Being from Eastern Europe myself, the country which suffered greatly from numerous dictatorships, especially in 30s-50s from Joseph Stalin, I was shocked by the similarity between the inhumane barbaric methods of ruling between Stalin and Hussein. Both dictators supposedly promoted progress encouraging education and universal literacy, equal rights for women, but at the same time kept the population in fear and terror. The story is very emotional, passionate and personal. A lot of historic facts which I didn't know about the country are given and they are helpful. The wonderful innocent women were subject to crazy tortures but they had each other's kindness and support afterwards. In Stalin's camps a huge part of the punishment was mixing innocent political prisoners with hard core criminals,totally dehumanized species, being around which was a torture as well.
Amazing book.
Amazing book.
Laurie F. (laurief) reviewed Mayada, Daughter of Iraq: One Woman's Survival Under Saddam Hussein on + 19 more book reviews
This is one of the best books I have ever read!