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Book Reviews of Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8)

Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8)
Lover Mine - Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8
Author: J. R. Ward
ISBN-13: 9780451229854
ISBN-10: 0451229851
Publication Date: 4/27/2010
Pages: 512
  • Currently 4.4/5 Stars.

4.4 stars, based on 379 ratings
Publisher: NAL Hardcover
Book Type: Hardcover
Reviews: Amazon | Write a Review

47 Book Reviews submitted by our Members...sorted by voted most helpful

Gr8Smokies avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 98 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 8
I am going to write a spoiler free review. Don't worry if you are still reading!

This is the long awaited John Matthew entry in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. I know that I have been waiting patiently to see him get his happily ever after. The book begins where the last book left off, with Xhex (John Matthew's woman) having been abducted. Her eventual rescue was well done and honored the way Ward has written her character.

The book primarily consists of six plot lines: John Matthew and Xhex, Qhuinn and Blaylock, some creepy mansion (not going to tell why it is significant!), Payne in the Fade, Darius and his memories, and Lash. Overall, I think Ward handles theses back and forth story lines better than she has in previous books. In those books, I wanted to skim the "killing of the lesser" storylines and get back to the Brotherhood. I really enjoyed most of the subplots in this book and I loved the Qhuinn-Blaylock-Saxton storyline. In addition to the better done plot lines, it was great to see most of the Brotherhood make cameo appearances. Well, the men mostly, but a few glimpses of the women as well. Except for Phury, who barely showed up at all.

The good about this book:
~Angst, Angst, Angst!! If this is what you read these books for, you will not be disappointed!
~The romance aspect is back on the front burner, while still keeping the urban fantasy. Ward got a lot of flak for the shrinking of the romance, but there is a lot more here than there has been in any book since Butch. It was well done.
~The communication between the mute John Matthew and Xhex was really well done. I was wondering how Ward would accomplish this, but I found it to be pretty seamless.
~LOVE the subplot with Quinn-Blay-Saxton. It is complicated and messy and really fun to read.
~Ward softens Xhex without diminishing her character.

The bad about this book:
~The language sometimes got ridiculous! I have read all the books, so I know what to expect from Ward, but I think some of it is a bit unnecessary. And I hate the phrase "hang a louie".
~A little confused about what's going on with the Scribe Virgin.

I read these books for pure fluff, and that is what I got. It was great! This is now in my top 3 of all of the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and it is not to be missed. If you are just starting out, you MUST start at Book 1 to make sure they make sense. This was a great way to pass the time and well worth running to the bookstore when it came out!
booklizard avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 10 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 7
I've been addicted to this series and have enjoyed them very much to this point...that being said, this book left me disappointed and less than content.

One small complaint: It seems like characters (when introduced to the Brotherhood or are JUST beginning to be in the same place with them) SUDDENLY take on the slang and terms that the Brotherhood uses. Seemed rather ridiculous for Xhex to suddenly start saying "what's doing" and such when she'd been her own unique character and nonconformist to start with.

One BIG complaint: (everyone will not agree, but it's fact) JR Ward chickened out on the m/m side of sex. Continuity states you treat Qhuinn's sex life just as you would any other Brother. You don't tell me he walked in and locked the door for privacy and emerged on the balcony freshly showered with bite marks on his neck. You built it up and got everyone ready for what? Really? It should be just as equal part of everything else, take it or leave it.

I've lost a great deal of respect for the author because of the "lack of testicular fortitude" to include a part of the story you've wrapped up in this pretty little package. Sure, I'm gay and I take the straight love scenes for what they are...beautiful, hot and steamy affection between two beautiful and perfect bodied people...there should be no difference.

Not sure that I want to go on to the next book and think I just might have had enough of JR Ward at this point.
emmey43 avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 105 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 5
I've already read it twice, and thinking about a 3rd go round. This has to be one of the best books out of the series.
I loved everything about this book the new characters, plots, storyline, everything.
The love story between John Matthew and Xhex is unbelievable, it's so good. He is one of my 3 favorites now. The side story of Qhuinn and Blay, cannot wait for their book, the books are just getting better as time goes by.
Can not wait for the next ones to follow
Tesstarosa avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 151 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 4
This is the eighth book in the series and the story of John and Xhex.

The story opens with everyone trying to find Xhex, who they have determined was kidnapped by Lash when they were rescuing Rhev at the symphath colony. Theyve had so much trouble finding Xhex, that the Brotherhood is pretty sure that she is dead. In honor of her memory, John has her name tattooed in the ancient script on his back. But hes not giving up hope and continues to work with the Brotherhood to either find her or avenge her death.

When she is found and eventually rescued, the two of them decide to join forces to destroy Lash and vow to go their separate ways. They do this because they need to focus their energies on defeating Lash and without the agreement, they will not work together cooperatively.

Blaylock is starting to date and the person who he is interested in is Qhinns cousin. Qhuinn is not exactly thrilled with this, but he really cant stop Blay from pursuing the relationship. Instead, he appears to be pursuing a relationship with Layla, a member of the Chosen. This is a relationship that Layla wants to see move to a love relationship.

Among the Chosen, Payne has been allowed to move about with the other Chosen, but she is not allowed the leave. This upsets her greatly and she is constantly unhappy and trying to persuade the Scribe Virgin to at least allow her to visit the other side. The one thing that keeps her going are her sparing matches with Wrath.

This book also gives us the back story of Darius (the Brother who has been reincarnated as John) and his relationship with Tohrment. This story explains why John is so strongly attracted to Xhex.

A new storyline about a TV ghost hunter crew stopping at a haunted house in the Carolinas. The ghost is actually a vampire.

The story of the Lessening Society is focused on Lash, who is literally falling apart and has been estranged from the Omega, his father. This and that fact that he has to drive a crappy Ford Focus and live in crappy housing infuriates him.

I liked this book better that Lover Avenged. I would say its on the same level as Lover Enshrined. Learning the background of Darius and Tohrment makes Tohrment and Johns relationship seem extremely natural and it reveals why John has always been inexplicably attracted to Xhex. He still doesnt know that he is Darius reincarnated at the end of the story. Its also not clear that Tohrment understands exactly who Xhex is.

I like the Payne storyline and am looking forward to reading her story in the next book. I would have preferred to learned more about her background and why the Scribe Virgin is determined that she cannot leave the Chosens traditional home.

Two storylines drove me nuts. The new storyline about the reporters following the ghost story was very frustrating. It constantly interrupted the flow of the story of John and Xhex (and Blay and Qhinn and Payne and Darius, etc.) It was not clear until the very end of the story what the significance of this story was to the Brotherhood. Personally, there was a lot of this story that could have been dumped and improved the storyline.

The other was the story about Lash. So the Omega has fathered this son who was raised with the Lessening Societys enemy and now the Omega has turned his back on him. Lash is apparently kicked out of the society it would appear because of his desire to have sex with women. Perhaps the Omegas mistake was not castrating his son, like he does the human members of the society. So Lashs new life is falling apart and so is he. To a strong degree, it didnt make sense. Although, based on how the society has functioned in the past, constantly churning leadership, this shouldnt surprise me.

And, this is a bit of a spoiler, I dont think so, when the Brotherhood dos defeat Lash (I wont reveal whether it was John or Xhex), they didnt have Butch do his thing. Does this mean that Lash went back to the Omega to be reborn?

At this time, this is the last book of the series that I have to read I waiting to get the next book, Lover Unleashed, so Im going to include some overarching comments on the series. First, it would seem that the more books, the longer they must be. Although, Lover Mine bucked the trend and was only 615 pages long. As a reference, Dark Lover, the first book, was only 393 pages long.

The Blaylock and Qhuinn story is rather frustrating. In Lover Enshrined, we learn that Blaylock is gay but Qhuinn is presented as definitely not gay and that despite this, Blay has a crush on Qhuinn. Now, Qhuinn is whoring himself out so that he doesnt have a relationship with Blay. Hes jealous of Blays desire to date his cousin. These guys are teens so this really doesnt make a lot of sense. Is Qhuinn bi?

Im also finding the writing itself is getting sloppier as the series goes on. Its not a good as the earlier books. There are also some cultural references like to Melrose Place that I doubt John and company would understand, so to a degree they feel wrong in the story.

Im still excited for the next book.

But, I miss the sex.
mshrm avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 144 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 4
I love BDB books and this was no exception. I was waiting for John and Xhex story and felt that the author delivered. I was nervous about how such a strong women like X was going to be betrayed but I felt that she got her happily ever after w/o compromising the bad ass bitch she is!

I loved the visits to the past and the round about way that fate and destiny played a huge part in this story. I hope there is more of that in future stories.

Im not sure what I think of Blay and Qhuinns story. Kinda like with V and Butch, I think the author chickens out when it comes to the whole gay thing. I dont know, maybe this is going to have an HEA too, I hope.

Cant wait to see what happens next for Payne. I would also be interested in further knowledge of Muhrder.
robinmy avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 2141 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 3
This book picks up just a couple of weeks after the last. John Matthew vows to rescue his mate, Xhex, who was abducted by Lash and is being held in a room by a magical spell. Once free, Xhex joins the brothers in battling Lash and the Lesser Society, but refuses to admit her emotional connection to John.

The book concentrates on several relationships. Ward has written a very satisfying story for JM and Xhex. An interesting subplot is the relationship between Blay and Qhuinn. These best friends have been distant with each other since Blay admitted that he loved Qhuinn. Now Qhuinn is jealous when Blay decides he has to get on with his life, and starts a relationship with Qhuinn's cousin, Saxton.

Other subplots of the story is a flashback to Darius becoming friends with a young Tohr, and a story about a ghosthunters type reality show that feels out of place. But, it all ties together in the end of the book.

Can't wait for the next installment. Ward will have a hard time topping this book. My rating: 5 Stars.
whatstacy avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 235 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 3
WOW! This is a great book! There is so much going on in this book, between the love affair with John and Xhex, to the emotional battle with Quinn and Blay, and the sneak peek into the other Brother Murhder. New characters are introduced and a lot of things are answered. This book reminded me of why i love this series so much that i want to go back and read the whole series over again. CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT ONE!
BookJo avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 47 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 3
I really enjoy BDB, but this wasn't a favorite. First, I was never that excited about John as a character, so I suppose that didn't help. Even though he's gone through transition, John is still just to young for me. He doesn't have the life experience to be a compelling character. But I do like Xhex.

The story line seemed pretty choppy and the overuse of the slang and lingo just had me wincing. Reminded me of when my son and his friends were little and would decide certain words/phrases were "cool" and then use them over and over until the rest of us were ready to scream. Waayyyy too corny for a writer of her talent.

What I missed most was the interaction of the other house members, especially the women. How could they tell John's story and all the issues he was going through, yet virtually no mention of his sister, who is living in the same house?

I did like seeing a bit more of Payne. Rather sick of the whole "Lessors" plotline, but even so - the storyline about Lash was just plain weak.

Plot holes and the way the story moves all over the place didn't help.

Even with all this, it was a "must read" for me as I do want to continue with the series.
reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 929 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 3
Since I'm getting most of these books from the library, I didn't have the benefit of reading them in order. I read the first one then this one. Needless to say I had a lot to catch up on and was so sad Ward killed of Wellsie. I loved Wellsie. So definitely read this in order because it does make life a little easier.

But that wasn't why I gave it such a low rating. I had a really hard time getting through this book and had to force myself. Not sure what the problem was because I really liked all the characters, even the bad guys. John and Xhex seemed great. I loved the story with Darius the best. And I really enjoyed the relationships with Tohrment and him getting some closure with Wellsie. I even enjoyed the Paranormal Investigator side story. I loved the Blay-Qhinn relationship, although Saxton seemed a little too effeminate. And I wanted to know more about Layla and Payne as well.

Maybe it was so hard to get through because the book and the scenes dragged a bit. I really thought Ward could have taken about 100 pages out and the story would have flowed better. Also the writing style was inconsistent. Sometimes the talk and thoughts of a character was very street then the same character got all eloquent. It did skip around a bit and perhaps that didn't help the story go smoothly. I also wondered if she should have included the scene between Darius and the Scribe-virgin so people who haven't read the first book knew what's going on with John. I also wish there were more with Beth and the other ladies.

The sex and violent scenes were more graphic but not exactly better. I didn't mind the violence but the sex was really unimaginative and dull.

So it was an okay read, I expected more from Ward and definitely better. But if you are really into the series you should read it. I will continue to read the series just because I really enjoyed the first book.
cmoonlight avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 47 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
What happened to the series??? I have been following the series for a while now. Have been looking forward to John Matthews story for years. It felt like John and Xhex's story was hijacked by the other story lines. The slang used in the book did not bother me. It got a little corny but I could over look that. My issue with this book was that with all the multiple storylines going on, I don't feel like the book gave enough attention to the main couple. Chapter after chapter of information on other characters took away from the romance of John and Xhex. There was more drown out background information than actual interaction between the two main characters! This book felt more like urban fantasy than paranormal romance.
snowkitty avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 114 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
All I will say about this book is don't miss a word. The various stories in the book all come together in the end. I think Ward did an excellent job telling the story of John and Xhex, the ghost, and Darius. The book was loaded with information and surprises. If I hadn't already promised it to someone else, it would be a keeper. Absolute 5 stars.
reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 76 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
Ugh this is a hard one. I love this series!!! I enjoyed this book but didn't think Xhex was a good fit for JM... Also didn't see alot of the the Brotherhood in this one. Maybe with all of the sub plot setting up we will in the next one. Payne's story should be interesting! But Manuel??? How does he really fit in? Can't wait to find out...
ashleyhoffenberg avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 25 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
** spoiler alert **

I cannot believe you and I have come so far
Your book is not a goodbye, however-
just another beginning
But youre used to that

Move over Zsadist and Vishous --- Hello John Matthew! Ok, so I still love Z and V to the fullest extent possible but JM has swooped in and stolen my heart. We first met JM in Lover Eternal where he was a scrawny, rundown mute with an ugly secret, and no one to turn to. However, Mary, Rhages shellan, takes him under her wing and he gets sucked into the world of vampires and lessers in the blink of an eye. Unbeknownst to the characters, JM is likely the reincarnation of Darius, a brother we have very little time with in book one of the series, Dark Lover. However, the characters in the book believe that JM is Darius son, and his sister is Beth, the half-vampire shellan of the Blind King, Wrath.

Flash forward a few books and JM has suffered more great loss, but has now transformed into a vampire warrior. While he is still mute, he is no longer scrawny. In fact, one might describe him has ginormous. :) JMs ugly secret has kept him from having relations with women, but damned if he can keep his mind, and hands, of Xhex. Xhex, half-vampire, half-sympath, does not let people easily enter her personal life. She is one hell of an ass-kicking female, built like a bull and her sympath nature makes her very dangerous. I think her attraction to JM throws her off her game, and their trysts leave them confused and hurt, but OH SO wanting more. Xhex is HANDS DOWN my favorite female character, and has been since her first appearance as Rhevs head of security.


Lover Mine is one hell of a ride. JM and Xhex finally got their HEA, but it was a torturous journey. After Xhexs abduction at the end of Lover Avenged by Lash, son of the evil Omega, JM swears to find her, dead or alive. Lover Mine opens to JM making a promise to always have Xhex with him, even if she is gone, by tattooing her name in the Old Language into his shoulders, Brother-style. Hot! Meanwhile, Lash has been keeping Xhex alive in some crazy dimensional cage, and doing some sick, grisly shit to her. He thinks hes in love because she beats the shit out of him right back. Unfortunately, she isnt strong enough to fight him off completely. :( Things happen, Xhex escapes, JM finds her, and the journey towards love, commitment, second-chances, faith, trust and revenge picks up the pace. Hold on to your hats!

We get some serious insight into the human psyche, how emotions can destroy us, and how the need for acceptance is dire. JM is a male of worth who pulled himself together to save his savior. He is sweet, strong, empathetic, and protective. He also embraces Xhexs strength and courage, which seems to be a serious turn-on for him


Lash: You were one funny mutha, I will give you that, but you disgust me and Im glad your skin peeled off like papier-mâché. You got what was coming to you, sucka!

Muhrder: The entire sub-plot with the filming crew and Muhrder was weird and boring. While learning more about him is very intriguing because he is a brother and has a history with Xhex, that entire storyline was odd and left nothing to be desired. It wasnt even revealed that it was Muhrder until the very end and if you dont pick up on stuff in books (like me), then you were probably wondering what the bloody hell that subplot was all about!

Blay/Qhuinn: I dont read much male/male relations but these two definitely have my heart in pieces! I am not sure if they will ever get their own book, but all I can ask is that Qhuinn and Layla DO NOT mate. Ick. I am glad that Blay got an opportunity to experience a male, and I actually like Saxton. I wonder what will become of this triangle in the future. I just wish Qhuinn would stop brooding and tell Blay how he feels. I mean, he did let out some serious bonding scent during one interaction with Blay (and I think my jaw hit the floor). Hello! We finally got see a side of Qhuinn that we werent aware of, and if he would just admit to it, all parties would be happy!

Payne: Eh. Not very attached or interested in her, but Im sure that will change. Im glad that she was able to visit the other side, although under shitty circumstance. Doc Jane to the rescue!

Darius past with Tohrment, Xhexs mother and Xhex: I absolutely LOVED reading Darius journal!! This was a fantastic way to enter into the psyche and past of a character we, the readers, dont know well personally, but have learned a hell of a lot from other characters. Tohrs father-like instinct was intensified after reading how Darius took him in. I am so unbelievably happy that Tohr and JM are picking up the pieces, together. I picked up on this plot line being about Xhex immediately, and it drove home JM and Xhexs destined love. Tohr was completely right when he said they were meant to be together. In my eyes, they are soul mates being reunited. :)

P.S. First love Z sings during the mating! *swoon*
momof3boysandagirl avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 58 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
I actually enjoyed this one more that I did the last one. I felt a better connection with it. Ward does tiptoe around some of the sex in this one which is strange after some of the other scenes she has written in the past lol I expected to get more info than I wanted but instead I was left wanting more details. Overall though I really enjoyed the story and the way the stories came together.
chrisee75 avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 48 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
I have ordered a sign language book from PBS just so if John Matthew shows up in my world, I can communicate with him. I love all things BDB, Ward and now John Matthew!!! This was one of the best stories yet. The relationship with not only John Matthew and Xhex, but Tohr, Quinn and Blay, and the other brothers just gets deeper and deeper and I feel as though I live at the compound with them. I can't belief there are no more books to read. I might just go into withdrawals. Can there be another series to compare to this one?
shawna-pinsky avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on
Helpful Score: 1
Yet another fantastic book by JR Ward. I have yet to be let down through all 8 of the books so far with book 9 coming up for release March 29th I can't wait to read more. This book had me turning page after page drawing me in even further.

In this book we get to see John and Xhex relationship develop throughout the book. John starts to grow up through out this book. Instead of being a man whore he learns that even if you love someone you must do what is best for them rather than what you want. He loves Xhex no matter what and he decides that if he gets her back from Lash he is willing to let her go as it is what she would want. Afterall xhex is not the stay at home bonding female type right.

Xhex however starts to evolve emotionally throughout this book. We know she is a tough and independent woman. She doesn't need a man to protect her because she can kick butt just as well. However through this series we see her overcome her horrible time with Lash and her past. She learns to open up and even accept her female side. She starts to realize that it's okay to depend on someone else to help you through the rough times. She starts to realize just how much and how deeply she loves John.

However with both of them wanting vengenance can they learn to accept what's best for one another and work through their disagreements so that they can truly be happy. Most of all can they love eachother for who they are and still be together. YOU HAVE READ THE BOOK TO FIND OUT!!!

In this book we also start to seethe relationship between Qhuinn and Blay change. We still don't know if it's for the better. Qhuinn starts to realize what he truly feels for Blay, it's deifnitely more than friendship. Yet is he too late? Blay starts to believe he will never be with Qhuinn and therefore decides to move on. In the book you realize that the reason Qhuinn is not with Blay is because he believe that he is truly NOT good enough for Blay and that Blay deserves so much better than him (heart breaks Qhuinn). Even though Qhuinn was somewhat of a jerk you can't help but understand his feelings for Blay. Afterall Qhuinn looks at himself as trash and not how Blay truly sees him. I honestly hope that their relationship builds in the next book and they do end up together. Both complete opposites but i think it would be great if they ended up together.

Also in this book we are introduced to Payne. Vischous' twin sister. Her story is the main story for the next book. Lover Unleashed. However in this story we get a little information as to what Payne is like. Truly Vischous' twiin she can fight with the best of them. Currently stuck in the Fade or whatever with The Scribe Virgin she realizes she wants more than being stuck their. She wants to experience the Other Side whether it involves heartache and the unknown she wants to live a true life. HWill she get to the Other Side or will she remain with the Scribe Vrigin. Once again you must read the book.

As always this book had action, drama, and romance!!! JR Ward produces yet another fine novel in the BDB series and I can't wait to read more!!!
Bookfanatic avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on
Helpful Score: 1
Wow! This book blew me away. Five stars all the way. I didn't think it was possible for Ward to make me like John Matthew more than Z or V, but she did. Move over Z and V. I have someone new in my heart.

John Matthew is no longer the scared, scrawny weakling he once was. He's gone through his transition. He's a full-blooded warrior in the Black Dagger Brotherhood. He's bonded to Xhex, but believes she's dead at the hands of Lash. JM lives to avenge Xhex's death. It's clear Ward likes the character of JM. In this book, he really comes into his own. He's a man, not a boy. I was wondering how Ward would handle the communication between the mute JM and his love, but surprisingly her sympath side is an advantage.

Lover Mine is complex and action packed, but Ward returns to the parnormal romance she's known for. The love story between JM and Xhex is suprisingly tender, sweet, and believable. Xhex, who may seem overly masculine to some, shows a far softer, more vulnerable side. JM's care of her is so kind and loving. There were several swoon worthy moments.

Lash is one of the best villains in the series. He's a sick and sadistic as only the son of the Omega could be.

There is a subplot involving John's two good friends who are attracted to each other. If m/m relations bother you, you can skip those sections, but there's nothing really graphic although I wished for something like that. There is a scene at the end that's unbelievable and could have been excised from the book with no damage to the story. It involves Xhex's mother, but it's a minor thing, but I think it's a set-up for a future book involving another major BDB character.
reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 28 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Seriously? I thought this book was horrible. Totally over written. I am a huge fan of the BDB, but, J.R. Wards writing style has just gotten tedious. One of my least favorite books of the series.
reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 503 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Mixed bag.

I really like John Matthew and this book is worth the read for his development alone. JM/Xhex never really worked for me. But Xhex, although not very feminine in any way, was still a strong character and it is nice to read a heroine written with such power and self-possession.

On the other hand, we have Blay and Qhuinn - a gay "couple" who can never connect. It is by far the best part of the book. You can't help but root for them, cry for them, wish they would get their own book. It is the saddest, cruelest, and most "romantic" part of the entire story.

You can very easily skip every section with Lash, with the random TV people in another state, and skip all the Darius back-story. If you just read the last two sections of the italicized Darius story, that is all you need to know. A complete waste of paper, IMO.

The real disappointment was that to connect all the dots in the John Matthew story, you know that he is Darius reincarnated (established book 1). Which means that Beth is not only his sister but his daughter. So why is she not in the story at all? To bring the series full circle, from the very first book, it seems like these connections should have been made. It was a terrible disappointment and felt like Ward almost forgot that relationship. We've seen this connection in several books, but now in the JM book we only read about a long-lost story of how Darius came to know Xhex? Which is not revealed until the last chapter? I felt cheated.

A good installment but almost feels like the series is running out of gas.

3 stars
miz-firefly avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 112 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Die hard fans of the brotherhood will love this story. The story is tightly plotted and action packed. John Matthew and Zhex's story is very enjoyable and true to the characters Ward has been developing over the last several installments. On several levels she pegged the approval meter (with me). She dialed down the canty brotherhood talk that drove me nutz You feel me? She kept the anxiety high without overdosing on melodrama and desperation (like I feel she often does). And, (my favorite part) is getting back to the awesome metaphors that made me fall in love with her from the start.

But I am getting frustrated with the increasing amount of foreshadowing that sets the stage for subsequent stories. Don't mistake my meaning. One of the things that drives this series is our interest in the characters. I want to know them, look forward to hearing their stories when it is their turn. But I feel she is jamming new characters down our throats at the expense of the current story. Honestly I would have enjoyed this story tons more with half of the foreshadowing.

With one main story and a couple subplots the stories are big enough already. This one had 3 subplots and she shoe horned in at least one more, maybe more I honestly couldnt tell. She bounced around so much I went cross-eyed. Id be seriously into the scene I was reading, anxious to see what happened next and.splat. Im reading about brand new characters in unrelated activities that did absolutely nothing to further the plot of the story happening now. Talk about a mood killer. I had to take a break. But after a while Id be ready to tackle John & Zhexs rocky road to HEA because the story wouldnt let me go.

I suspect I will keep reading the brotherhood of the blade (with a nightcap and possibly an Avdil PM) because I HAVE to see how they kick the Lessening Societys Ass.
nantuckerin avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 158 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
I am a huge fan of J.R. Ward -- especially her addictive, guilty-pleasure Black Dagger Brotherhood series -- and have been waiting on pins and needles for the release of Lover Mine, the eighth book in that stellar series.

After turning the final page of Lover Mine, though -- which I destroyed in a day -- I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. While some parts of the book were better than previous efforts, it seemed like we as BDB readers have traveled this path before.

Lover Mine picks up a month or so after the conclusion of Lover Avenged. Androgynous half-sympath Xhex has been kidnapped by Lash and held captive virtually under the Brothers' noses. Lash is one of the elements of the series that I'd consider most improved -- his spiral into evil and insanity has brought the conflict between the vampires and the Lessers to a new level, and his role as the series' Big Bad is well played. Lash -- son of the Omega, the ultimate dark force in the world -- has decided he's in love with Xhex, and wants her to be bound to him forever, not only as the first female slayer, but as the mother of his children. In true evil Lash form, he shows this "love" by raping and torturing Xhex, and rendering her invisible to prevent her rescue.

This does not sit well with John Matthew, the other half of this book's cannon romantic pairing. John Matthew and Xhex have had a rocky road to their relationship, but his love for her is consuming. He has her name tatooed on his back in her memory, and won't stop searching for her -- or her remains. Unfortunately, the tortured search takes up the first half of the novel, and reminded me a LOT of Lover Awakened and of Zsadist's search and rescue of his wife, Bella. He's angry and damaged. She's hurt, but not broken. Together they can heal eachother and have their Happily Ever After. Yup, we've definitely been here before.

The second romantic storyline is danced around, and would be my bet for the next BDB book's love story focus. Blay and Qhuinn are best friends - but obviously so much more. This will be the first gay love story openly played out in any of the books I have read, but Ward thus far is handling it beautifully. I'm intrigued to see what develops for them in the future, as well as their other romantic entanglements with the Chosen, Layla (seriously, that girl just can't get a break!) and Saxton, Qhuinn's open and rich "slutty" cousin, who has his eye on Blaylock.

Overall, though, I have to say that Lover Mine was a little bit of a letdown. I miss greater involvement of the original Brothers, whose banter was one of my favorite parts of the earlier books of the series. I also feel that Ward has an awful lot going on in this novel. There's the ghosthunters (a random and unnecessary plot point), Payne, the backstory of Darius and Tohr -- it's all just a bit too much to keep straight. My biggest disappointment, however, was the lack of resolution of the Darius/John Matthew connection. I was certain this would be the book that all the dots connected, that everyone figured it out, that it would all make sense. But, no. I can't think of another more appropriate time to give both the characters and readers this resolution, but I'm sure Ms. Ward has something up her sleeve. At least, I hope so.
Bookfanatic avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on
Helpful Score: 1
Wow! This book blew me away. Five stars all the way. I didn't think it was possible for Ward to make me like John Matthew more than Z or V, but she did. Move over Z and V. I have someone new in my heart.

John Matthew is no longer the scared, scrawny weakling he once was. He's gone through his transition. He's a full-blooded warrior in the Black Dagger Brotherhood. He's bonded to Xhex, but believes she's dead at the hands of Lash. JM lives to avenge Xhex's death. It's clear Ward likes the character of JM. In this book, he really comes into his own. He's a man, not a boy. I was wondering how Ward would handle the communication between the mute JM and his love, but surprisingly her sympath side is an advantage.

Lover Mine is complex and action packed, but Ward returns to the parnormal romance she's known for. The love story between JM and Xhex is suprisingly tender, sweet, and believable. Xhex, who may seem overly masculine to some, shows a far softer, more vulnerable side. JM's care of her is so kind and loving. There were several swoon worthy moments.

Lash is one of the best villains in the series. He's a sick and sadistic as only the son of the Omega could be.

There is a subplot involving John's two good friends who are attracted to each other. If m/m relations bother you, you can skip those sections, but there's nothing really graphic although I wished for something like that. There is a scene at the end that's unbelievable and could have been excised from the book with no damage to the story. It involves Xhex's mother, but it's a minor thing, but I think it's a set-up for a future book involving another major BDB character.
reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 103 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Because J.R.Ward can't actually write a bad book, this book was good. But compared to the other 7 in the series, I was disappointed. There were 3 stories going on in the book and I found myself enjoying the side stories more than the main one. However, one of the side stories was like a completely different book and it takes you all the way til the end of the book to get to the tie in to the main story. And then the tie in is WEAK. But all in all, still a good book.
BetsyP avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 566 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Paranormal/ urban fantasy/ romance by J R Ward, and Book 8 of the BDB. This is John Mathew and Xhex's story. Xhex has been abducted by Lash and John is obsessed with finding her. But Xhex is no damsell in distress and doesn't wait around for rescue. I wasn't sure how the author would handle the story given how these two tormented each other in the past, but the romnce was extremely well done and credible. We also learn about Xhex's history. Meanwhile, Blay and Qhuinn play out their own drama. The Lessers are still a threat and Lash has his own problems, the least of which is losing his captive. The book is outstanding, and one of my favorites in the series. Can't wait for the next one.
reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 7 more book reviews
I loved it from the cover till the end. But then I love the whole series.
laina42107 avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 115 more book reviews
After reading the last book about Rhevenge I was sure that I would love this one too. It was very good...except for a few things. One, wth was the point of giving Muhrder his own storyline??? It was boring. He could've been brought up without that lame "haunting a mansion" crap. Two, I wish there would have been more of a recall on John's part about his past. Been waiting for someone/anyone to put that together since bk 2. Three, what is up with the scribe virgin and the omega? Four, Is it just me or is anyone else getting bored with the lessers? Overall loved how the story tied everyone together, especially at the end. Looking forward to reading more about V and Jane in the next book!!!Read somewhere that they are dominant in bk 9.
habrewer avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 43 more book reviews
Lover Mine is the story of John Matthew/Darius that fans of the Black Dagger Brotherhood have been waiting for since he was introduced in Lover Eternal.

John Matthew had a rough life and had to grow up fast, not only was he mute, he was a pretrans vampire and didn't know it. Wrath, along with the brotherhood, took him under their wing and started his training beside other pretrans males. Throughout the books we have seen his friendship with Blay and Qhuinn flourish, while his problems with Lash have just taken a turn for the worst.

Lover Mine takes place about a month after Lash, son of the Omega, abducted Xhex. While John Matthew and the brotherhood search for her, Lash is holding her hostage in his brownstone with a magic spell. Xhex can't get out, she is invisible to everyone but Lash and she is determined not to give up without a fight. She is growing weaker and knows that she has to find a way out soon or she will die.

John Matthew is frantic to find Xhex because she is his mate, even though he's not ready to admit it to anyone. He visits a tattoo artist and has her name carved in his back, in tribute to her. He is not eating or sleeping because of his need to find her, he's running on empty. He can't believe it when Rhev and the boys show up at his door with a message from her on his cell, she's alive.

The trip down memory lane was very touching, I loved seeing John Matthew's softer side with Xhex. They both have tortured pasts and are good for each other. There are several moments between them where I had to stop and catch my breath. JM has grown so much over this series that he definitely deserves a female that is as strong as he is. Their love scenes are very steamy but I expected nothing less after John gave her a note for her to say his name the next time in a previous book.

JM isn't the only one with relationship issues, Blay and Qhuinn are also struggling with their feelings for each other. Blay is in love with Qhuinn but Qhuinn's long-term plans involve a female of worth, not Blay. The sexual tension between them is so strong, but unanswered until Qhuinn's cousin Saxton asks Blay out on a date. Qhuinn is very protective of him but underneath it all, he's jealous of Blay and Saxton.

There are so many things I loved about this book from the tender moments between JM and Xhex, Lash getting what he deserved, and learning more about Payne and the chosen. The next book was set up at the end with the mention of Manny and many of the pending storylines were wrapped up. We also got to visit with the brothers and their shellans. The war continues with the lessening society and more fighters are needed to help the brotherhood defeat the Omega.

I was a little confused by the story about the paranormal reality show until the end. It was slighty distracting because the breaks would come when I would be really involved in the book. The glimpse of Darius and Tohr's history through entries in Darius' journal were also distracting, although the need becomes apparent at the end.

Personally, I have been waiting on this book since we met JM and I was not disappointed. There are so many things going on that it's hard to cover everything in one review. Overall I loved this book and would definitely recommend it to everyone. If you have not read the previous books in this series, you might be a little lost because they are best read in order. I give Lover Mine 4 1/2 flaming hearts.
chellsabookaddict avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 25 more book reviews
J.R.Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood seris super charges the blood, but she has out done herself with Lover Mine! Hot and erotic, it boils the blood and gets juices flowing! The entire seris is a Must Read!
kslice1 avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on
I love this series and the author is fantastic. Can't wait for the next one, and to read her other series "fallen angels".
sonnet avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 26 more book reviews
I loved the book... that being said it didn't really live up to the way I imagined it would be, a first for the series. There were several scenes in this book that I felt didn't truly meet their potential, and Xhex being the baddest female to date just didn't live up to her reputation. The saving grace to this book was Qhuinn and Blay's story.
barbsis avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 1076 more book reviews
This is a fantastic book. After all the hype about John Matthew and Xhex, I was expecting to be let down a little. J.R. Ward is a fabulous author and her BDB is my all time favorite series but this was JM and Xhex. I was so glad that this book kept to her standards and though heartbreaking as hell it provided the necessary ups and downs and surprises. What happened to Xhex was beyond horrible and I actually had to keep putting this book down because I just couldn't handle it. I honestly don't know how John Matthew stood it and kept his shit together. To have this strong female totally annihilated by the enemy was just too much.

A great romance must have something to shake the hero and heroine up and show them what life would be like without the other. And as hard as it was to read Xhex's story, this certainly provided the push needed for JM to get his HEA. And of course, J.R. Ward didn't make it easy on us the reader or on JM and Xhex.

I particularly liked the Quinn/Blay storyline. Wasn't it nice for once that it was Quinn jonesing for Blay and not the other way around. I hated him with Saxton but that relationship was definitely required to get Quinn's head in the game. What a perfect setup for their book!
PengQueen avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 114 more book reviews
I've been a fan of this series from the start, and while admitedly it's had some highs and lows I still anticipate each one as a special treat. This one was no different, because although I really didn't care for Xhex (the female lead) I was a huge fan of John Matthew.

The plot covers a lot, and to really understand it you need to have read the other books. But the central point of it is, Xhex is captured, raped, and abused by John Matthews most hated enemy Lash. Xhex struggles to get free and then to seek revenge, even as John believes that he is the one entitled to kill Lash since he has "bonded" with Xhex. The relationship between John and Xhex is surprisingly complex and emotional, riddled with problems stemming from their dark pasts. But theres a lot more to this book then just that. There are subplots involving John's best friends, Blay and Quinn (who struggle with complex feelings for one another, Xhex's ex-lover who was thought to have died or decended deep into madness, and Payne the daughter of the Scribe Virgin.

There are so many positive things to say about this book. I ended up loving John Matthew even more--he is incredibly strong and self-sacrificing and surprisingly wise. And I found myself unexpectedly liking Xhex. She showed softness and vulnerability, and ultimately caring. Previous books lead me to think she wasn't capable of tenderness, so this was really a shocker. She still stays a tough fighter though, and I enjoyed that a lot. I loved the central plot and the flashbacks showing Darius and Tohrment. And for the most part the side stories were adequately entertaining if distracting. I would also like to say that of Wardens books so far, this one wins for best villain--Lash creeped me out in a new and intense way.

Now the negatives. The jumping around has always bugged me just a bit, because I would really prefer to stay focused on one story. But thats part of the suspence building process, so I can deal with it. And as always, I can understand some people being bothered by the wierd text speak slang and the way its mixed with old world phrases--if you've read any of Wards work then you know what I mean. Even I, generally a fan, cringe at the cheesieness now and then. This book is full of it, so if that bothers you a lot then you might want to skip it. I should also note that this book took the series even more out of the realm of romance and into urban fantasy, so if your expecting a lot of romance you might be disapointed.

If you are a fan of the series and the direction it's been headed in for the last several books, you'll like Lover Mine just fine. A 4.5 star urban fantasy and a real page-turner.
ProstheticLips avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 25 more book reviews
Some closure to the story of John and Xhex. Also, a lot of backstory for Tohr and even Darius. I have to admit, I liked this book more than the last one. It had way too many story threads going on, but they all were relevant, and were there to either help this story along, or to set the stage for the next book (or books).

I did find it strange how Ward sidestepped the gay aspect here, but I'm expecting to get a reveal in the next book, perhaps a reason for why we got the "they locked the door. The next day, blah blah...."

If you have read the other books, you'll want to read this one. It helps the Torh / Wellsie story along, along with more information about Xhex and how she got where she is.
Ponzu avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 7 more book reviews
I loved this book. To me this series keeps getting better and better. Ward didn't make it easy for John and Xhex. Lash makes such a good bad guy. He is so easy to hate. There was a nice twist at the end too. A couple of secrets revealed.
Nee avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 82 more book reviews
Best one of the series! I love how it is all coming together!
laina42107 avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 115 more book reviews
After reading the last book about Rhevenge I was sure that I would love this one too. It was very good...except for a few things. One, wth was the point of giving Muhrder his own story line??? It was boring. He could've been brought up without that lame "haunting a mansion" crap. Two, I wish there would have been more of a recall on John's part about his past life as Darius. Been waiting for someone/anyone to put that together since bk 2. Three, what is up with the scribe virgin and the omega? Four, Is it just me or is anyone else getting bored with the lessers? Overall loved how the story tied everyone together, especially at the end. Looking forward to reading more about V and Jane in the next book!!!Read somewhere that they are dominant in bk 9.
reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on
Another fabulous installment to the series!
after9pmreader avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 59 more book reviews
Again I cannot say enough about this series. Love, Romance, Sex, Drama.. It has it all. I don't know how she does it but each time I cry somewhere. This time the tears started when Z started singing. Amazing.

The story did a great job of brining in other characters. There were actually 3 definite stories going on her.

1. John & Xhex-Could not be any better. Everything folded out at the end to make you say "Oh my...that makes sense"
2. Quinn & Blay-Which I am sure to be continued in other books as minor stories.
3. The Haunting-I won't say more because again at the end when everything folded out, it just makes sense. I could see that story line being its own short story book.

What is next!!
reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 239 more book reviews
Yay~! John Matthews story was Great~! I definitely better than the previous book and worth the hardcover. Ward just does great work~!
daylily77 avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 236 more book reviews
Another awesome addition to the BDB series, loved it! A smooth book, I had a hard time putting it down, as I did with all of the other BDB books. Can't wait for the next one.
reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 15 more book reviews
i love this book and the others in the series
swampmolly avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 150 more book reviews
Usual excellent standard of high action!!!
keno avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 869 more book reviews
love it!
reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 54 more book reviews
One of my favorites series
Jitterbug3 avatar reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 198 more book reviews
This book was def. NOT one of my favorites--I just didn't get the relationship at all; in fact, I tended to speed through JM and Xhex to read the side stories (except that weird Mhurder strand). I love the idea of JM finding out he is actually Darius but it never materialized. I have to say that the first 4 books were amazing and then last 4 just so-so. Sometimes it is the women who I just don't get--Cormia, for example, but even though the idea of having one of the boys fall for a figher was cool, the story just didn't work for me. I am waiting for Tohr to return and I hope we get a story for him. Hope the next one is better and that Xhex fades off like some of the other women.
reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 48 more book reviews
I was pleasantly surprised with this book. I loved the early books in the Brotherhood series, but some of the recent stories haven't inspired me much. But this book returns to Ward's strengths, which I really enjoyed.
reviewed Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 8) on + 27 more book reviews
This story is not written well enough to stand alone. The author did not give me enough emotional background about the main couple in order for me to care about them. There is a great deal of action but it is hard to understand the motivation behind the 2 main characters. The secondary characters interfere with the plot too often. The only other books from this series I have read are "Lover Avenged" and "Lover Unleashed" each of which is able to stand alone and each have more substance than "Lover Mine."