I am a stay at home mom who has decided to start her own business. A lady at my first meeting to start this business recommended reading this book. It was awesome. I do not always like to read self-help books but this one is so different I got caught up in it. I started reading it to my husband and he loved it also. It reads like a story and not just lists and things you need to do to enhance your life or your business. Throughout all the chapters you can find quotes and examples of people leading great lives because of choices they have made in life and with the things you have. This has not only helped my business but also my life in a wonderful positive way. I cannot wait to read more from this author.

Love the variety of historical parables. Very easy read. Enjoyable. Although, I didn't find it as thought provoking as The Traveler's Gift, there was definitely a lesson learned. Educational, humorous, and thought provoking. This is a keeper for my library.