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I was down a little bit at my weigh in yesterday. I can't remember my exact numbers since I'm not in front of my journal but it wasn't as much as I'd have liked. We're in a cold spell so I'm not real motivated to work out in the garage gym or walk. Going to have to be one of those make myself weeks. You can't expect to succeed if you only put in work on the days you feel like it. |
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You can't expect to succeed if you only put in work on the days you feel like it. This is great Shayla. Speaks to me as well. |
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Back to 198. Gotta be the shoveling! I got almost 2 feet of new snow courtesy of the nor'easter that hit Tuesday. It took a long time to shovel a narrow path up to the driveway and a path to the satellite dish to clear the snow off it so I could get reception. After being without power for 15 hours, I was willing to shovel out to the dish after the power returned. Today I have to excavate my van out of the snow and then shovel the snow I get off it. I treated myself to a pancake breakfast yesterday because I knew I'd be shoveling! Last Edited on: 3/16/23 6:23 AM ET - Total times edited: 1 |
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You can't expect to succeed if you only put in work on the days you feel like it. So true Shayla! This is a good motivator to keep working every day. |
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Teri, I know shoveling is good exercise but I don't envy you all that snow having to be shoveled. You did great. And hope you enjoyed the pancakes. I'm happy to say I'm down 7 lbs. since last Sunday. I was 248.8 and I'm down to 241.8 this morning. So that pleases me. I know it's water weight for the most part, but just glad to see the numbers coming back down. Wanting to be under 240 by the 26th if at all possible. Sure trying. Last Edited on: 3/19/23 8:30 AM ET - Total times edited: 1 |
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I'm starting out the new week at 241, so I'm down 7.8 lbs. for the week. I hope to be under 240 next Sunday. |
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Up .8, but I think that is likely from pizza out yesterday. We'll see in a day or so, but regardless I seem to be more in a maintain state than a losing state. Apparently I am not that concerned with getting this 10-15 pounds off or I'd be doing something different. |
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Lisa, You'll get there. Don't beat yourself up. Hope you enjoyed your day out yesterday. I'm yo-yo-ing 2lbs. back & forth, but still staying down 5 lbs. from last Sunday. Hopefully I'll be on the low end of the yo-yo-ing on Sunday. |
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Still at 199. I'm educating myself about insulin resistance. I have a couple books plus there's much info online, articles, youtube. I read somewhere that eating 2 good meals a day between 9 am and 4 pm helps the metabolism. That's basically what I do. I eat a good high protein breakfast, 1/2 cup of my plain homemade whole milk greek yogurt for lunch, then I eat supper at 4. Eating an early supper ensures it digests before bed. And this regimen stimulates insulin production/usage. Also I'm reading that the idea of resistant starches is significant. This is what I ate yesterday: Breakfast (8:30 am) 2 fried eggs, 3 oz leftover steak (usually I have canadian bacon) Lunch (12n) 1/2 cup yogurt Supper (4:30 pm). I made sauteed Brussels Sprouts with bacon, onion, balsamic vinaigrette. It was delicious! My body felt good all evenng. Snack: vanilla pudding cup A few months ago I bought a yogurt maker. Bear Yogurt maker. On Amazon it was $69 but I bought an extra jar container. I love it! It makes about a quart at a time. I use whole milk Lactaid, 1 quart. And I mix in 4 tablespoons of a store bought plain Greek yogurt. 10 hours later its done "cooking". I put the jar in the frig for a few hours, or overnight, so it can rest and solidify. Finally, I transfer this yogurt to the acommpanying strainer basket and extra jar, put it in the frig so liquid can strain out. This process makes the finished yogurt very thick, creamy and smooth and very mild tasting. The store bought plain greek yogurt has an acidic taste, no matter what brand. My yogurt has NO acidic taste. Its so mild. I love it. I think you can also make a soft cheese in this maker. Last Edited on: 3/23/23 10:35 AM ET - Total times edited: 4 |
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Well, I undid all my good yesterday by pigging out on Pizza Hut pizza. Haven't had any in quite awhile so I ordered a meat lovers with black olives added and I chowed down on that all thru the day (didn't want left overs the next day). But it told the tale this morning when I got on the scale. Of the 7 lbs. I had lost, I'm back up 6 of those pounds. But I'm owning those as I thoroughly enjoyed every bite of that pizza. Hoping to do better this week. |
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Up .4 - continuing my up/down/up saga. I've got the maintain thing down well. Now if I could just get the lose thing going. Ironically my sugar fast hasn't seemed to help. That means I must be eating non-sugar stuff to make up for it. Obviously I'm not in a calorie deficit. For April I think I need to make it a no snacking month. Snacking derails me. I've got very lazy with the intermittent fasting too. Probably need to tighten that up and stick to the schedule better. |
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April 2023 Health and Fitness is posted. |
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I'm like Lisa - continuing the up and down thing. On the bright side - I'm maintaining rather than gaining. But I sure would like to really get the losing thing going! |
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Ug I just lost a whole post. Too tired to do it all again. basically low energy and weight gain all month. Doctor visit, checkup but I also mentioned recent spotting. Lots of tests yesterday. No surprises... basically my TSH is way too high and this is probably causing all the other issues. tomorrow I will have a mammogram and then be all caught up on screenings. I give up on all goals for March and will start over in April. Last Edited on: 3/30/23 4:31 PM ET - Total times edited: 1 |
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