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Topic: Less mail?

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IlliniAlum83 avatar
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Subject: Less mail?
Date Posted: 3/20/2020 11:30 AM ET
Member Since: 4/28/2009
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  Since lockdown a week ago, we have had a couple days with a lot less junk mail-- YAY!  But guess the store and restaurant closings won't affect the advertising cycle for another week or two since these mailings were already in the pipeline.

Another thing that's happened is our mail is being delivered HOURS earlier ( 3-5hrs)  than usual.  Same delivery person, but I'm thinking there's alot less to put into the mailboxes so the route is moving faster.

rainbowgirl28 avatar
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Date Posted: 4/4/2020 1:42 PM ET
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Yes, USPS has had a huge drop in letter mail and advertising, which is crippling them financially. They are asking Congress for money, but we'll see how that goes... 

rebeccam avatar
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Date Posted: 4/5/2020 3:42 PM ET
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The carriers here are on staggered schedules so they are not all inside at once so that is why the mail sometimes comes early here. I'm still getting all the junk mail and advertising.

eclecticfirefly avatar
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Date Posted: 4/6/2020 1:12 AM ET
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Our carriers are not on staggered schedules at my station.  We do have a lot less letter mail, but many more parcels.  Lots of folks are ordering online instead of shopping locally.

The window business has picked up this past week.  The previous 2 weeks it was a lot slower.  We do have marks on the floor to help remind folks to stay apart.  It helps.