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Miracle At Philadelphia : The Story of the Constitutional Convention May - September 1787
Miracle At Philadelphia The Story of the Constitutional Convention May September 1787 Author:Catherine Drinker Bowen This book is a history of the Federal Convention in Philadelphia that resulted in the Constitution of the United States. A review of the events and personalities surrounding the Constitutional Convention of 1787 concluding with the debate and the final product.
It's hard to read 'documentaries', but Ms. Bowen does a good job of keeping the reader engaged while imparting the drama of the moment. It truly is remarkable that our Constitution was accepted and has withstood the test of time to be a strong unifier of the states while allowing for individual liberty. Periodically it's important to stoke the fires of liberty and this book is well organized and reader friendly to remind us how fragile our liberty is and how unique our nation is because of its Constitution and the framers who knew the value of their hard won independence.