Helpful Score: 3
I loved this book! Unfortunately, "Jump the Shark" has just done that ... Jumped the Shark! It sold its popular website to TV Guide and now it's a mess! TV Guide took something that also included music, sports, politics, and celebrities, and just dismissed anything that didn't have to do with entertainment. Truthfully, I liked the other parts of the book like when did Al Sharpton jump the shark? (Tawana Brawley episode and no apology.) Or when did Olympic figure skating jump the shark? (Nancy Kerrigan/Tanya Harding debacle.) A lot has happened since its 2002 publication. Unfortunately we'll never know the EXACT date Bushie jumped the shark because TV Guide seems to think we're a vapid society that only wants to know about entertainment. So, I guess Jon Hein (the author) jumped the shark when he sold his website to TV Guide. Ironic, don't you think?
Helpful Score: 1
Funny book which details the exact moment our favorite TV shows, bands, etc. "jumped the shark" (totally outrageous and no longer believable). Such moments include the addition of Cousin Oliver to the "Brady Bunch" or the appearance of Scrappy Doo!
This is a fun book that describes an aspect of popular culture that we have all experienced: "You know it when you see it. It's the moment on your favorite TV show when a new character is introduced, the romantic leads share their passionate embrace, or the whole gang takes a trip to Tahiti. In that moment you know your favorite show has lost its magic...." (from a blurb on the book cover) "But its not just
TV shows--anything and anyone can jump the shark."
Read this book to find out where the author got the title! You might be surprised.
TV shows--anything and anyone can jump the shark."
Read this book to find out where the author got the title! You might be surprised.
Helpful Score: 1
Lots of fun, although I don't always agree with him. Quick and easy listen, no deeping -- or even light -- thinking is required.
Interesting, and oh so true.
A delightful and humorous look at when your favorite tv shows, bands and politicians took the one step they shouldn't have.
Abridged on 3 compact discs; approximately 3.5 hours. Read by the author. Read more at jumptheshark.com. I'm a pop culture junkie, and Hein and I have a similiar sense of humor. I laughed out loud at snark like: "Is Marv Albert kinky? Yesssssssss!" (My favorite TV show, "Gilmore Girls," recently jumped the shark by introducing Luke's daughter now that Rory's no longer cute--just like "The Brady Bunch" did with Cousin Oliver.)
Jump the Shark is a riotous compendium of those priceless moments when the magic vanishes, the ratings go south, and the mighty become the fallen (who would have guessed a blue Gap dress could send Bill Clinton over the shark?). From the creator of the immensely popular website that has coined a catch phrase comes the book that is bound to be the pop-culture sensation of the season. But beware: these shark-infested pages will leave you in stitches and wondering where the insidious fin will pop up next.