Pretty dry.
A must-have for students of history & political philosophy...
Very interesting book...few people today have an accurate notion of what communism is, as in modern days it has been instituted in corrupt, massive societies. A great read for anyone who wants background in political philosophy (which should, in fact, be everyone).
This is a very well known book so O do not think I need to expalin it.
I will say that when I pulled the price tag off it pulled a very small area of the cover off. (less than the size of a penny)
I will say that when I pulled the price tag off it pulled a very small area of the cover off. (less than the size of a penny)
This book is many things and very important historically, but it is two things most importantly:
1) short;
2) readable.
1) short;
2) readable.

This pamphlet is obviously a classic of literature and history. Marx and pal Engels mix brilliant writing with a powerful vision of change and utopia. If you haven't put this on your reading list (and hung a capitalist from a lamppost) you are not living.
Ed. by Samuel H. Beer, Harvard University
Great simple way to read the manifesto.
Very intersting look at the thoughts of the communist party.
This is the 10th edition printed in 1971. Book is in good condition.
I can't believe what this wimpy little thing helped to propagate. It's so short and tiny that I could in all seriousness, If I were to prepare it properly, eat it as a single meal, say for dinner, or as heavy breakfast before heading out to perform my tasks as a completely replaceable and totally dispensable member of society. I like books about, how to hold conversations with people of younger generations then you, a lot better. I also don't care for churros. Not churros per se, but churros which are sold in fast moving subway cars, which break often and sharply. They aren't always wrapped the best in their little clear wrappings and I've seen the motion of the car cause them to tumble off the little fold-up churro table, the churro guys use, and onto the subway car ground, after which the churro guy ( I don't blame him though, I blame the capitalists, evolutionists and swine flu inventors ) just simply picked them back up blew all the really light germs off and proceeded to continue in selling these fallen items. I have never seen this happen before, but I guess if you are interested in communism and/or the history of it and it's impact on the world, then this is pretty much a book you should have and or read at some point. Thanks and may the wings of three million quail doves escort you to your heavenly mansions of gold and lace.