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Topic: July Mysteries

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Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Subject: July Mysteries
Date Posted: 7/4/2019 8:07 AM ET
Member Since: 5/13/2009
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What is everyone reading.


I just finished The Skeleton Makes a Friend by Leigh Perry  fun paranormal cozy series

I am now reading 

White Silence by Jodi Talyor


SusanG avatar
Subject: Armchair Traveler
Date Posted: 7/9/2019 1:01 AM ET
Member Since: 10/2/2007
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Just finished the last (so far) in the Bruno, chief of police series which takes place in the charming southern french town of St. Denis.  Martin Walker writes the series which is full of history, geography, french food, cultures and wonderful characters.  Very enjoyable with it's serious side.  I mostly read mysteries set in interesting locations and for some reason I have stayed away from the Walker series.  Not sure why. 

I read the first 3 books in the Jean-Luc Bannalec series set in Brittany with Commissaire Dupin who has been transferred from Paris for unknown reasons..The setting, food, and customs of Brittany are quite interesting, but Brittany is very different than the rest of France and actually has an historical connection to the Celts.  I've given up on the series mainly because the plot and characters are quite jumbled nd confusing.  

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Date Posted: 7/21/2019 3:23 PM ET
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Just back from a 2-week vacation during which I managed to read 11 books!  Among them 'Plum Tea Crazy' by Laura Child and 'A Wrench in the Works' by Kate Carlisle.  

Now back to reality.  (sigh)

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Date Posted: 7/25/2019 11:02 PM ET
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I am reading a mystery at the moment called 'Amish Hideout' in which the MC is a computer programmer who is entering the Witness Protection Program as she was able to identify a man who had stolen millions of dollars from banks and is being protected until she testifies at his trial.  One of the rules she is to abide by is not to use any electronic devices and especially not log onto the internet because this villans' henchmen could track and find out where she is located.  Of course the moment we see her she has defied that rule and is on the internet.  The safe house she is staying at is shortly thereafter overrun by henchmen trying to kill her and the agents with her.  Not only do they shoot but they also set off a small explosion in the house.  Does she do this again? You betcha.  The agent who is conveying her from the now not-so-safe house to where she will be entered into the program was raised Amish but left the community to become a cop.  While the two of them are on the run, he goes to the community he grew up in and accidentally enters a store owned by his brother.  Now the MC and this agent have known each other for less than 24 hours, but she goes ballistic because he didn't share with her that he had an Amish upbringing.  

I have decided there needs to be some rating system for these people who enter dark basements with an ax murder on the loose, use the internet when they are not supposed to, etc.  First I think they should be labeled TSTL'ers.  These folks are Too Stupid To Live.  A TSTL'er could be given a grade C, for example, on up to the really stupid at grade A.  The MC in this book is definitely in the grade A category.  I'm not sure if I am going to finish this book, but I can tell you she is seriously standing on my last nerve.  

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Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 7/26/2019 7:09 AM ET
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I just finished Bewitched and Betrothed by Juliet Blackwell. Good Cozy series she keeps the plot moving along and brings back our favorite characters.