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Topic: March 2025 Health & Fitness Chat Forum

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vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 3/10/2025 6:49 PM ET
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I don't wear regular shorts but I wear capris.  It's what I wear year round unless it gets really chilly. Then I pull out the jogging pants.

Teri, you're doing great as far as the candy goes. Better than I would be doing.

Margaret, sorry you've gone up a few pounds. Hope you'll be able to maintain it if you can't drop any this month.

Honestly, sometimes I feel like I have a screw loose when it comes to food. I want to eat smart so the weight will come off, but I get such cravings for the very foods I know I should stay away from. Not because they're bad but because for me, they're comfort foods and when I have it, I eat way too much. Things like Mac n cheese, egg rolls, chicken & rice, potato salad, to name a few. And grocery shopping is a nightmare because my store has buy 1, get 1 free sales every week, and there are ALWAYS a few things I only buy when they have the 2 for 1 sales. And it always seems to be things I'd really be better off not buying at all, but I can't seem to help myself. You wouldn't believe how many times I redo my grocery list the week before I buy groceries. I try to be smart with choices then I think about the sales and what I'm missing, so I try to add a few things. Then I feel guilty and will change the list again and again. And then after all that, what I end up buying, within a week I'm no longer satisfied with what I bought, but then don't have the money to buy other stuff. So I'm stuck until the next grocery day. And I only shop once a month for most things cause some things are cheaper if you buy like a 4 pack instead of 1-2 singles (like buying tuna). I have a tight budget so I have to stretch it as far as I can. So I go over and over my grocery list, making changes, but still end up not totally satisfied. Sometimes I really wish I didn't have to eat. It'd make things a lot easier. Know what I mean?

schnauzer-mom avatar
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Date Posted: 3/11/2025 8:10 AM ET
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Yeah, Vicki, having to eat makes life tough sometimes! I have noticed .5 loss for every day I stay away from Werthers. So last Wednesday I was at 205. Today I'm at 202. This is just encouraging enough to keep me away from Werthers. I do have a couple as a bedtime treat.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 3/11/2025 8:55 AM ET
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You're doing great Teri. My issue isn't so much sugar anymore, but salt is. And that'll add the extra weight overnight on me.

frogslady avatar
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Subject: Shorts
Date Posted: 3/12/2025 10:46 PM ET
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I wear shorts around the house all year round. My legs are not particularly attractive, especially with the scar from the knee replacement, but it's what I am comfortable in. That said, not shirt shorts! Mine go almost to the knees.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 3/13/2025 5:37 AM ET
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Saw the doctor yesterday and he wants me to go in for an x-ray of my knee. But he signed a paper for me to get a 6 month handicap placard for the car, so I don't have to walk as far when I go places. Depending on what the x-ray shows I may get upgraded to a permanent handicap placard. He went over all my lab work and it was all good. He said my A1C was excellent, which he was surprised over. I've never been even close to being diabetic, so I wasn't surprised. I get more lab work done before my next office visit Sept. 12th. He also added a night time gerd medicine since the daytime one doesn't work well enough. He kept me on that one but added the night time one as added benefit.

Margaret, glad to hear from you. I really can't wear any above the knee shorts as they tend to roll up on me So at the kneww or to below the knee works better.

schnauzer-mom avatar
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Date Posted: 3/13/2025 5:59 AM ET
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Today 201.5. I am having lunch out today, which I haven't done in a month. I think staying away from candy is definitely helping me.

I couldn't find any info in my medical record files about measles. So I got the bright idea to look in my Dad's Memoir that he wrote from his journals. In 1960, when I was in first grade, all three of us kids had measles, spaced 2 weeks apart. My poor mother! My sibs were just toddlers.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 3/13/2025 7:29 PM ET
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Back then parents wanted the kids to get them together to get it over with quicker.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 3/14/2025 8:04 AM ET
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Back down to 238. Hopefully no more yo-yo-ing for awhile.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 3/15/2025 6:43 AM ET
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Spoke too soon. At 239 this morning. But I had more than normal sodium yesterday so will keep that down today.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 3/16/2025 8:34 AM ET
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Staying at 239 to start off the new week. Looks like I'm going to be staying in the 230's for awhile.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 3/17/2025 9:41 AM ET
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I'm 240.2 today which doesn't make me happy, but it is what it is. Had to go to courthouse this morning to tax collectors office since our local DMV is closed until the end of July. Doctor gave me paperwork to get a temperary handicap permit for my car so I can park closer to stores when out. It's only good for 6 months but depending on what my knee shows when I get the xray done it it, he could make it permanent.

  I got in some added walking since I had to park over a block away from the courthouse. More walking than I have in awhile so my leg isn't too happy with me.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 3/19/2025 8:23 AM ET
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Back under 240 again. I'm 239.2 this morning. I truly hate the yo-yo-ing I go thru. I'll get in some extra walking today when I go after my mail. Having to walk slower and using the cane but have a package coming so will need to go get it. It's about a block each way from my apt, so not a long walk but at least I'll get in a little exercise.

schnauzer-mom avatar
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Date Posted: 3/19/2025 8:42 AM ET
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I'm at 203 today. I was in town at 7 this morning for a blood draw. I see my nephrologist on Monday. I hope my eGFR is satisfactory. I'll find out later today.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 3/19/2025 5:07 PM ET
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Hope it's all good,Teri.

schnauzer-mom avatar
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Date Posted: 3/19/2025 5:36 PM ET
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Vicki, it was good. My kidney function is stable in Stage 3a. I'm happy.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 3/20/2025 7:57 AM ET
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That's good Teri.

I'm still yo-yo-ing like crazy and going the wrong way. I'm 240.6 today. But it IS my own fault and I've been eating more of things I shouldn't be eating. So I shouldn't complain when the scale tells on me.

schnauzer-mom avatar
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Date Posted: 3/20/2025 8:45 AM ET
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Yeah, I have only myself to blame when I throw caution to the wind.  I'm planning on donating some store-bought cookie dough in my freezer, as well as some other things, to the food pantry Saturday.  I already know I'm going to be up a few pounds from my last Nephrology visit so I'm not starving myself now.  I suppose going in heavier this time, my anticipated weight loss at next appointment will be very good. It's too late to lose much before Monday.  I have my weekly lunch with friends today.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 3/20/2025 7:23 PM ET
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My big issue has been potato chips. I just threw away the last big bag of them and won't be buying any more for the time being.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 3/22/2025 1:37 AM ET
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The doctor prescribed a nighttime Gerd medicine that does absolutely no good. Monday I'll call and see if he'll prescribe something else. It's like pure acid in my throat right now. It's why I'm up right now.

schnauzer-mom avatar
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Date Posted: 3/22/2025 5:19 AM ET
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Vicki, which foods seem to aggravate your GERD?

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 3/22/2025 8:58 AM ET
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Some days it seems like everything does, but it's mainly spicy foods, dairy, wheat products, chocolate, anything with caffeine, anything with strong flavors.

Last night was due to dairy as I had had some shredded cheese on ritz crackers as my supper.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 3/23/2025 8:16 AM ET
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I'm starting out the new week at 240.6. I need to drop 2.2 lbs just to show a loss for the month. So we'll see what happens this week.

Hope ya'll reach your weekly goals.

frogslady avatar
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Subject: Hey!
Date Posted: 3/24/2025 12:03 AM ET
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I'm working a lot, and my weight goes up and down, but as long as it doesn't go too high, I'm fine with that till mid April, and then I'll really concentrate on health. I do have a mammogram scheduled for April 1st.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 3/24/2025 10:41 AM ET
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Glad to hear from you. Just do what you can. You'll be ok.

schnauzer-mom avatar
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Date Posted: 3/24/2025 11:31 AM ET
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I had a satisfactory Nephrology visit, although their scales weighed me at 208, with my clothes on. I treated myself to tomato soup with baguette at Paneras. I rarely go there. Now I'm off to the grocery store. Its cold today!
