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Living Minimally-How to Reduce Your Stress and Improve Your Quality of Living through Minimalism
Living MinimallyHow to Reduce Your Stress and Improve Your Quality of Living through Minimalism Author:Hannah Robbins Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery — Sometimes, it seems that life gets more complicated by the day. The messages we receive from the media and businesses, from financial institutions and schools, tell us that we must have more. We must do more. We... more » must be more if we want to be happy.
But is it? What if the opposite were actually true?
How Minimalism Helps
The benefit of practicing minimalism is that it removes the focus from acquisition and the pursuit of more and puts it on self-improvement. It?s easy to hide when we?re busy surrounding yourself with new possessions and baggage of every kind. Strip those things away and what?s left is the essence of who we are.
When I discovered minimalism, my life changed. It took some work, but it enabled me to step away from the relentless commercialism and materialism of modern life. Once I did, I was able to focus on the things that truly mattered to me. I achieved inner peace for the first time in my life.
You can do the same. When you understand how to apply the principles of minimalism to every area of your life, you?ll be amazed at how easy it can be to strip away the inessentials. This book will help you learn how to do that. The goal of this book is to teach you about minimalism in eight key areas of life: Social ? the people you allow into your life Emotional ? the way people and situations make you feel Spiritual ? your connection to the world Environmental ? your impact on the world and its resources Intellectual ? how and what you learn Physical ? how you treat your body Occupational ? what you do to support yourself Financial ? how you manage and spend money
Each chapter will explore one aspect of minimalism. I?ll explain how minimalism applies to each area of your life, and then provide specific tips to help you shed the things that you don?t need and embrace what?s truly important.
By the time you?re done reading, you?ll be ready to rediscover the world and your place in it through the practice of minimalism. It won?t be easy, but I think you?ll be amazed at the impact it has on your life.