Helpful Score: 2
Reviewed by Sally Kruger aka "Readingjunky" for
"Wow," Trent said. "It isn't . . . easy . . . being young and undead . . . in America."
The number of undead teens is increasing. At first it was considered a unique, localized event, but now it's happening everywhere. Tommy Williams and his website and the Hunter Foundation are now known far and wide. The undead, or "differently biotic," have been accepted by some but are still outcasts to others.
Phoebe's life has changed. She still loves Tommy, but since Adam died saving her life, she has dedicated all her time and energy to helping him gain his full potential as a member of the undead. His progress is slow, and having Tommy acting petty and jealous doesn't help the situation. At least she has the support of her friends (living and undead) at the Hunter Foundation standing behind her decision to help the two factions of their community adjust to the changing world.
Tommy's efforts to help his fellow undead members of society adjust have him deciding to take his show on the road. With more and more differently biotic needing a support system, he realizes that many do have Internet access to get help from his blog. His decision to travel to spread the word means he will need assistance from those he is leaving behind. Phoebe and her friends agree to manage the website and blog about things from their perspective.
Prejudice and intolerance of the undead teens is increasing, making the job of protecting them even harder. Since the fire at the Haunted House, they are in more danger than ever. There are mysterious white vans traveling the countryside and groups of violent haters threatening everyone's peace and safety. Law enforcement, including the FBI, are incarcerating differently biotics and not even attempting to recognizing any rights they might be due.
KISS OF LIFE continues the adventure begun in GENERATION DEAD. With all the vampire/zombie novels available to today, author Daniel Waters gives the genre a new twist. Combining the paranormal with the concept of prejudice against this new generation provides a bit of depth to the usual zombie tale. This will be an interesting series to keep an eye on as it evolves.
"Wow," Trent said. "It isn't . . . easy . . . being young and undead . . . in America."
The number of undead teens is increasing. At first it was considered a unique, localized event, but now it's happening everywhere. Tommy Williams and his website and the Hunter Foundation are now known far and wide. The undead, or "differently biotic," have been accepted by some but are still outcasts to others.
Phoebe's life has changed. She still loves Tommy, but since Adam died saving her life, she has dedicated all her time and energy to helping him gain his full potential as a member of the undead. His progress is slow, and having Tommy acting petty and jealous doesn't help the situation. At least she has the support of her friends (living and undead) at the Hunter Foundation standing behind her decision to help the two factions of their community adjust to the changing world.
Tommy's efforts to help his fellow undead members of society adjust have him deciding to take his show on the road. With more and more differently biotic needing a support system, he realizes that many do have Internet access to get help from his blog. His decision to travel to spread the word means he will need assistance from those he is leaving behind. Phoebe and her friends agree to manage the website and blog about things from their perspective.
Prejudice and intolerance of the undead teens is increasing, making the job of protecting them even harder. Since the fire at the Haunted House, they are in more danger than ever. There are mysterious white vans traveling the countryside and groups of violent haters threatening everyone's peace and safety. Law enforcement, including the FBI, are incarcerating differently biotics and not even attempting to recognizing any rights they might be due.
KISS OF LIFE continues the adventure begun in GENERATION DEAD. With all the vampire/zombie novels available to today, author Daniel Waters gives the genre a new twist. Combining the paranormal with the concept of prejudice against this new generation provides a bit of depth to the usual zombie tale. This will be an interesting series to keep an eye on as it evolves.
Helpful Score: 1
This is a hard review, there was so much in this book that made me just want to throw it against the wall and never pick it up again. Pete and Duke's machinations mostly. The hatred they represented really got to me, at one point making me physically ...more This is a hard review, there was so much in this book that made me just want to throw it against the wall and never pick it up again. Pete and Duke's machinations mostly. The hatred they represented really got to me, at one point making me physically ill. But at the same time I feel "good" writing should make the reader feel something, make an impression, make them think and I cannot deny this book did all of that for me. I could not help but constantly compare this to the civil rights movement here in America not that long ago and can't help but wonder is this the way Martin Luther King Jr thought, is this the way people planned to show they were not going away either and that they no longer would be treated as different? Daniel Waters certainly gave me plenty to think about and for that I appreciate his hard work and hard words.
This is the second book in the Generation Dead series by Daniel Waters. The 3rd book "Passing Strange" is due out in June of 2010. This was a great follow-up book to the first book in the series.
This book takes up shortly after Book 1 left off. Adam has re-animated as one of the biotically different (zombie). Unfortunately it is taking Adam a long time to regain any functionality. As a result Phoebe is spending a ton of time looking after him and has cut off any of her relations with Tommy. Meanwhile theedgy zombie "Smiley" has created a group called the Sons of Romero that play pranks on breathers to keep the Zombies in the spotlight. Unfortunately someone is doing pranks that aren't funny at all and they are making it look like the Zombies are responsible; which is starting to unite society against the differently biotic. Thrown into all this mystery is the Hunter Corporation. The Hunter Corporation is supposed to be helping with Zombie rights, but all is not what it seems to be.
There is a ton going on in this book. It is actually a fairly complicated plot. The plot is engaging and the characters are interesting and full of depth. It was a quick read and touches on a lot of political issues of human and undead rights. For the most part I really enjoyed this book. Although as things start to go more and more wrong, I found myself cringing. At the end of this book you can't help but feel that things are going to get really, really bad for all of the characters in the third book.
The most irritating part of this book was the beginning, way too much time was spent on Adam and Phoebe. Especially on listening to Phoebe moan about how Adam saved her, how she feels guilty, and how he needs her. I thought Waters went over this a bit too much and spent too much time driving this predicament into the ground. If this part had been shortened up it would have been a wonderful book indeed.
I also have to mention the horribly chick-lit cover. The cover has nothing to do with the story. The cover also lends the impression that this is some tween bubble gum read, and that it is not. The book is very serious and deals with a lot of serious issues. I am not too big on the book covers picked out for this series, I wish they reflected the material inside a little better.
The above being said, this was a good read. As both the world, the characters, and the plot become more and more complicated I am starting to wonder where this story will lead us. I know last I heard the plan was possibly 5 books for this series. I am wondering with the plot pace and complications, if it will actually be wrapped up that quickly. A good read. If you liked the first book you will like this one too.
This book takes up shortly after Book 1 left off. Adam has re-animated as one of the biotically different (zombie). Unfortunately it is taking Adam a long time to regain any functionality. As a result Phoebe is spending a ton of time looking after him and has cut off any of her relations with Tommy. Meanwhile theedgy zombie "Smiley" has created a group called the Sons of Romero that play pranks on breathers to keep the Zombies in the spotlight. Unfortunately someone is doing pranks that aren't funny at all and they are making it look like the Zombies are responsible; which is starting to unite society against the differently biotic. Thrown into all this mystery is the Hunter Corporation. The Hunter Corporation is supposed to be helping with Zombie rights, but all is not what it seems to be.
There is a ton going on in this book. It is actually a fairly complicated plot. The plot is engaging and the characters are interesting and full of depth. It was a quick read and touches on a lot of political issues of human and undead rights. For the most part I really enjoyed this book. Although as things start to go more and more wrong, I found myself cringing. At the end of this book you can't help but feel that things are going to get really, really bad for all of the characters in the third book.
The most irritating part of this book was the beginning, way too much time was spent on Adam and Phoebe. Especially on listening to Phoebe moan about how Adam saved her, how she feels guilty, and how he needs her. I thought Waters went over this a bit too much and spent too much time driving this predicament into the ground. If this part had been shortened up it would have been a wonderful book indeed.
I also have to mention the horribly chick-lit cover. The cover has nothing to do with the story. The cover also lends the impression that this is some tween bubble gum read, and that it is not. The book is very serious and deals with a lot of serious issues. I am not too big on the book covers picked out for this series, I wish they reflected the material inside a little better.
The above being said, this was a good read. As both the world, the characters, and the plot become more and more complicated I am starting to wonder where this story will lead us. I know last I heard the plan was possibly 5 books for this series. I am wondering with the plot pace and complications, if it will actually be wrapped up that quickly. A good read. If you liked the first book you will like this one too.

This book is not as good as the first Generation Dead book. This one drags on for a very long time and it's as action packed as the first until the last few chapters. And though the dealing with diversity issue is there, it's not so much as in your face until again the last few chapters. Mainly it's a bunch of teenage fluff of clubs and dating and friendships, in fact you start to forget that this book even involves zombies until again, the end of the book (see the pattern here?) Hopefully the next book in the series isn't as much of a yawn as this book is. If you want a good read, read the last few chapters. You'll probably even figured out what happened without reading the other 95% of the book!

The second book in the series is a great continuation of the first, I wonder if their will be a third.