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John Knox - Appreciations By United Original Seceders
John Knox Appreciations By United Original Seceders Author:Anon The quuter-centenary of his birth, whatever the precise date inay have been, is being celebrated this year throughout our land, and far beyond its bounds. It would ill become the Secession Church, of which his great biographer, ibICrie, was a distinguished ornament, to stand aloof frorn such a movement, which corninernorates the great work that ... more »the Lord enabled him to accorriplish for the cause of Christ in Scotland and else where. Considering that the commemoration affords a fitting opportunity for calling the attention of our countrymen to Reformation principles now sadly v i Prefntory Note. neglected, rather than in a spirit of hero worship, the Synod devoted the evening of the 18th May to addresses on subjects relating to the life and work of our great Reformer. A committee was intrusted with the publicatioil of the addresses, and they are now issued in the hope that some Inay be led to ask for the old paths, where is the good way, I 1 and that others may be encouraged and confirmed ill their attachment to them. Tlle addresses speak for themselves and we trust that many who had not the opportunity of lrearing them delivered inay receive instruction and stiinulus from the perusal of them. Each of the speakers treated his theme in his own way and 011 his own respo sibilit yT. h e result is a comprehensive presentation by coillpeteilt men of the various aspects of the subject to which the evening was devoted. Knox well deserves to be remembered by all who love the cause he served so well. He sought the conversion to God of those who had hitherto been slaves of sin and Satan, and would not have been Prefito y Pate. vii satisfied with a reformation of a merely external and formal character. The views he entertained of truth and duty were of the llighest kind and in the prosecution of his work he sho red profound spirituttl knowledge of the sacred oracles, and great skill in the application of their teaching. It was his earnest desire t, hat the nation should be on the Lords side, and in order to this he sought to make adequate provision for the preaching of the gospel and for the godly education of the young. He was thwarted in his efforts in these and other directions by the selfish opposition of the nobles and of the Court, with the result that even yet his educational policy has not been fully carried out. Knox has all along had many virulent and unscrupulous enemies doing their utmost to injure his character and to depreciat, e his work. Even in this twentieth century such persons are to be found but t, he verdict of history is against them. Unbiassed students appreciate him as a man of fervent piety, sterling uprightness, burning zeal, and great enlightenment. Fearing God, he had no other fear. The fruit of his pious, self-denying, earnest work in the cause of God will continue long after the very names of his traducers and calumniators shall have passed into oblivion...« less