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Topic: ****** Mega Deal Thread for Deals offered by members ******

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Sherry avatar
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Subject: ****** Mega Deal Thread for Deals offered by members ******
Date Posted: 4/7/2020 10:04 AM ET
Member Since: 9/19/2005
Posts: 3,147
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Members offering deals:

(See information posted at the bottom for details on how to order directly from a members bookshelf)

steven-swapa  I'm offering an "order 2 get a 3rd one free" Special!
For every 2 items you order message me title of 3rd one you want for free. Do it as many time as you like!

charmymax  Currently offering a 5/3 deal. Multiple orders allowed. Can combine with DVD and CD site as well. Does NOT include WL books. Please PM me the freebies or let me know you are asking for the deal. Thank you!

theresamomof2  offering an unlimited 3-1 on all paperback and 2-1 on all hardcover books

vickyt  I am always willing to send a free selection with the ordered book.  Mix and match paperback and hard back if you like.  Audio books would be, order the audio and recieve an audio, paperback or hardback.  Just PM me the title and the author.

AZnightowl   Always happy to send out a free selection with an order. Also ... Please note that audio CDs will cost 1 credit if chosen as your extra title. Please PM if interested in this offer.

Katy  Always willing to offer 2 for 1

Canesgalactica  I am offering a buy one, get one free deal. 2 books sent for one credit! Order any one book, PM me your freebie and I'll send you both! Must PM me for the deal. Adding new books all the time. :)

Starvinartist  Order any 2 books from my shelf and get the 3rd FREE!! just PM me the title of the book you want as a freebie!* "Be sure to send me a Personal Message after submitting your request, so we are both sure the deal goes through properly."

PatinCO  Always willing to do a 2/1, excludes Wishlisted books. All children's books under 100 pages 3/1. Just PM me.

Suz   Permanent 2 for 1 deal, with minimum 2 book order.  No smoking, no pets, 300+ shelf - and I have really BIG boxes ;-)  

kindacrafty  I am offering a 3/2 deal on my bookshelf. Order any 2 and PM me with the 3rd book you would like for FREE!! If you are interested in more than 3 books, PM me as I am willing to do better deals.

 esjro  All books come from a non-smoking home, though we do have 3 dogs, so you are pretty much guaranteed to receive a bonus of some dog hairs with your order. Please see my PBS profile for unpostables which are free with any order from my shelf. Always 2 for 1 deal on non-wishlisted books - order 1, then PM me with your free choice.

lizvacirca    6 for 2 deal. All books included. Order 2 and message me ur freebies. Also selling credits $3 each.

Adam   For each book ordered, choose another, FREE: PM us with your choice. Eager to make deals on larger orders, really stretch your credits

amhv   2-for-1 deals on paperbacks. Just send me a PM to propose your deal. See my profile for a list of unpostable books, I will include one with any order.

alterlisa   Romance Anyone?

Joysong   Over 500 books including children' books, nonfiction, self help, cookbooks, crafts, relationships, parenting, romance, Christian and more. Always 2 for 1 deal, with minimum 2 books requested with credits

I-no-books   I'm always open to striking a deal especially on my kid's books. 2 for 1, 3 for 1. Just PM me and let me know what you'd like to do!

eclecticfirefly   If you see more than 1 book you would like to order, feel free to PM me. We can definitely make a deal! Currently offering 3 for 1 on all books here. Can include my Erotica to Trade book list also.

hubby  Mystery/thriller suspense, christian, books for teachers, reference, romance, Permanent deal 5 books for 3, 8 for 4, 15 for 5, 18 for 6 etc.

stampsarefun  Mostly children's, some bilingual children's,  permanent deal 5 for 3, 8 for 4, 15 for 5 etc

davidbooks   Message me if you have questions or want to do a quantity deal.

BlackPanther   Always 2 for 1 or 5 for 2. Over 2000 oldies but goodies!

gracie-1936  Lots of children's books

luvantiques  3 for 1 or 5 for 2. All my books are paperbacks [except for a couple of hardcovers]. PM me with questions. Check my profile page, several good books listed as unpostables, 1 free with each order.

HeatherAndSolo  My shelf is all audio CDs. All are order 2, get 3rd free. (So 3 for 2.)  Books posted in the wishlist forum is the same - order 2 WL books, get 1 free

bhweekly  3 for 1 on romance titles.  Over 900 books on shelf

Obladeb When you order two (2) books, we will send you a third book as a freebie. And if you order four (4) books, pick out two (2) freebie books; six (6) books gets you three (3) freebies, etc. PM us with your freebie choice(s) and we will include them in your shipment.

dream-follower  I am happy to offer anyone who orders two books from me, a third one for free! Just PM me after requesting your two books to tell me your chosen freebie.

kmk  Special!!! Harlequin Romances only!!! Order 1, get 2 free! Pm me with your free choices!!

spotted-pony  Always willing to ship 2 for 1, just pm me to discuss which ones you want.

Kathyk   Will consider all deals on my shelf, including audio cds, Adding to my shelf frequently.   I have alot of mystery thriller,  literature fiction, with some kids books, mostly middle school and teens, and some nonfiction , and audio cds in mystery and  fiction - a couple of them are mp3s

txbookhound  All Love Inspired paperbacks two for one or five for two; willing to discuss other deals.


Inactive - Members with shelves on hold or no books listed 

(if you are on this list and want to be added back to the active list, send me a pm)

Momof2boys  Over 500 books, wide assortment, lots of children’s books, adult fiction, and more. Will consider all fair and reasonable deals! 

Alameda   Deals 5 for 2 and up, Orders mailed same day/next day, wide genre

gingerkitty   I'm always open to a deal so let me know if you see a bunch of books on my shelf you want to order.

nina54321   Varied shelf of @ 150.  Ongoing deal... order two, two free + 

bklver   3 for 1 on paperbacks.  Mainly Romance and Romantic Suspense 

txbookhound  All Love Inspired paperbacks two for one or five for two; willing to discuss other deals

Expeditious   Completely Non-Smoking, Non-Pet Household, No Kids Either 

How do I direct my request for a book to a specific member?

Requests at PaperBackSwap are submitted in FIFO order, unless the button on the member's Bookshelf is used to order the book. 

To direct your request to a specific member:

  • Go to the member's Bookshelf
    • Locate the book on her Bookshelf.
    • To get to a member's Bookshelf:
      • from a forum Post or a PBS Profile: click the  button
      • from a Personal Message: click her highlighted name in the To:field.  This will take you to her profile (if she has one)  or Bookshelf
  • Click the button  ON HER BOOKSHELF (and nowhere else) in order to be sure the request goes to that member.
    • Do not click the button in the "popup" information about the book that comes up when you put your cursor over the book cover image (even if you do this while on the Bookshelf page)
      • If you click the Order This Book button in the popup book information this will send the request into the general system, and it will not be submitted to that specific member whose Bookshelf you are on.
    • If you have clicked the book cover/title on the Bookshelf to read more about the book:
      • you will be on the Book Details page (which also has an "Order this Book" button on it). GO BACK to the member's Bookshelf to click the "Order this Book" button there--use your browser's "back" button.
      • Tip: Before you click the button, look at the page you are on. If "[member]'s Bookshelf" does NOT appear at the top of this page, you are ordering from the Book Details page, and your request may go to someone else.
    • You can confirm from whom you are ordering DURING the process of requesting the book:
      • by clicking "Order More Books from this member" and confirming that you are taken to the intended member's Bookshelf.  Simply complete your order from there, if it is the correct Bookshelf.  If it is not the correct Bookshelf, navigate away from the request process try again.
    • You can confirm from whom you have requested the book AFTER completing the request process:
      • by clicking   on the transaction on your account page, and seeing whose name "pops up" in the To: field of the empty PM. If it is not the intended member's name, cancel this request and try again. Don't send a Personal Message unless it is the correct sender, though--if a requestor sends a PM to a sender during the one hour "waiting period" (see below), the waiting period will be terminated, and the request will be submitted to the sender immediately.
      • You can cancel at any point up until the wrapper is printed by the sender. Once that has happened, the requestor can no longer cancel, and should not ask the sender to cancel either.


Last Edited on: 9/2/24 5:45 PM ET - Total times edited: 62
Sherry avatar
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Date Posted: 4/7/2020 10:04 AM ET
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When browsing bookshelves, I often find member shelves with a Bookshelf Header listing deals.  Many of these members do not participate in the forums, so the only way to see their deals is to happen to look at their shelves when ordering or just browsing.  This thread is to gather all these deals in one place.  

The members offering deals will be listed here, but please note that some of these may be changed or removed, so be sure to check the Bookshelf Header to see if deals are still being offered.

If you have deals offered on your shelf (posted in the header - instructions below) let me know and I can add it to the list.  Also, if you see deals offered on other members shelves, let me know and I will add them to the list.

Please PM me if you would like to be added (make sure your bookshelf header lists your deal), or know of anyone else offering deals.  Just make sure the deals show on the 'Bookcase Header'.

If you are listed and would like to be removed, just let me know.

Open to any suggestions/comments.


The Bookshelf Header

Introduced 9/3/2008.

The Bookshelf Header allows you to add a custom, publicly-viewable message at the top of your PBS Bookshelf.  You can introduce yourself - give an overview of the types of books you have -  comment about a specific book you have Posted - invite members to join your Game in the Games Forum - or just say Hello! 

How to add a Header to your Bookshelf:

  • Go to My Bookshelf in My Account
  • Click  at the top left of your Bookshelf.
  • Type in the text you want everyone to see when they look at your bookshelf. There is a limit of 500 characters.
  • Click Save.

To see your own header on your Bookshelf:

  • Click at the top of your Bookshelf.
  • This will show you your bookshelf with the header on it.

How other members will see your header:

  • When they view your Bookshelf from your profile or a forum Post of yours
  • When they click Order More from Member after requesting a book from you

How to edit your Bookshelf Header:

  • Go to My Bookshelf in My Account
  • Click  at the top left of your Bookshelf.
  • Edit the text. There is a limit of 500 characters.
  • Click Save.

How to delete/remove your Bookshelf Header:

  • Go to My Bookshelf in My Account
  • Click  at the top left of your Bookshelf.
  • Edit the text to be empty.
  • Click Save.

What can you use the Header for?  Some examples:

  • Introduce yourself!
  • Introduce your books!  ("I have a lot of cozy mysteries" or  "I have lots of audio books!  Filter my bookshelf by audio to see them all!")
  • You can also advertise a "deal" you may be offering - such as a list of "unpostable" books you are offering free with an order --but if you do this, you MUST keep the message up-to-date, and you CANNOT decline or ignore requests from other members.  It is safest if you want to offer a deal in your Header to include the message "Be sure to send me a Personal Message after submitting your request, so we are both sure the deal goes through properly."  Members who offer deals and then ignore or decline requests will pass those requests on to bookshelves that are NOT offering deals, and this disappoints requestors.

What should you NOT use the Header for?

  • You should not use the Header to describe unpostable books on your bookshelf.  Unpostable books should NOT be posted to your bookshelf.  See Book Condition Criteria for 'Swappability' at PaperBackSwap and What can be posted for swapping here? for the minimum book posting criteria.
  • You should not use the Header to describe books you have posted incorrectly (ie, with the wrong booktype).   Books MUST be posted correctly so that ISBN, title, author and booktype on the listing all match your book.
  • Nasty or unpleasant messages, obscenity or anything we judge to be vulgar or inappropriate, advertising, or anything that violates the Terms of Use.  Duh. :)



Last Edited on: 5/4/20 4:00 PM ET - Total times edited: 43
Sherry avatar
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Date Posted: 4/8/2020 10:58 AM ET
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If anyone would like to be added to (or removed from) this list, please let me know.  

Last Edited on: 4/8/20 11:40 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
Sherry avatar
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Date Posted: 4/10/2020 5:13 PM ET
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More members have been added - check out the members shelves listed above.  Some great deals can be found smiley

Sherry avatar
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Date Posted: 4/12/2020 11:20 AM ET
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Please reply to this thread if you find it helpful......

kathyk avatar
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Date Posted: 4/12/2020 1:02 PM ET
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I've been adding more books every day

Momof2boys avatar
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Date Posted: 4/12/2020 4:17 PM ET
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Thank you for doing this Sherry. I've already received orders because someone saw this thread.

Generic Profile avatar
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Date Posted: 4/14/2020 2:23 AM ET
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Thanks so much Sherry.  It's been difficult to find deals with all the selling credits posts.

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 4/14/2020 4:54 PM ET
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Hi! I was wondering if I could be added? Have an ongoing 2 for 1, excluding wishlisted books. 

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 4/15/2020 1:06 PM ET
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I'm currently offeringa 3-for-1 deal on all paperbacks on my Bookshelf.

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 4/18/2020 5:51 PM ET
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have a new special if mine can be updated please, Spring Cleaning Special: 3/2, excludes WL books

Thank you ♥

Sherry avatar
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Date Posted: 4/19/2020 12:14 PM ET
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yes Thanks to all for letting me know this thread is working for them and they are getting book orders 


rebeccam avatar
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Date Posted: 4/19/2020 1:50 PM ET
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Thanks for making this great thread Sherry!!!

onebooknerd avatar
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Date Posted: 4/20/2020 2:00 PM ET
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5 books for 2 credits.  I need to make my shelf more manageable.  I have over 150 books with most only having 1 copy.  Please PM if you are interested.


Generic Profile avatar
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Date Posted: 4/20/2020 3:47 PM ET
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Please add my shelf to this list. I always have a 3/1 or 5/2 deal going on my books, mostly paperbacks (2 or 3 hardbacks). Different genres over 275 books. I ship quickly and package well. Thanks for looking!!

Heather-and-Raven avatar
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Date Posted: 4/22/2020 6:59 AM ET
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Please add:

My shelf is all audio CDs. All are order 2, get 3rd free. (So 3 for 2.) 

And my post in the wishlist forum is the same - order 2 WL books, get 1 free.

rutabaker avatar
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Date Posted: 4/24/2020 8:46 AM ET
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Last Edited on: 4/28/20 8:10 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
esjro avatar
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Date Posted: 4/26/2020 10:18 PM ET
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Hi Sherry, please add me.  Thanks for organizing this!

All books come from a non-smoking home, though we do have 3 dogs, so you are pretty much guaranteed to receive a bonus of some dog hairs with your order. Please see my PBS profile for unpostables which are free with any order from my shelf. Always 2 for 1 deal on non-wishlisted books - order 1, then PM me with your free choice.

TwoBooklovers avatar
Date Posted: 5/4/2020 8:16 AM ET
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Please add me to the thread.  I have to 'lose' some of my book collection.

With regret I am posting Lee Child's Jack Reacher Series books 2 to 21. Starting at 'Die Trying' and Ending at 'Night School'. (All paperbacks)

I am not posting them on my book shelf because I don't want to send out single books.  I don't need credits but want those books to go to someone who really appreciates them and save on postage. You need to order at least 3 books together.  As I am getting low I may send out two for one, but do hope to save on mailing.

So three Jack Reacher for one credit. Let me know which ones you want or get all of them for 7 credits.  PM me which ones you want.

Pacrat avatar
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Subject: Can I get added as well?
Date Posted: 5/4/2020 3:36 PM ET
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Im doin 5 for 2 and 3 for 10,

Thank you! :)

Sherry avatar
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Date Posted: 5/4/2020 3:56 PM ET
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The list above shows members that have permanent deals listed on their 'bookshelf header'.  If anyone would like to be added, please make sure to list the deal on your bookshelf header (I've added instructions on how to do this in the 2nd post in this thread also).


The Bookshelf Header

Introduced 9/3/2008.

The Bookshelf Header allows you to add a custom, publicly-viewable message at the top of your PBS Bookshelf.  You can introduce yourself - give an overview of the types of books you have -  comment about a specific book you have Posted - invite members to join your Game in the Games Forum - or just say Hello! 

How to add a Header to your Bookshelf:

  • Go to My Bookshelf in My Account
  • Click  at the top left of your Bookshelf.
  • Type in the text you want everyone to see when they look at your bookshelf. There is a limit of 500 characters.
  • Click Save.

To see your own header on your Bookshelf:

  • Click at the top of your Bookshelf.
  • This will show you your bookshelf with the header on it.

How other members will see your header:

  • When they view your Bookshelf from your profile or a forum Post of yours
  • When they click Order More from Member after requesting a book from you

How to edit your Bookshelf Header:

  • Go to My Bookshelf in My Account
  • Click  at the top left of your Bookshelf.
  • Edit the text. There is a limit of 500 characters.
  • Click Save.

How to delete/remove your Bookshelf Header:

  • Go to My Bookshelf in My Account
  • Click  at the top left of your Bookshelf.
  • Edit the text to be empty.
  • Click Save.

What can you use the Header for?  Some examples:

  • Introduce yourself!
  • Introduce your books!  ("I have a lot of cozy mysteries" or  "I have lots of audio books!  Filter my bookshelf by audio to see them all!")
  • You can also advertise a "deal" you may be offering - such as a list of "unpostable" books you are offering free with an order --but if you do this, you MUST keep the message up-to-date, and you CANNOT decline or ignore requests from other members.  It is safest if you want to offer a deal in your Header to include the message "Be sure to send me a Personal Message after submitting your request, so we are both sure the deal goes through properly."  Members who offer deals and then ignore or decline requests will pass those requests on to bookshelves that are NOT offering deals, and this disappoints requestors.

What should you NOT use the Header for?

  • You should not use the Header to describe unpostable books on your bookshelf.  Unpostable books should NOT be posted to your bookshelf.  See Book Condition Criteria for 'Swappability' at PaperBackSwap and What can be posted for swapping here? for the minimum book posting criteria.
  • You should not use the Header to describe books you have posted incorrectly (ie, with the wrong booktype).   Books MUST be posted correctly so that ISBN, title, author and booktype on the listing all match your book.
  • Nasty or unpleasant messages, obscenity or anything we judge to be vulgar or inappropriate, advertising, or anything that violates the Terms of Use.  Duh. :)


Sherry avatar
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Date Posted: 5/8/2020 9:18 PM ET
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Just send me a PM if you would like to be added to the list at the top

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 5/13/2020 6:58 PM ET
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If you want more people's attention to a shelf, it would be helpful for those looking at this thread if those posted here said what genre their shelves were.

Sci-Fi, Western, Romance, Classic Romance, Adventure, Fantasy, Paranormal, Historical, Children's, Teens, Cooking, Mystery............

Its what I look for in any thread or post and more apt to get me to look at a shelf because they have books I'm interested in. It's not just the deals, but the GENRE the post lists that gets me.

Just saying.

Generic Profile avatar
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Date Posted: 5/13/2020 7:58 PM ET
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Very good suggestion. 

kathyk avatar
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Date Posted: 5/25/2020 8:13 PM ET
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Good idea about the genres. I have alot of mystery thriller,  literature fiction, with some kids books, mostly middle school and teens, and some nonfiction including biographies and memoirs - , and audio cds in mystery and  fiction - a few of them are mp3s.

Last Edited on: 5/26/20 9:26 AM ET - Total times edited: 2