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Inventing the American Woman: An Inclusive History : To 1877
Inventing the American Woman An Inclusive History To 1877 Author:Glenda Riley Professor Glenda Riley portrays the experience of women of all colors and ethnicity in this vibrant history of women in America. A consistent theme in these volumes is the tension between prescribed roles and expectations--the inventing process--and the manner in which women actually thought and felt about their lives and times. The portraits of... more » many women who resisted or simply ignored imposed models of womanhood emerge in dramatic fashion as the author examines women in successsive periods of American history as well as their sometimes subtle, sometimes overt protests against confining stereotypes. Volume One covers from the 1600s to 1877 and tells the truly inclusive story of all types of women and their role in shaping the history of the United States. Includes many illustrations. SETS AVAILABLE!!--Volumes 1 & 2 can be purchased in a shrinkwrapped set at a special, discounted price!« less
ISBN-13: 9780882959221 ISBN-10: 0882959220 Pages:215 Edition:2 Sub Rating: