Another fun Archy McNally mystery!! My husband loves these books!
Great mystery involving a cat, ransom, homicide and a psychic!
The Wall Street Journal wrote-
"A suspense writer who knows how to mix chuckles with thrills."
From the inside jacket--
Just when you thought you knew all the dirt about Palm Beach...Archy McNally returns to confront glitz, ghosts and gore in McNally's Luck, Lawrence Sander's masterful new thriller.
With McNally's Secret, Sanders fans were introduced to a south Florida sleuth whose high spirits and nose for clues endeared him to readers. Now diehard playboy Archy McNally is back, in a kinky caper the likes of which south Florida's elite has never seen. McNally's Luck begins as a search for a purloined pet but quickly becomes far more lethal. As investigator for his father's prestigious law firm, McNally regularly sees a side of elegant Palm Beach that's best described as seamy. But even he is shocked by the Pandora's box of lust and larceny slowly opening before him. On the heels of the catnapping, a prominent woman is brutally murdered, and in some cryptic way, the acts are linked. As he fits the many pieces of the puzzle into a single, lurid truth, Archy crosses paths with mediums, murderers, impostors and adulterers-and learns at an eerie seance that there are scandals even death can't hide.
Intricate, unguessable, and sensual as a sultry Florida afternoon, McNally's Luck is blue-chip Lawerence Sanders.
"A suspense writer who knows how to mix chuckles with thrills."
From the inside jacket--
Just when you thought you knew all the dirt about Palm Beach...Archy McNally returns to confront glitz, ghosts and gore in McNally's Luck, Lawrence Sander's masterful new thriller.
With McNally's Secret, Sanders fans were introduced to a south Florida sleuth whose high spirits and nose for clues endeared him to readers. Now diehard playboy Archy McNally is back, in a kinky caper the likes of which south Florida's elite has never seen. McNally's Luck begins as a search for a purloined pet but quickly becomes far more lethal. As investigator for his father's prestigious law firm, McNally regularly sees a side of elegant Palm Beach that's best described as seamy. But even he is shocked by the Pandora's box of lust and larceny slowly opening before him. On the heels of the catnapping, a prominent woman is brutally murdered, and in some cryptic way, the acts are linked. As he fits the many pieces of the puzzle into a single, lurid truth, Archy crosses paths with mediums, murderers, impostors and adulterers-and learns at an eerie seance that there are scandals even death can't hide.
Intricate, unguessable, and sensual as a sultry Florida afternoon, McNally's Luck is blue-chip Lawerence Sanders.
Another great read! Archie is at it again....kidnapped cat leads you on a merry and entertaining chase!
I did not like this book. It is the first I have read by the author and the last. I had to have a dictionary beside me to read it. It is also about the rich and famous country club set. Too much detail about our the hero dresses! Describes every meal he ate. plot was ok, but that is the best I can say.

Typical Sanders, good series. Great characters.
Another good read about Archy McNally. I kinda already had this one figured out, but it was still fun to read.
Fun, entertaining book.
This is a fun read, set in Palm Beach, Florida. Mystery
McNally - MY HERO
I really like Arch McNally, he's funny, debonaire, a little bit of a playboy, but he gets the job done with his "discreet inquiries", this time trying to find Peaches, a catnapped feline that only her owner could love, and along the way solving two murders......pure fun!!!!
Enjoyable story
Good read
Great read!!
Archy will always surprise you and this is no exception. Such an enjoyable series and a great book
I found this book a little weak. Definitely not a work of fine literature.
Sex, suspense, sheer entertainment. It is a seductive game of cat and mouse (and murder).
The secrets of the filthy rich have never been filthier....What begins with a kidnapped cat leads to ransom and homicide. And if a sensuous psychic makes a believer out of McNally, he'll learn that humans don't have nine lives...but scandals do.
The secrets of the filthy rich have never been filthier....What begins with a kidnapped cat leads to ransom and homicide. And if a sensuous psychic makes a believer out of McNally, he'll learn that humans don't have nine lives...but scandals do.
Sex, suspense, sheer entertainment - McNallys' Luck is Lawrence Sanders' most seductive game of cat and mouse (and murder) since McNally's Secret.
Playboy/lover/sleuth Archy McNally is back - and the secrets of the filthy rich have never been filthier. What begins with a kidnapped cat leads to ransom and homicide. And if a sensuous psychic makes a believer out of McNally, he'll learn that humans don't have nine lives...but scandals do.
Playboy/lover/sleuth Archy McNally is back - and the secrets of the filthy rich have never been filthier. What begins with a kidnapped cat leads to ransom and homicide. And if a sensuous psychic makes a believer out of McNally, he'll learn that humans don't have nine lives...but scandals do.
Sex,suspense,sheer entertainment....a game of cat and mouse....Playboy/lover/sleuth Archy McNally is back-and the secrets of the filty rich ahve never been filthier....What begins with a kidnapped cat leads to ransom and homicide. And if a sensous psychic makes a believer out of McNally,he'll learn that humans don't have nine lives...but scandals do!
Sex, suspense, sheer entertainment--McNally's Luck is Lawrence Sanders' most seductive game of cat and mouse (and murder) since McNally's Secret. Playboy/lover/sleuth Archy McNally is back--and the secrets of the filthy rich have never been filthier...What begins with a kidnapped cat leads to ramson and homicide. And if a sensuous psychic makes a believer out of McNally, he'll learn that humans don't have nine lives...but scandals do.
Begins with a kidnapped cat, leading to ransom and homicide. Humans don't have nine lives but scandals do.