A very fun Christmas romance involving multiple characters within an extended family.
A really great book!
Fun book with very likeable characters. The kids were really accurately written.
Excellent Holiday read. The characters were believable especially the children. Marcia Evanick is a excellent romance writer with a hint of comedy. I highly recommend this book. Carol
I love Marcia Evanick and at this time of year i like to snuggle into a cute winter read. This was so smooth i went to bed thinking i'd throw down a couple chapters and ended up reading the whole book. Darling story with characters that intantly you will fall in love with. I laughed almost all the way through the entire book, it was so funny with the antics of 3 small children with huge imaginations, and a house full of pets. Endearing from the first sentence. Quote: "Coop Armstrong swore as a ghost darted out of the woods directly into the path of his truck. He slammed on the brakes,kicking up pebbles and rocks behind him,as a bug-like alien creature followed the ghost into the thick woods and brush on the opposite side of the gravel driveway. Before the three-foot green faced bug disappeared from sight, it turned and waved. He waved back and tried not to think how close he had come to hitting the creatures. The Wright boys were at it again." I need another Evanick to get this winter season really rolling. Mistletoe Bay went way to fast & and i enjoyed it bunches.