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Topic: Jesus Freak Hideout Rated PG

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sweetnessandsass avatar
Date Posted: 7/27/2008 11:39 PM ET
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Psalm 110:1 ESV

A Psalm of David. The Lord says to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.”

2 Peter 2:7

And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked:

sweetnessandsass avatar
Date Posted: 7/27/2008 11:43 PM ET
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It gets scary and downright outrageous when a person plugs in a name to find out every site one may have visited and even posts on them, too, in order to attack that person!

Yeah, telling something that is true but upsetting is one thing...messing with somebodies website goes beyond.

I'm glad you spoke to your cats about catnip. I hope they enjoyed their catnip before they put some serious regulations on that.

TheSampleLady avatar
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Date Posted: 7/28/2008 12:00 AM ET
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I have a good kitty. He's never had any catnip dependancy issues.


doulachic avatar
Date Posted: 7/28/2008 1:26 AM ET
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Ellen, I am shocked and appalled that you are a Catnip Addict Enabler!  ::giggle::


Our old cat (who is now in Heaven) had catnip once.  Someone had given us "homegrown" catnip, so I let him have a little...oh my heck!  He completely nutted up over it!  I had to throw the rest out.  LOL

Last Edited on: 7/28/08 1:32 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
sweetnessandsass avatar
Date Posted: 7/28/2008 8:57 AM ET
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Where is that stuff? I wonder if it would mellow out my kitty meowing at 2 AM.

doulachic avatar
Date Posted: 7/28/2008 10:19 AM ET
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Oh no!  Catnip is like speed for cats. (at least for my cats)  They go completely insane just smelling the stuff!  (that's why a lot of cat toys have catnip added).  I'm not so sure it's really good for them.  :)

sweetnessandsass avatar
Date Posted: 7/28/2008 7:15 PM ET
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So it is speed for cats and not weed? Well, there goes that idea:P

Generic Profile avatar
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Date Posted: 7/29/2008 12:52 PM ET
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Sounds like it's a "speed weed" for cats, though, doesn't it?

On a more serious subject......

Lately, I've been praying, then reading my Bible alone, because Dave is still in rehab. Each time I end my prayer I've asked the Holy Spirit to lead me where to read and to help me to understand it. Every time He has brought me to about the middle of the book of Matthew and each time a verse has jumped out at me and really given my comfort and joy. Isn't that cool??

I've read through the whole Bible many times and generally read it it cover to cover over and over again. Since Dave and I have been having devotions together that has changed. now that he's in rehab. of course it's changed altogether, but what a blessing it's been!

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Date Posted: 7/29/2008 12:53 PM ET
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I think I got that right. ;)

sweetnessandsass avatar
Date Posted: 7/29/2008 7:46 PM ET
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I got a book at the Christian book store last weekend. It's called "Read the Bible in 90 Days" It breaks it into 12 pages a day. I'll let you know how that goes.

sweetnessandsass avatar
Date Posted: 7/30/2008 8:03 PM ET
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How are you all doing today?

doulachic avatar
Date Posted: 7/30/2008 11:20 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 7/30/08 11:27 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
sweetnessandsass avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2008 10:26 AM ET
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I went to bed at 7 and just got up. Ha!

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Date Posted: 7/31/2008 4:12 PM ET
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Shannon, it will be interesting to see how it goes with your Bible reading; everyone is different in how they read, how much they actually absorb, etc. I tend to read very quickly - really too quickly - so when I'm reading my Bible I like- actually have - to read slowly, as it's a spiritual book since it's the living word. When I was reading through the Bible on my own I read one chapter two days in a row and took it slowly, forcing myself to concentrate.

Keep us updated, would you? I'm really interested in this form of reading God's word!

sweetnessandsass avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2008 8:32 PM ET
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I will keep you updated Ellen

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Date Posted: 8/1/2008 1:31 PM ET
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Cool! Just curious - is it King James? I am a King James only Bible reader; not new King James, or anything else. The reason? It's the only one without a copyright, therefore hasn't been changed in order for new issues to bring in money for those publishing them. We are commanded not to change one thing in the word of God and 'thee' means 'you' and 'thou'  means 'you'  and 'eth' is simply a plural. It isn't difficult to understand at all! In fact, if a 4th grade student can understand it, then why not me? ;)

doulachic avatar
Date Posted: 8/23/2008 11:59 AM ET
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Too bad Shannon isn't part of PBS anymore.  :(  Please keep her in your prayers.


doulachic avatar
Date Posted: 8/23/2008 12:00 PM ET
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I really wish more Christians would join us down here, it's fun!  :D

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Date Posted: 8/23/2008 9:23 PM ET
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What are yall doing over here?  I thought you had your own forum going so you didn't have to be hi-jacked?  I've found some other Christian forums that lift up and encourage you.  But then if the Lord leads me to a post here that's fine too!  Just was curious about yall!

doulachic avatar
Date Posted: 8/24/2008 5:07 PM ET
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Deborah, this thread is mostly dead, but come over to the "Underground Church" thread (still here in Money and Business).  A few of us are posting there now.  :)

We have an off site page, but I thought this would be fun too.

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 8/25/2008 9:06 AM ET
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Hey, just saw this thread after posting in the Underground Church. Love the title of the thread.=) LOL.
