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Topic: March 2024 Health & Fitness Forum

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icantswim avatar
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Date Posted: 3/23/2024 11:41 AM ET
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Oh, Vicki. I'm sorry to hear your news. What anxiety that must be causing you - and over two weeks until you can hopefully breathe easy. I will pray for you to get an all-clear diagnosis, and pray for strength these next two weeks while you wait. 

I remember you mentioned not using your scale anymore. Has that helped? 

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 3/24/2024 5:26 AM ET
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Thanks Heather. Hopefully I'm ok.

I miss the scale at times but not bad enough to seek one out elsewhere. It makes my mornings better not seeing the number on the scale. I'm trying to eat smarter but sometimes I don't eat as I should. But my body has a way of letting me know if I eat something I shouldn't. End up spending a lot of time in the bathroom when that happens.

icantswim avatar
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Date Posted: 3/24/2024 9:11 PM ET
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Hi, all,

I have opened a continuation of current fitness challenge if you would like to join in!

Be Healthy for More Life: April Fitness Challenge

It is four weeks only: March 30 - April 26

Very similar to the current challenge with weigh-ins on Friday

I do not need to know your weight *unless you want me to do your % calculations for you* - otherwise you can do your calculations and keep your weight private

No pressure to join, but you are all certainly invited!

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 3/25/2024 8:29 AM ET
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Thanks Heather. That's kind of you.

Where is everyone else today? Hope you're all doing something you enjoy and staying active.

schnauzer-mom avatar
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Date Posted: 3/25/2024 11:02 AM ET
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If by active, you mean shoveling 20" of snow, then,  yes, I'm active. Actually, I shoveled yesterday. Today I'm hoping the sun takes care of more. I will have to shovel around the van so I can get in it but my neighbor plowed most of the driveway. I did the porch, the steps up to the driveway and a path to the woodshed.  

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 3/26/2024 8:33 AM ET
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Teri, that definately is being active. A good workout to be sure.

I've been fairly lazy this week so far. Gearing up for Thursdays medical tests and biopsy. Had to stop taking aspirin today until after the biopsy. I don't like doing that since I've taken an aspirin daily for many, many years, but they're thinking about bleeding issues with the biopsy, so I'm off the aspirin for the next 2 days. My friend Phyllis is determined I'm not going to go thru the tests by myself so she's meeting me at the hospital and afterwards we'll go to the hospital cafeteria for breakfast. She wants to buy me breakfast plus extra food I can just reheat later on because she doesn't want  me have to cook at all that day. I've told her it wasn't necessary but she's almost 88 years old and very determined. I think it's really sweet she cares so much for me. She's really been there for me since Bob died. She's like a Mom to me.

schnauzer-mom avatar
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Date Posted: 3/26/2024 8:55 AM ET
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We all need friends like Phyllis!

icantswim avatar
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Date Posted: 3/26/2024 7:07 PM ET
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That is a darling, sweet story about Phyllis, Vicki! 

frogslady avatar
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Subject: Vicki
Date Posted: 3/27/2024 12:22 AM ET
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I'm so glad to know you have Phyllis! Hope all the tests go well!

frogslady avatar
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Subject: Dentist
Date Posted: 3/27/2024 12:25 AM ET
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My healthy activity today was to go to the dentist for routine cleaning. Two small cavities, but I can live with that. I made the appointment to get them filled AFTER tax day. 

was trying to figure out why I spent so little time on PBS the last few days... oh, duh, it was the basketball tournament! Last night I was at the Iowa game!

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 3/27/2024 8:58 AM ET
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Thanks everyone. Phyllis is very sweet. Sometimes a little annoying but I know she means well.

Margaret, hope you enjoyed the games. I've never really cared for basketball or football. Really not baseball either but I enjoy watching the Little League games each Summer and watching the kids play.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 3/27/2024 4:45 PM ET
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Ok, I decided to do something I swore I wouldn't do. I went to Walmarts this morning and bought myself a new scale. I guess I hate not knowing my weight worse than my hate for the scale. So I'm back using it. I weighed first thing and I'm 4 lbs less than the weigh in at the doctors office 2 weeks ago but 4 lbs. heavier than on March 1st. I was afraid it'd be much worse. But now I'll be a little more careful over my eating.

 My friend decided not to go with me to the hospital in the morning. It's just too difficult for her to go from parking lot to hospital since she walks almost bent double. But she made me promise I'd buy enough cooked food so I don't have to cook tomorrow and she'll pay me back for what I get. So I agreed to that. I'll just be glad when it's all over with.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 3/28/2024 11:19 AM ET
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I got thru the procedures this morning and I'm ok. The biopsy was a little more invasive than I expected, and now I also have a tiny chip implanted for future exams. Had a bad spell right afterwards, almost passed out, but they put a fan on me and put a wet cloth on my forehead and got me some ginger ale, and after about 10 minutes the spell passed. Hope I never have to have another biopsy.

I have to take it really easy the next 24 hours. No lifting, no aspirin, and no shower til this time tomorrow. So I'm just going to binge watch my shows and take it easy. So don't worry, I'm fine.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 3/29/2024 8:12 AM ET
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Weigh in this morning, 250.3

icantswim avatar
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Date Posted: 3/29/2024 10:22 AM ET
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Thanks for the good news update, Vicki. I'm glad your procedure went well. Now, it's just a waiting game. Stay strong. 

Margaret, glad you're dental visit was mostly good news too. 

Teri, I hope that snow has started to melt.

schnauzer-mom avatar
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Date Posted: 3/29/2024 12:10 PM ET
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Oh, yes, snow is melting. Lots of mud.  Although I still have considerable snow in my yard, there is a small geyser bubbling up in the side yard. I get snow melt off the field next door too.

icantswim avatar
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Date Posted: 3/29/2024 3:16 PM ET
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Teri - I feel you. We have a south-facing front yard, and the snow takes forever to melt compared to other homes around us. 

Today ends my third week using Healthi. I didn't exercise this week because I was busy with other stuff, so I was very careful with my food. I am happy to say that earlier this week I crossed the 5-lbs-loss milestone (compared to my January start weight). And, not only that, but today was my lowest weight yet. I am down 6.5 lbs from my January start weight. Down 4 lbs since I started using Healthi three weeks ago. Yay! This motivates me to keep working at it and making good choices to see how far I can go. My goal was always to lose 10 lbs from my January start weight - I have 3.5 lbs more to go. That will take some time, so I will just keep at it.

Thank you all for being such a supportive group. It makes me happy to have a group to share with like this.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 3/30/2024 8:53 AM ET
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You're doing great Heather !! Keep up the good work. And Teri, hope the snow all melts soon and it'll start feeling more like Spring there.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 4/1/2024 8:06 AM ET
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This months forum is closed. Please join me in the April chat room. See you there. STOP
