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Topic: J.K. Rowling

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Subject: J.K. Rowling
Date Posted: 7/23/2007 4:07 PM ET
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The seventh and final book of the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling, was released July 21st, 2007 to throngs of camped-out fans. Book stores all over the United States opened one minute after midnight to quench the thirst of wannabe wizards, most of whom had to depend on parents who could stay up that late.

I have a feeling there are some parents out there hiding "guilty Harry Potter pleasures"! Have you picked up one of the books "just to see what my child's reading" and found that you can't put it down? Or have you watched a Harry Potter video and found yourself looking forward to when you, *ahem*, I mean your kids, could see the next release?

Now's the time to 'fess up, there won't be anymore editions!

knightslady avatar
Date Posted: 7/23/2007 5:24 PM ET
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I have. I total love them. I have a fun story I when to get the first book for women as she had never read them and i had not been in to work at the library for two weeks and found nn HP books............this amazed me as they had not gone out for two years. I look to see who had the books and found moast had gone out to families without children.
JenH avatar
Date Posted: 7/23/2007 5:38 PM ET
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Neither of my kids have read the HP books.  I picked up the first one at the library many moons ago because of all the negative fuss about it I kept hearing and wanted to find out what it was all about.  As you can see what I'm currently reading in my signature line....the rest is history.  :o)


Oh, BTW, I'm in no way, shape, or form embarrased to say I'm an HP fan either!  Go Harry!!

ChicagoCubs avatar
Date Posted: 7/23/2007 5:47 PM ET
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I started reading the Harry Potter books after the 4th one had come out.  I hadn't heard much about them before this other than that they were kids books.  Everyone was talking about the 4th one so I figured I'd give them a try.  I went to three different book stores to get the first three and then read all of them in less than a week. 

I love them!!  I finished the last book on Sunday morning.

RiversideDreamer avatar
Date Posted: 7/23/2007 6:33 PM ET
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I am 38 and am a proud Harry Potter fan and love the books, and I don't have any kids! LOL My hubby and I started reading them after the 3rd one came out. We kept hearing about them so we decided to read the first one, we both enjoyed it so we went out and bought the other ones and then we were there to get the newest one at midnight for the last 4. I think her writing has continued to get even better and I can't wait to see what kind of book she writes next.

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Date Posted: 7/23/2007 6:48 PM ET
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I read the first Potter book years ago.  Then I got busy and never read another one.  I want to read the series from the beginning but I cannot find the chronological order anywhere.  The official site is a nightmare to navigate.  Can someone be so kind as to list the seven books in order?  Thanks!

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Date Posted: 7/23/2007 6:51 PM ET
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Hi there, i'm 31 and have no children, and have to admit I love the Harry Potter books. I'm only half way through so I haven't read any of the posts on here yet (thank goodness we go all the way to the bottom to post on here lol). So far all I can say is I just want to jump in the book and hug Harry and Hermonie. =) But some bad news about JK Rowling aunt works with her on the Harry Potter movies (my aunt is VP of Merchandise at Warner Brothers) and she says JK Rowling is VERY hard to work with...very demanding. Kind of sad when you think of where she came from. You think she'd be more understanding. Oh well, at least they are half way through with the movies now and my aunt only has to put up with her for a little longer lol. Anyway looking forward to cuddling up to the book tonight and seeing how far I get!! Keri
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Date Posted: 7/23/2007 7:32 PM ET
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In order they are:

1. The Sorcerer's Stone

2. The Chamber of Secrets

3. The Prisoner of Azkaban

4. The Goblet of Fire

5. The Order of the Phoenix

6. The Half-blood Prince

7. The Deathly Hallows

I hope this helps.

Last Edited on: 9/25/07 9:47 PM ET - Total times edited: 1

reader avatar
Date Posted: 7/23/2007 8:56 PM ET
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I have no Children and I love to read The Harry Potter Books.I am almost finished reading Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix.I have the next two here to read Harry Potter And the Half Blood Prince and of course Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

I was not ready to read the last book but wanted to get it Saturday like everyone else. I saw a lot of people reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on the subway here in New York today.



grover avatar
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Date Posted: 7/24/2007 12:10 AM ET
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I was in Bible College when they came out, and of course no good Christian girl would be caught dead reading about witches. Then I moved in with Grandma, who was so anti-Potter she had a video and book about how they're evil, and bought a second set to donate to her church. I decided to find out for myself if the books were truly evil...

Now nobody tell my grandmother (Neville's Gran comes to mind when I think of her displeasure), but I hid the first 5 books under my bed, and read them with a book light under the covers so she wouldn't know! Friday night I was in line and got my book at 12:37am, finished at 2:30am Sunday. I had to babysit Saturday or I would've finshed even earlier! Now that I no longer live with Grandma I am able to display the books on my bookshelf, as they ought to be.

Rowling is an inspiration to me, an author who arose from the dust triumphant, from humble beginnings to household name, and I feel sorry for those who are too close-minded to read her books. As for me, I am glad I overcame popular opinion and prejudice and read the first one, it has been so much fun and what a wonderful ride the series has taken my imagination on! Potter rocks!

Last Edited on: 7/24/07 12:13 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
Lin11879 avatar
Date Posted: 7/24/2007 1:37 AM ET
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I am a proud Harry Potter fan.  My son is still too little to be a fan, but I became intrigued when I was teaching 27 fourth graders who were obsessed, lol!  I had seen the movies, and really enjoyed the fourth one, so I decided to read the books, and by the time the fifth movie and the last book were released, I had read all the books several times.  I was just as excited as any of the kids as I waited in line for the last book!

I think Rowling is a wonderful author, and this movement she has created of kids actually reading, and being excited about reading, is amazing.  I have great respect for what she has created, and hope to see more from her...someday...

smittydoodle avatar
Date Posted: 7/24/2007 1:51 AM ET
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I love how creative the series is. One of my high school English teachers said it was trash and should not be considered literature. Although Rowling may not be writing what we'd typically define as "literature" in the classical sense or ground-breaking sense (or whatever sense my former English teacher clings to), it wins in creativity. I love this detailed world JK Rowling has invited us into, and I think the series is truly fantastic and ground-breaking because of its imaginative and compelling story.

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L. G. (L)
Date Posted: 7/24/2007 2:16 AM ET
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When they first came out, I thought they looked incredibly stupid.  I read the first  one and loved it!  I still need to read 5,6 and 7, but I love the films and the books, so far. :)  Heck, I even turned my highly-analytical, androidesque husband onto Harry Potter. ;)

BondGirl avatar
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Date Posted: 7/24/2007 7:52 AM ET
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Loved reading this series.  I think the thing that worked was that it wasn't just  a "children's" was a book for all ages.  I am just sorry to see it go.  I did truly enjoy the last book.  It was great and covered pretty much all the questions that left you hanging. in the last six books. 

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Date Posted: 7/24/2007 8:06 AM ET
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I have read all of the books and watched all the movies - I love every minute I get to spend with Harry and his friends.   I am sad to see the series end - I have been flying along with it after book two came out... but I loved the last book.  It filled in everything I needed. 

I have asked my husband for my Christmas present already - the box set that is coming out in September of all the books. that way when my daughter (2 months) is old enough for me to read them to her or for her to read them - she will have them all in hard cover together.  (and I can read them a few more times before then too.)

Happy Reading All.

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Date Posted: 7/24/2007 11:55 AM ET
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All the adults in my family have shamlessly read Harry Potter including my sister and brother-in-law who both have doctoral degrees.

I'm intrigued by Rachel's post about Christian reaction against HP.  On the other hand, I've seen that there have been some Christian analyses of HP series that looks at the stories as a Christian allegory.  A search on comes up with many titles of Christian authors who defend HP.  Here is a sampling:

Looking for God in Harry Potter (Paperback)
by John Granger

God, the Devil, and Harry Potter: A Christian Minister's Defense of the Beloved Novels (Paperback)
by John Killinger

The Gospel According to Harry Potter: Spirituality in the Stories of the World's Most Famous Seeker (Paperback)
by Connie Neal

Have any of you read any of the analyses that find Christian parallels in HP or have any thoughts?

LoveBeingMOM avatar
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Date Posted: 7/24/2007 1:28 PM ET
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When the books first came out I did not think they were my "type" of book. After 2 came out my mom encouraged me to give them a try. She loaned me hers...I was hooked right away. I got my husband hooked (and he is not a big reader of anything).

I finished book 7 already. My husband is still reading book 6 (I re-read it before 7 came out and he wanted to re-read it too). I wish he'd hurry up so we can discuss book 7.

41 and a proud HP fan....

staceid avatar
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Date Posted: 7/24/2007 1:49 PM ET
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Another proud Harry Potter fan here!

I got interested in the books after the third one came out. I played in an online text-based game (MUD) and two of my friends had created a virtual Hogwarts/Hogsmeade complete with a trading card quest for us to enjoy. Once I learned that their area was based on an actual book, I ran to the nearest bookstore to pick up the first in the series. Within two days I was back to pick up books two and three.

My DD is nearly 9 and is still intimidated by the size of the books, but she is a big fan of the movies and I look forward to getting her a set of HP books of her own when she feels ready to tackle them. I'd let her borrow mine, but then I fear I'd never see them again. ;)

Leeankh avatar
Date Posted: 7/24/2007 2:30 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 2/8/15 10:35 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
ErinMc avatar
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Date Posted: 7/24/2007 3:19 PM ET
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I am a HP fan too. I couldn't get into the first one untill after I saw the movie. Then we starting reading all of them, since there was only one book I listen while she read. It was wonderful. Yes she is reading 7 and I am listening again. We went to the B&N HP party friday and they had a reader reading 6 just to refresh your memory. It was great, kids liked it adults loved it. The reader was surprised. It seems being read to is a gift we have forgotten.

To me the HP series reminds me to go after your dreams even when the world tells you NO. Just think what the people who turned her down are thinking now??? May we all learn the lesson of not judging to quickly. Never Never Give UP!!

staceid avatar
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Date Posted: 7/24/2007 3:25 PM ET
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I have two friends (married couple) who read the books in that fashion, Erin. She feels it would take her too long to read and understand if she was doing so herself, so he reads the books out loud whenever they have time together (in the car or whatever).

crystal1983art avatar
Date Posted: 7/24/2007 7:09 PM ET
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I bought the book, and just finished it today.  Its an Awesome book, that everyone should read.  GRRRRRRRRRREAt book!! :)

katzpawz avatar
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Date Posted: 7/24/2007 10:24 PM ET
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Way back, when the first HP book came out I was shopping at Barnes & Noble (or it might have been another store-not sure) but I know I was buying books.  I had heard alot about the Harry Potter book - it had not yet become a phenomenon - while I was shopping for a good mystery, I picked the book up to read the liner notes.  Picked up a couple of other books, walked around the bookstore for about an hour......went to the checkout...paid my money....and when I came home - there was Harry Potter in the bottom of the bag!  I bought it completely by mistake!  Oh well, since it was here now, I might as well try and read the stupid thing - that was my mind-set THEN.  Ten pages into the book and I'm a gone goose!  So now I tell everyone that I read the first book by mistake, and all the rest of them on purpose!  Ms. Rowling has given a countless number of children the desire to read - really read, not just glance at pictures!  I wonder what is next for her?

lynette014 avatar
Date Posted: 7/24/2007 10:40 PM ET
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I discovered Harry when there were 4 bks out.  I was working at a book store and found them shortly after starting the job.  I LOVE them.  I had no children at the time, but now I do.  I can't wait to share the books with them.  When I opened up #7 I felt like I was getting together with long lost friends.  Great Books!!!!

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Date Posted: 7/24/2007 11:01 PM ET
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I started reading the series with my 9 year old son.  I have since had to fight a very large temptation to read on without him!  I haven't, but we are only in the middle of book 5.  It's going to be real hard not to read on!
