Isabella Queen Without a Conscience Author:Rachel Bard In her day the beauteous Isabella of Angouleme was called a Jezebel, a sorceress, an adulteress. As the young bride of King John of England she was charged with seducing John into neglecting his kingly duties. Back in her native land she and her second husband were accused of trying to assassinate the King of France. Now meet the real Isabe... more »lla, Relive the turbulent twelfth and thirteenth centuries when France and England were struggling for control of western France. You'll encounter kings and queens, popes and prelates, warriors and courtiers who were the power elite of their day. You'll become intimately acquainted with this fascinating and enigmatic woman, prey to strong passions and ambitions, aware of the power of her beauty, willing to dare all in order to be and be seen as queen.« less