Gritty survival tale of a Colorado Search & Rescue team leader stranded in Australia, struggling to keep herself and a child alive aginst hostile elements and people.
Hannah Nyala has 'been there and done that.' Her account of time in the Australian outback has an immediacy and detail that prove she knows what she's talking about. The story makes the reader wonder how THEY would stack up if they'd been abandoned in a desolate place without friends, food or water. Excellent read!
From back cover: Longitude: 132° Latitude: 19° Date: December 7 Temp: 121° Fahrenheit, 10 A.M. Paul's been gone now for fourteen days. He was only supposed to be gone for four, off to the airport to pick up Josie and supplies. But he didn't come back. They didn't come back. Not that day. Not in the seven that came after. And now I'm quickly running out of food and water. I must leave our camp. I must find them. I must survive...
Search-and-rescue is Tally Nowata's profession -- and her passion. But now she's out of her element, half a world away from Wyoming's Grand Tetons, stranded, alone, in Australia's Tanami desert. She's hunting for those she loves -- and running from those who want to kill her....
Real-life tracker Hannah Nyala, author of the acclaimed memoir Point Last Seen, introduces a compelling heroine pitted against nature -- and the darkest criminal element -- in the ultimate fight for survival. A suspense-charged novel of courage and hope, Leave No Trace will leave you breathless.