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Topic: Kindle Lending

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Ronda (RONDA) - ,
Date Posted: 6/11/2014 9:57 AM ET
Member Since: 3/3/2009
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So I think if you go to the book could of been a cowboy, click on it, you will see that I also have it in my collection.  If you click on my profile you will see that I have 2 books shared.  I am rkchr.

It does not look like the link in prior post will take me back to your page.  It makes me sign in and takes me to my page.  but the method of finding a book we share and going to your profile and then your books works.  not sure if you can get people directly to your profile.

And it looks like the key is the permalink at the bottom of the page.  I used that on your profile page and was able to get to you again

I did see a button to add you as a favorite... but that seemed to do nothing


Last Edited on: 6/11/14 9:59 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
jemedwards avatar
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Date Posted: 6/11/2014 3:45 PM ET
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Thanks a bunch Ronda!  I think the link that you sent me for my books is the ticket:

I was able to see the two books you have in your shared library: How to Drive a Dragon Crazy and Coulda Been a Cowboy.  There was a tag on the book cover of Coulda... that said something like "in your collection" to let me know that I had that book.

You're right, while I was viewing your page I did see, on the right hand side, the option to "add as a favorite" but it didn't do anything.

Well at least it looks like Amazon has good intentions on setting this up so if they get enough people asking about it maybe they'll get it to working.

If the link above doesn't work for folks, I'll go back to the idea of posting a PDF of my booklist for folks to look at.

Thanks again!

ETA: The permalink for "see this page as others see it" is below and it drives me crazy that it doesn't work!

Last Edited on: 6/11/14 3:48 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
gremlin avatar
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Date Posted: 6/12/2014 3:57 AM ET
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Jeanette, that first link seems to do the trick!  takes me to your profile, and i can click and see your books.  one bit of weirdness is that if i click to bring the list up in a new tab i get my own books, but if i just click on your link and let it come up in the same window it works.

i see lots of 'in your collection' tags on the freebies.  :)

jemedwards avatar
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Date Posted: 6/12/2014 4:56 AM ET
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Thanks for checking Ellen!

Looks like you and I keep up on grabbing those freebies.  I will usually buy any ebook at Kobo before I get it from Amazon.  Even if Amazon has it at a lower price Kobo always has some kind of coupon to allow me to buy it cheaper!

hugbandit7 avatar
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Date Posted: 6/12/2014 11:10 AM ET
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oh wow, this looks pretty cool and it would make it so much easier to share books etc if it were more user friendly!

I'm planning to play with this some more.

Here is my link

Last Edited on: 6/12/14 5:35 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
jemedwards avatar
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Date Posted: 6/12/2014 12:30 PM ET
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Yeap, Ronda sure started something! cheeky

Leslie, try again cuz the link you posted is the same link as mine.

What is your customer ID which is displaying in the link?  That's what the difference is in the links.  

My customer is in red:

hugbandit7 avatar
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Date Posted: 6/12/2014 5:36 PM ET
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whoops!  try my link above, it should work correctly now!  thanks for letting me know

melc avatar
Date Posted: 6/12/2014 6:16 PM ET
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one bit of weirdness is that if i click to bring the list up in a new tab i get my own books, but if i just click on your link and let it come up in the same window it works.

I'm getting the same thing. If I click on the link, it takes me to my own profile (has me log in and that takes me to my own). But if I actually copy the whole thing and paste it in a new window, I got Jeanette's profile.


gremlin avatar
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Date Posted: 6/13/2014 2:45 AM ET
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Leslie, your updated link is taking me to my own stuff, but this work (taking Jeanette's link and replacing with your id#) works:


it would be really really useful if there was a way from there to find any books you can lend and then be able to choose to show those as a collection of some kind, but if you still have to manually go through them yourself and then maybe only share the ones you have available to lend so that you can make a list others can see, that's a bit painful. i poked around, but didn't see a way to create my own sub-collection.

jemedwards avatar
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Date Posted: 6/13/2014 9:26 AM ET
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Yeap Ellen, the link for Leslie's books works.

I wouldn't even bother designating a collection for lendable stuff because, from what I've read in other posts, Amazon changes books from lendable to unlendable once in a while.  Is that true?

DuskyRose avatar
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Date Posted: 6/13/2014 11:13 AM ET
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I wouldn't even bother designating a collection for lendable stuff because, from what I've read in other posts, Amazon changes books from lendable to unlendable once in a while.  Is that true?

It's the authors/publishers decide for how long a books is lendable. I know that there's some incentive for them to have their books lendable, but past a certain point the author/publisher can change their minds.

(IIRC, at the start the author got 70% royalty for each lendable book sold, and 35% for each that wasn't lendable. That way they got royalties for two sales on each lendable, even if the lend never happened. I don't know if that's still the same situation or not.)

The first couple of years of freebies I listed a couple of thousand of them at I noticed that some books I went to loan were no longer loanable about six months later. Now, I go through my list and remove anything no longer loanable, and find that about 30-100 a month can no longer be loaned out.

With each author/publisher making the decision on their own, it's pretty random.


pottergal avatar
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Subject: kindle copy of Gone Girl avaialble for gifting
Date Posted: 7/13/2017 1:41 AM ET
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All the posts in this thread are a bit yellow with age. I assume that gifting has taken the place of lending as regards to Kindle books. If anyone wants Gone Girl I'll be happy to gift it to you. Just need your email, so please message it to me. This will be the first time i try this and will have more books to gift as i read through my list. Wish we could do this through PBS, but since we can't at this time, I hope this book can get to someone who will enjoy it.

