Helpful Score: 26
I can't believe that I actually finished this book. I thought it was horrible. I absolutely did not like it. I thought the book would have more to do with actual cooking rather than having to read about the author complaining, nagging, whinning, and more complaining.... I've been to culinary school myself, and of course had to learn a lot of French/ Classical ways of cooking; and yes, it can be very stressful, but not once did I ever throw a crying fit because of it. I think the author over exaggerated a lot about the stresses of French cooking, even if she was just following what Julia Child's cookbook said. No wonder she said that Julia Child didn't like her. I wouldn't either if she were crying about something so simple that a cookbook could be made out of it. If it's so much of a problem to you, you should have just went to Culinary School.
There were so many times that I just wanted to give up reading this terrible book. But I can't find it in myself to quit something that I already started. So for all of you who'd like to put yourselves through it, by all means, go ahead and try reading it for yourself....
There were so many times that I just wanted to give up reading this terrible book. But I can't find it in myself to quit something that I already started. So for all of you who'd like to put yourselves through it, by all means, go ahead and try reading it for yourself....
Nancy S. (nancys) - reviewed Julie and Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously on + 60 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 22
this is one of the worst books i've attempted to read. julie is not funny. her mouth is straight out of a sewer. and the book has very little to do with cooking julia's childs recipes. i really don't care how often she has sex with her husband, or how pathetic her job is. the only time she talks about cooking is when she is talking about how she is cheating at the recipes. this book is not worth the paper it is printed on.
Leslie R. (robisles) reviewed Julie and Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously on + 8 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 15
I did not finish this book because, quite frankly, it was very offensive. She continually puts down Republicans, belittles those who lost loved ones on Sept 11, makes fun of Christians, her language was obscene, and half of the time she writes like an ADD person without their meds. I can say this because I AM an ADD person and even on my worse day, meds or no meds, I am more coherent than she was.

Helpful Score: 13
Did I hate this book? No. Could I have done without the author injecting her political veiws every chance she had? You betcha. I wanted to read a book that seemed interesting. I didn't need the author's politics shoved into my face every chance she could. Still, it is an interesting book. The author does come off as whiny in some places... you think your husband's Aunt may have died in a bombing, but you're more concerned about a dish that you're trying to prepare in your kitchen that later turns out to be infested by maggots? Ick.
Still, cudos to the author for taking on such a task and for making it entertaining. Maybe the reason the real Julia hated the blog was because the author spent so much time talking about herself and not about the food.
Still, cudos to the author for taking on such a task and for making it entertaining. Maybe the reason the real Julia hated the blog was because the author spent so much time talking about herself and not about the food.
Tara K. (RandomReader) reviewed Julie and Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously on + 15 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 13
The book reads more like a really long blog entry. It is well written, but the storyline meanders and some people we are given probably a bit too much info about, and others almost nothing. Powell is staunchly anti-Republican, which is fine, except that her reasons are never explained, just constant mention of the fact that she thinks Republicans suck. All in all I enjoyed it, but it probably could have done with some tightening up.