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Topic: Looking for Westerns w/a deal

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Tazlvr avatar
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Subject: Looking for Westerns w/a deal
Date Posted: 3/10/2012 7:18 PM ET
Member Since: 2/23/2008
Posts: 777
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Looking for the Westerns help!!! Basically any western author.....

Books by Larry Sweazy, Willimam W. Johnstone and the titles listed below and possibly others as well Elmer Kelton, James Reasoner, Charles West....etc.....Just to name a few, so if you have any I'd love to take a look at your shelf.

The Loner: by J.A. Johnstone.......Here are the titles I'm looking for. Would like at least a 3/1 or better deal. If any of these are wishlisted please disregard those. I'm not trying to jump in line in front of anyone!


#1 The Loner

#2 The Devil's Badland

#3 Dead Man's Gold

#4 The Big Gundown

#5 Rattlesnake Valley

#6 Seven Days to Die

#7 The Bounty Killers

#9 Killer Poker

#10 Blood of Renegades

#11 Crossfire

#12 Inferno

Thanks for looking!


holtzy avatar
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Date Posted: 3/21/2012 10:52 PM ET
Member Since: 11/2/2008
Posts: 333
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Hi Melissa, we just posted a deal on a series by Larry McMurtry the author of Lonesome Dove.

Larry McMurtry Series...  Berrybender series all 4 books in hardcover.  4 books for 2 credits.