If you received a message that someone was coming to your home to either subjugate or slaughter you and your family, you would, no doubt, pay attention - at the very least, you would not, if you were at all rational, be dismissive of such a message. Infiltration is such a message, and it is an engrossing read.
Sperry, in a very scholarly, yet exceptionally readable, manner lays out - chapter and verse - how radical(?) Islam is going about doing just that. In addition, and more disturbing still, is that he demonstrates how our government is not only doing very little - if anything - to interfere with that effort, but, in the interest of political correctness (or outright collaboration, so blatant are some of the Brotherhood's successful efforts to penetrate the American host body), is lending its support to those efforts.
Infiltration is an incredible - and very disturbing - wake up call. Sperry is a 21st century Paul Revere. In an eminently readable and scholarly manner, he informs us that the barbarians are not at the gates; they are inside, and our government, with our assistance (through our ignorance) has invited them in. Sperry is more than just an author, scholar, and patriot; he is a wake up call to a slumbering America, and Infiltration is an important book that you will find difficult to put down once you pick it up. And I urge you to pick it up.
It is very good and in detail book about Islam, it's doctrine and just how far it has been able to install its tentacles wit the approval of western society in the name of diversity and tolerance. Two things strictly forbidden under Islamic rule, with death as punishment.
I have been having difficulty deciding wether to keep the book for future reference or trade it in.
Sperry, in a very scholarly, yet exceptionally readable, manner lays out - chapter and verse - how radical(?) Islam is going about doing just that. In addition, and more disturbing still, is that he demonstrates how our government is not only doing very little - if anything - to interfere with that effort, but, in the interest of political correctness (or outright collaboration, so blatant are some of the Brotherhood's successful efforts to penetrate the American host body), is lending its support to those efforts.
Infiltration is an incredible - and very disturbing - wake up call. Sperry is a 21st century Paul Revere. In an eminently readable and scholarly manner, he informs us that the barbarians are not at the gates; they are inside, and our government, with our assistance (through our ignorance) has invited them in. Sperry is more than just an author, scholar, and patriot; he is a wake up call to a slumbering America, and Infiltration is an important book that you will find difficult to put down once you pick it up. And I urge you to pick it up.
It is very good and in detail book about Islam, it's doctrine and just how far it has been able to install its tentacles wit the approval of western society in the name of diversity and tolerance. Two things strictly forbidden under Islamic rule, with death as punishment.
I have been having difficulty deciding wether to keep the book for future reference or trade it in.