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Topic: Janet Evanovich?

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sla506 avatar
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Subject: Janet Evanovich?
Date Posted: 3/30/2012 5:59 PM ET
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So, I've never read any of her books, was browsing through them, and didn't know where to start! Any suggestions on the best of hers? Where to begin?


craftnut avatar
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Date Posted: 4/4/2012 8:53 AM ET
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I'm not a fan of her books, but I did read the first few of the numbered series.  One for the Money is first and sets up how her protagonist gets started in the PI business.  I usually read books in the order they are written.  The 'Plum' books have the same protagonist but seem to be stand alone books that can be read in any order.  I haven't read them.  Then she has a bunch of romance type novels like Fowl Play, Hero At Large and Smitten, light reads that can probably be read in any order.

mwelday avatar
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Subject: Plum Series
Date Posted: 8/8/2012 7:36 PM ET
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I've read the Stephanie Plum series and really enjoyed it until about book that point I thought it got to be really repetitive.  But if you haven't read any and you're interested in Evanovich, I say give them a try.  Some parts are laugh-out-loud funny and they're easy, escapist reads.  Perfect for a beach day.

books4meme avatar
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Date Posted: 8/11/2012 11:48 AM ET
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Years ago I started the series when I was recovering from shoulder surgery. A friend recommended it, she was right, they are light,  fun and LOL at times.  MIRAH is right, after book 12 they start going downhill, the font gets larger with wide margins and looks like double spacing.  I still try and read them when I want something very light to read.

nx74defiant avatar
Date Posted: 8/11/2012 9:25 PM ET
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I like the Stephanie Plum series - light and fun, but I though the "Between the Number" books (Plum Lucky, etc) were just plain stupid.

IndulgeYourself avatar
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Date Posted: 8/27/2012 4:41 PM ET
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I agree with Sue - I LOVE the Stephanie Plum series - LOL fun and entertaining. The between the numbers, I read a couple and decided they were a waste of my time and now I don't touch those - I thought they were dumb too. I have not read any of her other stand alone light romances but I have many of them in my TBR pile just waiting for the right time.

janeldanel avatar
Subject: for a quick, enjoyable, easy read
Date Posted: 9/9/2012 8:41 AM ET
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That's about all...delightful and only enough substance to keep me reading. She's great for a palette-cleansing light read after reading too much serious non-fiction!

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Date Posted: 10/11/2012 9:26 PM ET
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If you read one Stephanie Plum book you read them all. They're funny but I find I need at least 2 years between them if not more so it doesn't feel like a reread to me.

berd avatar
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Date Posted: 10/26/2012 12:26 AM ET
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I'm just now reading one of her books for the first time. I usually like reading books in order, but I started reading Sizzling Sixteen by her, which I've never read any of the others in this series.  I'm finding it funny in some places but it's not really my type of book so I'm feeling a little bored reading it.  I own a few of the others in the series but not the entire series. I may not bother reading the rest if I can't get much more into this one.

berd avatar
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Date Posted: 10/26/2012 1:33 PM ET
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I gave up on finishing Sizzling Sixteen.... I read 5 chapters but just couldn't get into it.  Maybe I will attempt to finish it at a later time.

However, I skipped back to reading Fearless Fourteen last night & it seems to be a bit better.  I know I'm reading them way out of order, haha.  Maybe they will get better if I read the series backwards. cool

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Subject: Janet Evanovich
Date Posted: 1/31/2013 2:02 PM ET
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I love the Stephanie Plum series.  I agree with Mirah, perfect for the beach (or airplane, etc.).  You do not have to concentrate to enjoy these books and disruptions aren't a problem.  And yes, they are a palate cleanser after, e.g,. a Jodi Picoult book.  I've read the whole series, but agree that the between the numbers books are lame and not worth my while.  I am waiting for Janet's most recent book to make it to paperback.  Now that I'm up to date on them, I can only get roughly one per year, so I am not bored and I look forward to them.  Yes, they get repetitive, but I'm always willing to read them for the humor.  She cracks me up. Plus she has really quirky characters that amuse me.  Does anyone know any authors that have some humor to their stories?  It doesn't matter to me if it is a romance, a mystery, or whatever as long as there is a plot, some humor and interesting characters.