No matter if you are a parent who wants to teach golf to your child, a beginner who wants to learn the game, or an experienced player who wnts to save a few strokes off your score, this is the book for you.
Rudy Duran coached Tiger Woods from teh age of 4 -10 and today he is one of the country's leading experts on teaching golf to young people and beginners. He show you how to bring out your natural abilities and play the best possible regardless of your age or skill level.
His 5 step progam teaches golf from the ground up, from the basics to the games advanced techinques. It is organized around 4 disciplines. You will avoid information overload and its fun.
His revoluntionary personal par system will change the way you look at yoru scorecard and help you achieve your personal goals. From attitude to finding the right clubs for your body size he covers it all. Entertaining stories as well as personal photos and anecdotes about his famous pupil makes this great reading as will as learning.
Rudy Duran coached Tiger Woods from teh age of 4 -10 and today he is one of the country's leading experts on teaching golf to young people and beginners. He show you how to bring out your natural abilities and play the best possible regardless of your age or skill level.
His 5 step progam teaches golf from the ground up, from the basics to the games advanced techinques. It is organized around 4 disciplines. You will avoid information overload and its fun.
His revoluntionary personal par system will change the way you look at yoru scorecard and help you achieve your personal goals. From attitude to finding the right clubs for your body size he covers it all. Entertaining stories as well as personal photos and anecdotes about his famous pupil makes this great reading as will as learning.