"Killers to the left of me, hacks to the right, here I am...stuck in the middle without a clue." This is a taste of the wonderful sense of humor Kasey Michaels infuses into her protagonist Maggie Kelly in this second entry of the series after Maggie Needs An Alibi. If Maggie's frustration is peeking out a bit, it's no wonder. She has finally started to adjust to having the characters from her popular Regency era mystery series; Alexandre Drake, Viscount Saint Just, now calling himself Alex Blakely, and his sidekick Sterling Balder, brought to all too real, living breathing life, when she finds herself roped into attending a writer's conference, topped off with finding out Alex has entered himself in the cover model contest! Shenanigans, accidents and murder - Oh, My!
This book, for me, is primarily about the characters, followed by the mystery. Michaels' characters, including the secondary ones, are fresh and vibrant, no bland, lifeless personalities here. The emotions felt by the main characters are so understandable and relatable; Maggie's frustrations at herself for her creating the exasperating strutting, self-assured, perfect man Saint Just and Alex's confusion at what Maggie could possibly see in "Left-tenant" Steve Wendell. My favorite is the bumbling, bewildered, but lovable Sterling as he continues to adjust to modern colloquialism. And his stint at becoming a rapper you must read for yourself, I don't want to spoil one moment of the transplanted Regency gentleman's attempts at modern song. While Sterling offers a great deal of humour, it is his understated insights about his companions that gives the book its heart and soul.
I was in need of a good, light, fun read and this book filled the niche perfectly. I wasn't sure if Michael's would be able to keep the same unique freshness and novelty as she had in the first book but, no need to worry on that front, she easily succeeds. The author is known mostly for her romance novels, which I have not read, but if you are looking for a cozy mystery with quirky, lovable characters, a completely unique twist and just a touch of romance than give this series a try. Do your self a favor and start at the beginning so you don't miss one delightful moment!
This book, for me, is primarily about the characters, followed by the mystery. Michaels' characters, including the secondary ones, are fresh and vibrant, no bland, lifeless personalities here. The emotions felt by the main characters are so understandable and relatable; Maggie's frustrations at herself for her creating the exasperating strutting, self-assured, perfect man Saint Just and Alex's confusion at what Maggie could possibly see in "Left-tenant" Steve Wendell. My favorite is the bumbling, bewildered, but lovable Sterling as he continues to adjust to modern colloquialism. And his stint at becoming a rapper you must read for yourself, I don't want to spoil one moment of the transplanted Regency gentleman's attempts at modern song. While Sterling offers a great deal of humour, it is his understated insights about his companions that gives the book its heart and soul.
I was in need of a good, light, fun read and this book filled the niche perfectly. I wasn't sure if Michael's would be able to keep the same unique freshness and novelty as she had in the first book but, no need to worry on that front, she easily succeeds. The author is known mostly for her romance novels, which I have not read, but if you are looking for a cozy mystery with quirky, lovable characters, a completely unique twist and just a touch of romance than give this series a try. Do your self a favor and start at the beginning so you don't miss one delightful moment!
KELLY"S LAW #1: Just when things seem to be settling down, the other shoe drops...with a vengeance. In this case it's more like a boot-a Regency-era riding boot belonging to Alexandra Blake, Viscount Saint Just, hero of the best sellers I write. And the man who's been throwing gold filigree monkey wrenches into my life for the past 3 months. When he defied all laws of time, space, and-let's face it-reality by walking out of my dreams and into my living room, I figured there must be a way to get him back home to the corner of my fevered imagination from which he escaped. Okay, so I was wrong. The thing is, I'm kind of getting used to having him around. Alex Blakely, as Saint Just now calls himself, isn't exactly hard on the eyes, and he's chock full of editorial suggestions. Not that I need them. Much.
KELLY"S LAW #2: All's fair in love and WAR. WAR being We Are Romance, the country's largest romance writers' group. Despite the fact that the WAR-riors unofficially booted me from their club a while back, I'm still technically a member, which is how I got the invition to their Manhattan conference. How Alex convinced me to go-and take him along-is another story. I just knew it would be a bad thing. Bad for my blood pressure...and very bad for my budding flirtation with Lieutenant Steve Wendell-he of the shaggy hair and NYPD-who's been suspicious of my relationship with Alex from the get-go. Of course, there's nothing to be suspicious about...yet. But my publisher and agent are attending the conference, Plus, complimentary cocktails! When will I learn there's no such thing as a free drink?
KELLY"S LAW #3: That thing sticking in your back that looks like a knife? If you're at a writers conference...it probably is. The best part of WAR thus far has been witnessing Alex being mistaken for a cover model competition contestant. The worst part? Take your pick: Conniving colleagues. Over-ambitious wannabe writers. Homicidal maniacs. Then, the publisher of the country's leading romance book review rag is offed in the elevatoe. Now, Alex is on the case. And so is Steve. And so am I.Killers to the left of me, hacks to the right, here I am...stuck in the middle without a clue. Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking, again.
KELLY"S LAW #2: All's fair in love and WAR. WAR being We Are Romance, the country's largest romance writers' group. Despite the fact that the WAR-riors unofficially booted me from their club a while back, I'm still technically a member, which is how I got the invition to their Manhattan conference. How Alex convinced me to go-and take him along-is another story. I just knew it would be a bad thing. Bad for my blood pressure...and very bad for my budding flirtation with Lieutenant Steve Wendell-he of the shaggy hair and NYPD-who's been suspicious of my relationship with Alex from the get-go. Of course, there's nothing to be suspicious about...yet. But my publisher and agent are attending the conference, Plus, complimentary cocktails! When will I learn there's no such thing as a free drink?
KELLY"S LAW #3: That thing sticking in your back that looks like a knife? If you're at a writers conference...it probably is. The best part of WAR thus far has been witnessing Alex being mistaken for a cover model competition contestant. The worst part? Take your pick: Conniving colleagues. Over-ambitious wannabe writers. Homicidal maniacs. Then, the publisher of the country's leading romance book review rag is offed in the elevatoe. Now, Alex is on the case. And so is Steve. And so am I.Killers to the left of me, hacks to the right, here I am...stuck in the middle without a clue. Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking, again.
If you like Kasey Michaels, you'll love this series. Her Maggie series is addicting, you read one and can't wait to get to the next.