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Topic: June 2023 Health and Fitness Forum

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LDN avatar
Lisa N. (LDN) - ,
Date Posted: 6/28/2023 10:45 AM ET
Member Since: 6/19/2007
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Vicki, I can relate to a great many of your comments.  I also cannot 'diet' anymore and have to be very careful about what I bring into my house.  And, I can become consumed with it and find all I think about is what I'm going to eat and when.  That's usually a sign that I need to stay off the scale, make a plan each night for what I'm eating the next day and stick to that plan.  Sometimes it's helpful if I even write out that plan.

Intermittent Fasting has helped me a great deal.  When I first started doing it I lost about 22 pounds.  Then it kind of just helped me maintain.  Because I've been 'cheating' at it, I'm now probably up about 8# from my lowest.  It's not for everyone, but it is much easier for those of us that live alone.

Teri, good for you to cut the carbs.  That's probably my biggest downfall.  I also don't mind hot food when it's hot outside. 

I think eating out is a big pitfall for me too, but I'm not willing to give that up since it's the way I keep up with people socially.  Our society tends to build everything around food, and maybe even moreso in the South.  Once in a while it isn't a meal but just meeting over coffee, but generally anything social will involve food and I need to learn to navigate that without getting derailed.

The biggest failure is to quit trying though - so we persevere.

frogslady avatar
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Subject: Checking in.
Date Posted: 6/28/2023 5:57 PM ET
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The other day I went shopping and I'm proud of myself. I wanted every sweet thing in the store, but I narrowed it down to one slice of coconut meringue pie. It's a little pricey to get those individual servings, but that is what I wanted, and by saying yes to that I was able to say no to all the other things that called to me, and the scale went down.

This month has been up and down and I haven't been exercising like I should, but as long as I'm getting the "last things" done at work, I'm ok with that.

Today it looks like I'll be doing well to end the month the same weight I started, but I can eat better and exercise more after the job is done. 

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 6/29/2023 7:49 AM ET
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I'm too stubborn to totally give up. I know getting my weight down will help me move easier and I won't be so winded.

Margaret, like you, I'm probably going to end the month at about the same weight as when the month started. Going to do my best in July to eat healthier ( and eat less over all).

englishmaven avatar
Date Posted: 6/30/2023 12:36 PM ET
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July Health and Fitness

frogslady avatar
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Subject: Last Day...
Date Posted: 6/30/2023 2:32 PM ET
Member Since: 8/3/2014
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I don't take my BP every day like I should. Partly because it doesn't fit in routines on a work day. But today is my last one (sort of). (I did agree to be the substitute for the administrative assistant the last week of July, and I'll get paid for that.)

So today I did that (I don't come to work till 1 pm on Fridays) and it wasn't good. I know I have been sloppy on things like eating my oatmeal that keep it down, so I made a lot of goals for July.
