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Topic: March - What Are You Reading?

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sandi00 avatar
Subject: March - What Are You Reading?
Date Posted: 3/9/2012 11:56 PM ET
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I've gotten some great ideas for new books & authors to discover in the monthly "what are you reading" (even if it has slowed a bit in the last few months).  However, right now I'm gonna give a suggestion of what not to read...  I'm about 3/4 of the way thru Chris Manby's "Liz Jordan's Secret Life" and I... um... have not enjoyed it much at all.  I'm going to finish it because I'm hoping that somehow the end will make up for the dismal rest of it, although I doubt it.  I'll keep you posted indecision

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Date Posted: 3/10/2012 2:17 AM ET
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I already put it on my shelf since I'm almost done with it but I'm reading Swapping Lives by Jane Green.  I like it but don't like it at the same time.  I would probably give it 4 stars out of 5 so far.  I think my main issue with it is I feel like it kind of drags out things that could be shortened a bit.  I guess it's just that I have so many books so I don't want to waste my time reading something that drags things out too much, haha.

sandi00 avatar
Date Posted: 3/12/2012 11:07 PM ET
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Amber, I felt that way about Swapping Lives, too! 

I'm just starting an audiobook of Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella.  I read it a long time ago but thought the audiobook version of it would be fun - plus it would allow me to get some chores done while getting my book fix at the same time :-)

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Date Posted: 3/13/2012 2:41 PM ET
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I haven't read Twenties Girl yet. That's one I need to add to my (way too long!) list of books to read one day!!

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Date Posted: 3/17/2012 8:03 PM ET
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I put off reading Twenties Girl thinking I wouldn't like it, but it turned out to be one of my favorites. In fact, I remember feeling so sad that it was over when I finished! 

I bought into the hype and started the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy. It's very hot...not my usual fare, but really, really enjoyable so far!

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Date Posted: 3/22/2012 7:53 PM ET
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I am just finishing The Penny Pinchers Club by Sarah Strohmeyer. It has been a good book about a girl who spends way too much and ends up trying to be very thrifty.

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Date Posted: 3/25/2012 3:02 AM ET
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I guess this isn't so much chick lit but I am now reading The Icing on the Cake by Alison Kent.

So far it is pretty good.  If I only had the time to do it, I could probably finish it in a day because I really don't want to put it down!

sandi00 avatar
Date Posted: 3/25/2012 10:16 AM ET
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Thanks for the link to Icing on the Cake, Amber.  I just added it to my wishlist.

I just finished Twenties Girl and loved it.  It does give you a sad feeling when it's over because it's a great story!  Now I'm listening to "Rumor has It" by Jill Mansell (one of my favorite British Chick Lit authors of all time :-) and I'm also reading The Diary, which isn't Chick LIt but is really engaging.

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Date Posted: 3/25/2012 12:30 PM ET
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Well, I like The Icing on the Cake mostly because I can sort of relate to it. It's about online dating which I've tried before. I met some of my exes that way, haha.  So I guess that's why I like it. It may not be for everyone but I am liking it so far.

I added The Diary to my reminder list. It looks kind of good!


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Date Posted: 4/3/2012 4:06 PM ET
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This isn't chick lit but I am now reading She's Not There: A Life in Two Genders by Jennifer Finney Boylan.

I am liking it so far. It wasn't what I was expecting, but sometimes that makes books more interesting I suppose.  It's been a quick read. I am sure I'll have it finished within a couple of days.

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Date Posted: 4/18/2012 1:48 PM ET
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I am almost done with PS, I Love You by Cecelia Ahern.

I have liked it so far & am curious to see how it ends! Hopefully I will finish it tonight.  I know the book has been out for a long time but I am just now getting around to reading it.  I have never seen the movie yet either but I may have to watch it soon while the story line is still in my head!

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Date Posted: 4/28/2012 5:21 PM ET
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I'm not really sure if this is chick lit or not (I suppose it could fit more than one category), but I am reading Why My Third Husband Will Be a Dog by Lisa Scottoline. 

I'm about halfway done, but it's been pretty good.  I've laughed at most of the stories at least once or twice.  I am definitely going to check to see what other books she's written.

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Date Posted: 5/2/2012 5:14 PM ET
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I am about halfway done with The Fidelity Files by Jessica Brody.

It has been really good!!  I wish I would have found this author before! I even added 2 of her other books to my WL since starting this one.

megt avatar
Date Posted: 3/7/2013 9:30 PM ET
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I loved Twenties Girl, one of her best. I just finished two of Diane Chamberlians back to back, they were good and easy reads.
sandi00 avatar
Date Posted: 3/7/2013 11:14 PM ET
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I agree Twenties Girl is one of Sophie Kinsella's best! 

I discovered another British chick lit author I like a lot: Kate Harrison.  A PBS member gave me an unpostable copy of The Secret Shopper's Revenge & I loved it!

I've just finished the Happiness Key books (Happiness Key, Fortunate Harbor & Sunset Bridge - by Emilie Richards).  I don't think they're considered chick lit, but I really, really liked them all!  Got Happiness Key (book 1) on recommendation from a fellow member & was so thrilled to find there were 2 more books in the series.  Great female characters, some mystery & overall really good reads.  Trying to figure out what I'm gonna read next in my stack :-)

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Date Posted: 3/8/2013 4:24 PM ET
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I still haven't read Twenties Girl.  I need to get around to that one!

And I must say that I think that sometimes the hardest part about reading is deciding what to read next!! 

megt avatar
Date Posted: 3/14/2013 11:16 AM ET
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"And I must say that I think that sometimes the hardest part about reading is deciding what to read next!! "
Amber - this is so true!  I stress for days about what to start next since I have joined this site!  But not a bad problem to have!
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Date Posted: 3/14/2013 2:00 PM ET
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Margaret, I am totally the same way!  I will literally waste time sifting through books trying to find the perfect one to read next.  If I happen to notice that someone has a book on their WL that I own, then I will grab it & read it next, which is why I'm reading the one I am in the middle of right now, but when that doesn't happen, I can spend a few days trying to pick something!

sandi00 avatar
Date Posted: 3/14/2013 3:23 PM ET
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Glad to hear I'm not alone in trying to make up my mind on what to read :-).  Nothing is striking my fancy right now.  I started Wedding Ring by Emilie Richards because I liked her Happiness Key books, but it's kind of emotional & sad and although it's a good story, I'm not really in the mood for it right now.  I'm gonna keep digging & find something lighter :-)

berd avatar
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Date Posted: 3/14/2013 3:39 PM ET
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I've been reading a LOT of sad books lately so I know what you mean, Sandi!  Sometimes finding something light & cheery is needed after reading some major downers.  I read one about a girl who was raped, then one about school shootings, now one is about someone who lost her dog (which if you're a pet owner like me is sad), so I'm thinking the next book I find will have to be something not so depressing! smiley

I hope you find something good to read, Sandi!

Last Edited on: 3/14/13 3:40 PM ET - Total times edited: 1