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Topic: *****MAY WISHES******

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IlliniAlum83 avatar
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Subject: *****MAY WISHES******
Date Posted: 4/30/2024 8:52 PM ET
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REMINDER:  The RAOK forum is open to the public, not just to PBS members.  To protect your privacy, the 3 monthly recurring threads are intended to be limited to just what their titles say - Wishes, RAOK offers, and Thanks for wishes granted.  In other words, the posts in these 3 threads should be originating messages only.  Responses to, or chat about, those posts should be by private PMs.  Chatting is welcome in the Share and Care forum, which is limited to PBS members, and where card showers and prayer chains are available for anyone who asks for support.  To protect your privacy, please do not post your addresses in these threads - we prefer that you ask people to PM for your address.  Thanks!

Welcome to the Wishes thread, where we post our wishes - maybe things we collect, something we can no longer find in our area, things we have always wanted, etc, etc. No wish is too unusual (though common sense is appreciated!); you never know what will turn up.

We must all abide by these PBS rules :
You may not wish for money or money-like items such as gift cardspostage, or for monetary donations for any charities. 
 You may ask for things you collect for charities, such as cancelled stamps, pop can tabs, etc., but you may not solicit funding. This includes donations for GoFundMe and other fund-raising events.
No buying or selling or advertising. No spam posts.
No wishing for credits.  Credits are bought, sold and loaned only in the Book Bazaar forum, or you may use the PBS Kiosk to purchase them.
Do NOT ask for books, since books are swapped on the site and book deals are made in the Book Bazaar. Sorry, but you may not ask for free books of any kind. (Unpostable books are given away in the damaged book thread of the Bazaar and sometimes in the RAOK thread.  There is also a Damaged/Unpostable Virtual Box in the Games forum.  New participants are welcome!)

Our own RAOK rules: 
Please do not offer payment for the things you are sent, including postage. RAOKs are given freely, asking nothing in return except a thank you. You could pay it forward by granting a wish yourself.
Please limit your wishes to no more than 10. Lists could get very long. You can always edit as you go along.***************
Unlike many other forums, we ask that you do NOT reply within the threads. We do everything by PMs between members. This keeps the threads clutter-free and easy to use. When you come to this ***Wishes*** thread, you see wishes. In the ***RAOK*** thread, it's all about things we are giving away - simple and easy. And to protect your privacy, please do not post your address in the thread - it's all done via PM.
Please check in and answer your PMsIt's frustrating when people want to grant your wishes and don't hear from you!
PLEASE say THANK YOU to the person who grants your wish You may use our monthly ***Thank You*** thread, or you may acknowledge what you have received via a personal PM to the member(s) who granted your wishes. This is very important if you wish to continue to receive things from others.

Check the RAOK thread before you post wishes -- the thing you want may already be there for the asking!  If you see a wish you can grant, just PM the poster for their address.
And please remember, if one of the moderators contacts you about a posting, then we are only trying to keep the forum running smoothly and according to PBS rules. If you are asked to change, move, or delete your post, please do so. Most of you know that the PBS team does get involved to edit posts, and accounts do get suspended, if rules are broken. We hate to see that happen to our fellow RAOKers!

If you have questions, feel free to contact me.  I wish that your wish(es) will be granted!

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 5/1/2024 10:20 AM ET
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Happy May everyone. Hope it's a good month for you.

My wishes for this month are:

Pretty seasonal stickers for Spring or Summer, butterflies, etc. Also inspirational ones are fine. No glitter please, and no real childish or school type please. Antique looking ones are great too. Think more adult style, not for small children. I have none at all so will really appreciate the help.


Thanks to anyone that can grant my wishes this month.

Last Edited on: 5/21/24 4:40 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
IlliniAlum83 avatar
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Date Posted: 5/1/2024 10:53 AM ET
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No stuff needed as I will be homebound all month. May be able to drive again as of June 1.

But I do need more prayers. Started outpatient PT yesterday and  was able to do some light chores at home. I was so sore I barely slept again. Took one of my last few pain pills at 12:30 and got 2 hours of sleep.......this 2 hour chunks of sleep schedule is not helping my mind focus.  My neuropathy is not as bad today, easier to type now.

Friends have been great about coming to visit, driving me to PT, making meals. and of course, all of you who are keeping my mailbox full of happy mail !!

Generic Profile avatar
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Date Posted: 5/1/2024 1:05 PM ET
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May wishes:colored envelopes[any size),spring/summer stickers,stationary

kevinsbebe avatar
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Date Posted: 5/1/2024 1:48 PM ET
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My May wish is for birthday cards. My birthday is tomorrow and I'd love to actually get a card or two this year. Thanks in advance.

vickyt avatar
Vicky (vickyt) - ,
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Date Posted: 5/1/2024 8:04 PM ET
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For May, I would love for people who believe to pray for all of those in the path of the terrible storms that have been hitting across the US.

If you can, whisper a prayer for Chuck, his cancer has spread to his kidneys.  In March of  2021 he was given 3 years to live.  He has reached that prediction and pray that he continues to hold his health out until August when his only child is getting married.


Last Edited on: 5/29/24 10:33 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
justcyn avatar
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Date Posted: 5/2/2024 10:58 AM ET
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Would enjoy an anniversary card for our 6th year of marriage coming up on the 14th. It's been a challenging ride from Covid, tornado, bombing, family, health and work issues. Thanks in advance:)

Last Edited on: 5/2/24 3:41 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
Generic Profile avatar
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Date Posted: 5/2/2024 9:47 PM ET
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Prayers always for our country and world to come together in faith, compassion, and kindness. Related to preceeding, to help put a kind permanent end to Covid and to work toward all of God's life having a safe, faith filled, loving shelter that is warm and has necessities. 
Dad and I health prayers extra appreciated this month that we may both fully recover from foot and other issues. Grace of God, I have a physical therapy plan in place. God willing my first PT session will be next week. 
May is my birthday month. I'd appreciate any cards or PM's along with always prayers. Extra heartfelt birthday month wish is that each of you please tell someone you love or care about TODAY (do not wait) that you do! Let them do the same for you. 
To anyone going to Walmart, I would appreciate tremendously you looking for Jell-O Instant Chocolate Fudge Pudding in the 3.9oz size box. This is the only size and version of this product I want. Pictured white/brown box only. PM me please if you are going to Wal-Mart so I can share my cell # to make a text easier so we can be sure it's the right pudding. I would feel awful any of dear you wasting your time looking otherwise, you know that. 
Anyone going to Dollar Tree, a Super Play Pad Jumbo would always be tremendously appreciated. 
Seasonal small dessert sized paper plates. Due to Covid, I would need the plates to be brand new and in their original packaging. No napkins please. 
I respectfully as always request anything sent to me come from a non smoking home. 
Thank you. God Bless You. Sweet Dreams to all, always. 
whitegardenia avatar
Date Posted: 5/4/2024 3:48 PM ET
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Prayers from all.  The sale of my duplex fell thru so I am homeless (though stayine in a motel).  I took a terrible fall due to being so terribly tired.  I look like someone beat the -----out of me.  My eye was swollen shut and my face is a mess.  I have a huge goose egg.  Temporary mail may be sent to my son at 107 Woodmore Ct, Leavenworth, Ks  66048.

Not to worry!  God is handling everything.  My mobile home may be ready in about 2 weeks.  But still, prayers are appreciated.  I will not be able to send birthday cards as they are all in a storage shed and I am not really mobile at this time.  Sorry.  Hugs to you all, Happy Birthday to those for this month.

conniej76 avatar
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Date Posted: 5/8/2024 5:00 PM ET
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My wishes are:

3. Sesame Street cosmetic bag at Dollar Tree(also hard to find)

4.  I need the little plastic things you put in the bottom of salt and pepper shakers and or a plastic bank to keep stuff inside--I have no idea what they are looks like a plastic bump/lid.

5. Plastic rain gauge in any style or color(have looked for in stores here and no luck)

Thanks for reading. Post your unique or odd wishes and I might be able to help you out. :)

Last Edited on: 5/12/24 4:36 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
goddessani avatar
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Date Posted: 5/13/2024 4:36 PM ET
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Please pray for my neighbour.  She ended up in hospital this weekend, while I was out of town.  She's very ill but they can't determine what is wrong with her.  We almost lost her.  She is very dear to me and to her husband.


IlliniAlum83 avatar
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Date Posted: 5/24/2024 3:41 PM ET
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Still needing prayers as pain has returned, often keeping me up for hours during the night.

 I can use post-its as I make lots of lists for my daily to- dos ( constant pain seems to making my brain flutter!!)

Sheeplady avatar
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Date Posted: 5/28/2024 9:56 PM ET
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Asking for some good thoughts and positive vibes for an appt I have early tomorrow.  My severe medical anxiety makes anything like this pure torture! 

Generic Profile avatar
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Subject: This thread is now closed!
Date Posted: 6/1/2024 1:16 AM ET
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This thread is now closed.  Please use the June Wishes thread to post the items you're hoping to find.  Thank you!