorable characters in her books, and out of all the Christian fiction authors I read, her characters and their stories stay with me more than anyone else's. In Her Mother's Hope, it felt like I was reading about real people because they faced genuine problems, and sometimes, didn't always handle them the way that they should have. Marta, for instance, truly despised her father, and at first, didn't believe her mother when she said that she (Marta) and her father were more alike than she realized. As Marta grew older, it became more evident that she had indeed picked up a few of her father's traits, and not all of them were good. Unfortunately, some of these bad traits molded her into the type of mother that she did not want to be, especially to her second child, Hildemara.
Another thing I love about this book (as well as what's to come in book 2) is that they're going to cover entire lifetimes, and not just a few months or years, or one point in history. The book began in early 1900, and ended with the Japan bombings of World War 2. Books that cover so much history like this one does just adds so much to an overall reading experience, in my opinion. Like I said only took me 24 hours to read this one. I don't mind reading another 24 more of the rest of this story!
As much of a fan as I am of her first book, Redeeming Love, I have to say that this one comes a very close second, if not a tie, for my favorite Francine Rivers novel. But oh, how I wish that I didn't have to wait 6 months before I can complete this saga! By far, this is my favorite book of 2010!
5 Stars!!
Francine creates some of the most memorable characters in her books, and out of all the Christian fiction authors I read, her characters and their stories stay with me more than anyone else's. In Her Mother's Hope, it felt like I was reading about real people because they faced genuine problems, and sometimes, didn't always handle them the way that they should have. Marta, for instance, truly despised her father, and at first, didn't believe her mother when she said that she (Marta) and her father were more alike than she realized. As Marta grew older, it became more evident that she had indeed picked up a few of her father's traits, and not all of them were good. Unfortunately, some of these bad traits molded her into the type of mother that she did not want to be, especially to her second child, Hildemara.
Another thing I love about this book (as well as what's to come in book 2) is that they're going to cover entire lifetimes, and not just a few months or years, or one point in history. The book began in early 1900, and ended with the Japan bombings of World War 2. Books that cover so much history like this one does just adds so much to an overall reading experience, in my opinion. Like I said only took me 24 hours to read this one. I don't mind reading another 24 more of the rest of this story!
As much of a fan as I am of her first book, Redeeming Love, I have to say that this one comes a very close second, if not a tie, for my favorite Francine Rivers novel. But oh, how I wish that I didn't have to wait 6 months before I can complete this saga! By far, this is my favorite book of 2010!
5 Stars!!