Bridget B. (praisinghim) reviewed Kirsten Learns a Lesson: A School Story (American Girls Collection, Bk 2) on
American girl books are a staple of many little girl libraries. This book is one of the series and my girls both enjoyed this book.
Bobbie A. (homeschool4me) reviewed Kirsten Learns a Lesson: A School Story (American Girls Collection, Bk 2) on + 371 more book reviews
a great resource for homeschoolers.

Kristen has a hard time in her new American school because she doesn't speak english very well. Miss Winston,her new teacher, is strict and not very understanding. Things get worse when Miss Winsto come live with the Larson family. Kristen's only escape is playing with her secret friend Singing Bird, the indain girl. When Singing Bird suggests running away for ever, Kristen must decide where she belongs. Kristen does learn some important lessons in school, but she learns something even more important in herself.

Card catalog description
After immigrating from Sweden to join relatives in an American prairie community, Kirsten endures the ordeal of a strange school through a secret friendship with an Indian girl
After immigrating from Sweden to join relatives in an American prairie community, Kirsten endures the ordeal of a strange school through a secret friendship with an Indian girl
"Little House on the Prairie" type story of Scandinavian immigrant child and her American Indian friend. Book in virtually perfect condition.