Helpful Score: 6
I bought this book thinking it would be typical chic lit. I generally enjoy them as a form of light reading. In some ways it was chic lit, typical quirky girl who shops too much and does embarassing things (sometimes so embarassing I actually had to put the book down for awhile). But usually the heroine is charming enough in some way to make up for it; this one wasn't. She was stupid, selfish and gutless. I don't want to post spoilers so I'll just say I was disappointed in the end. The only reason this isn't getting just one star is that the actual writing (style, punctuation, sentence structure, etc) was decent.
Helpful Score: 2
I have Pretty Little Mistakes by this same author. I enjoyed reading that so I thought I would give this book a try. This is chick lit for a mature audience. Most of the book is clever; many of the things the main character says/thinks are entertaining. The ending was...unique. It did catch me off guard. The book was enjoyable, and I'd give it to my closest girlfriends to read; however, it's not the best book I've read this year.
Chick lit is not normally the genre that I aim for but I had read a few heavy books and I was in the mood for a lighter story. This book was perfect. I am single and 29 and I just moved from Minneapolis to Chicago a few months ago. As a former Minnesotan, I especially appreciated the references to weather, restaurants, and neighborhoods. The author was right on- she obviously lives in the area.
The main character struggles through many situations that I have found myself in over the years. She tries online dating, has weight issues (fueled by an addiction to Cinnabon), sleeps with a new boyfriend on the first date, has a dumpy apartment, has jealousy issues when both her sister and ex boyfriend get married on the same day and the list goes on. I felt her pain. I laughed with her and sometimes at the situations she found herself in. The situations are bold and honest.
As other reviewers stated, the ending was a let down, and although it wouldn't be the ending that I'd pick it is a very believable option. I sent out a mass e-mail to my Minneapolis friends urging them to read this book when they are in the mood for a fast, brainless, fun book. I loved it!
The main character struggles through many situations that I have found myself in over the years. She tries online dating, has weight issues (fueled by an addiction to Cinnabon), sleeps with a new boyfriend on the first date, has a dumpy apartment, has jealousy issues when both her sister and ex boyfriend get married on the same day and the list goes on. I felt her pain. I laughed with her and sometimes at the situations she found herself in. The situations are bold and honest.
As other reviewers stated, the ending was a let down, and although it wouldn't be the ending that I'd pick it is a very believable option. I sent out a mass e-mail to my Minneapolis friends urging them to read this book when they are in the mood for a fast, brainless, fun book. I loved it!
I thought this book was hilarious! I laughed out loud for much of the book and couldn't put it down. The only disappointment was the ending.
I loved this book! The main character's anecdotes are hilarious(don't read it in bed when your husband is sleeping, you could wake him up laughing!), but it is definitely not regular happy-go-lucky chick lit. When I first finished it I was not impressed with the ending, but after thinking for a few minutes I thought it was the perfect ending for the progression of the characters.

Check out the full review at Kritters Ramblings
A chick lit book that didn't hit all the notes for me. The concept of girl meets boss' son and falls head over heals was great and unique and different, but the character that exudes negativity just didn't do it for me. All of the characters were funny and entertaining - they had qualities that weren't appealing either but it wasn't pure debbie downer.
A chick lit book that didn't hit all the notes for me. The concept of girl meets boss' son and falls head over heals was great and unique and different, but the character that exudes negativity just didn't do it for me. All of the characters were funny and entertaining - they had qualities that weren't appealing either but it wasn't pure debbie downer.