The Ministries of Christian Worship "This remarkable volume contains a rich storehouse of worship resources for use on cooperative ministries among people of diverse Christian persuasion. It is a valuable ecumenical resource for Christian educators, pastors, and all who engage in the practice of worship as it relates to education, evangelism, pastoral care, and personal spiritual ... more »formation."
ÂSonja Stewart, Professor of Christian Education, Western Theological Seminary"A. W. Tozer once commented that worship was the missing jewel of the church. Robert Webber, through The Complete Library of Christian Worship, is providing a much needed resource for churches of every denomination to rediscover that jewel. The Complete Library of Christian Worship has the necessary height, depth, and breadth of appeal to instruct all of God's diverse family in the celebration of praise. It is a resource that can equip the twenty-first-century church to enter the timeless presence of God."
ÂTerry Wardle, Senior Pastor Risen King Community Church,« less