Helpful Score: 1
Paranormal erotic romance by Joey Hill. Third in series, after A Mermaid's Kiss and A Witch's Beauty. Alexis is the daughter of the Angel Jonah and his mermaid mate, Anna. Lex is a merangel, with special abilities. She is a strong empath, and gives off an aura of peace, and well-being. Dante is half vampire and half Dark One, and has been trapped in a dark, cruel, voilent world. Determined to do whatever he has to, to leave his prison, Dante lures Alexis to him, knowing that her people will do anything to get her back. Awesome story. The plot is solid, and rich with detail. Dante can be perceived as pure evil. Alexis is pure goodness. Can she help him? Can a predator function in a different environment? The story is great. The sex scenes beyond scorching. To me, Joey Hill has penned a book I'd consider "erotic literature." Light vs. Dark, with many philosophical issues thrown it. One of the best books I've read in awhile. Worth a credit.

Helpful Score: 1
I was disappointed in this installment of the Daughters of Arianne series. [book:A Mermaid's Kiss|2896122] was beyond excellent. [book:A Witch's Beauty|3430165] was a darkly erotic romance. But this one is just too dark for my taste. Half-vampire, half-Dark One (demon spawn) Dante is overly violent and a brute. As a line in the book claims "Dante is held by a dark madness and does harm without intent." I do understand that his environment spawned him but as a romance hero he was a bit much. I was seriously upset with the rape scene though I guess it was a setup to show how far Dante will come (no pun intended).
Alexis (Anna and Jonah's daughter) is all sweetness and light (literally being half-angel, half-mermaid - a merangel with a tail, fins and wings). Dante is a mix of darkness, violence and niceness (very briefly) which is extremely confusing for Alexis because only she can see the tiny spark of goodness inside him. Being an angel and an empath, Alexis sees hope where there is little and sticks with Dante in the hopes of turning him from the darkness. She puts up with a lot from him and excuses his behavior time and again even when he physically and emotionally hurts her.
I must say that I actually got tired of the sex scenes between Alexis and Dante as they were every few pages or so and really distracted from the basic storyline. Yeah great he can screw like a champ but is that really going to save his soul? He used dominant sex as a tool to avoid communication since he had no real emotions and couldn't identify his own feelings.
A very long journey but a satisfying ending. It was left open for another sequel...maybe Marcellus and Clara????
Alexis (Anna and Jonah's daughter) is all sweetness and light (literally being half-angel, half-mermaid - a merangel with a tail, fins and wings). Dante is a mix of darkness, violence and niceness (very briefly) which is extremely confusing for Alexis because only she can see the tiny spark of goodness inside him. Being an angel and an empath, Alexis sees hope where there is little and sticks with Dante in the hopes of turning him from the darkness. She puts up with a lot from him and excuses his behavior time and again even when he physically and emotionally hurts her.
I must say that I actually got tired of the sex scenes between Alexis and Dante as they were every few pages or so and really distracted from the basic storyline. Yeah great he can screw like a champ but is that really going to save his soul? He used dominant sex as a tool to avoid communication since he had no real emotions and couldn't identify his own feelings.
A very long journey but a satisfying ending. It was left open for another sequel...maybe Marcellus and Clara????
The Author was confusing the reades by sometimes calling the main character LEX and then in next sentance ALEXIS. She is a dormat, made to look like the saviour. Dante is preplexing but essentialy a predator. Product of his nature and enviroment. The story was crampt with un-necesary extra storylines, and had 4 endings. One of them, (the twist) the kidnaping of Dante by the other guardians to pay for the 62 women he killed was just thrown in to make it more complex. In reality it was just for a lack of better word, an overkill. The reader has no relationship established to some other world/people/angels. Like the prewious books, but the story was darker. With bondage, rape, physical mutalation and quite descriptive at that.

omg! another great book! hopefully the next book will be about clara and marcellus-now that will be wonderful.