A wonderful book; wonder-ful, as in full of wonder.
Rebecca G. (kitschweb) reviewed The Immense Journey : An Imaginative Naturalist Explores the Mysteries of Man and Nature on + 60 more book reviews
From the back cover: In an unusual blend of scientifc knowledge and imaginative vision, Loren Eiseley tells the story of man. Anthropologist and naturalist, Dr. Eiseley reveal's life's endless mysteries in his own experienced, departing from their immediacy into meditations on the long past, wandering--intimate with nature--along the paths and byways of time, and then returning to the present.
[Note: My 1959 Vintage edition has a different cover] Interesting attempt by a scientist to put his ponderings on the meaning of life into words.
[Note: My 1959 Vintage edition has a different cover] Interesting attempt by a scientist to put his ponderings on the meaning of life into words.
Dena C. reviewed The Immense Journey : An Imaginative Naturalist Explores the Mysteries of Man and Nature on + 32 more book reviews
"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."---Albert Einstein
This is a book for those who think, without recourse to standardized religions, that everything is a miracle.
This is a book for those who think, without recourse to standardized religions, that everything is a miracle.
Camilla O. M. reviewed The Immense Journey : An Imaginative Naturalist Explores the Mysteries of Man and Nature on + 4 more book reviews
It is well written, but did not engage this reader enough to finish the book. It was donated to a little free library.