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Topic: Need info on bartending for your new business?????????

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Bama-Booklover avatar
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Subject: Need info on bartending for your new business?????????
Date Posted: 1/27/2009 9:19 AM ET
Member Since: 3/1/2007
Posts: 26,136
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Try Mr. Boston's Official Bartender's Guide,  ISBN  8780446380898,  50th anniversary edition.  This guide was first published in 1935, this is the 50th anniversary edition published 1985;  attractive red binding with black and gold lettering.......

This book includes recipes for America's favorite drinks and many speciality drinks I'd never heard of.......also includes information on different types of wines, a liquor dictionary, and supplies needed to stock a basic bar and methods for bartending.  This book is a handy tool for anyone working in the bar industry or to enjoy different drinks at home.

Find that recipe for special drinks for entertaining during the Super Bowl or try "The Eyeopener"  for the morning after........Just kidding.