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Legendary and Mythical Guidebook: Deluxe Edition (Pokemon)
Legendary and Mythical Guidebook Deluxe Edition - Pokemon Author:Simcha Whitehill Discover the origins of the most fascinating and unusual Pokemon! You'll get the scoop on Legendary and Mythical Pokemon from Kanto all the way through Alola. It's the insider's guide to the rarest and most powerful known Pokemon. This updated edition of the 2016 bestseller includes the latest information about the new Alola Legendar... more »y and Mythical Pokemon. The book comes with a pullout poster featuring Solgaleo, Lunala, Tapu Koko, and many more. The front cover will have 100% shiny silver foil coverage with embossing on the logo and characters.
PLEASE NOTE: as with every used book being swapped at PaperBackSwap, the non-Media item that originally came with the book (in this case, the pullout poster) may not be included. Requestors should not expect the pullout poster to be included with a used copy of this book.« less