I've read several Debbie Macomber books over the years. Either I've outgrown her writing style or her books have just become more bland. The plot was okay, but the book seemed to be full of a lot of filler instead of substance. It could have easily been shortened by 100 pages. Every page seemed full of mundane details that contributed to the word count but didn't enhance the story. Macomber's books have definitely become more of inspirational reads than the earlier books, which fell more into women's fiction. I found the characters to be trite and quite predictable. There's nothing wrong with knowing what to expect from an author, and if easily resolved conflict and cookie-cutter characters are your comfort food, then this book will meet your expectations. I prefer passionate and diverse characters in the books I read; a little something to keep me on the edge of my seat. This book just didn't do it for me.