Bravo to Timothy Denevi who wrote a book every person who has a loved one suffering with ADHD. This book should be a required reading in all psychiatry, psychology, pediatric, neurology and any other classes studying mental health and childhood behavior. The fact that he still suffers from ADHD and with help was able to compose a book full of facts and life experiences gives hope to all with ADHD and those who love them.
Enjoyed reading this book. It bounces back and forth between the aurthor's personal story and the history of ADHA.
timothy Denevi's personal story is a fun read. The history part of it was very interesting, from actually diagnosing ADHD and how treatment had changed.
I agree with most of what the author says. Chemicals alone are not the answer. Therapy must be a large part of the treatment. There is no cookie cutter approach. Each child will have to find their own path. Keep trying until you find what works and sometimes, what works one time, doesn't work the next.
timothy Denevi's personal story is a fun read. The history part of it was very interesting, from actually diagnosing ADHD and how treatment had changed.
I agree with most of what the author says. Chemicals alone are not the answer. Therapy must be a large part of the treatment. There is no cookie cutter approach. Each child will have to find their own path. Keep trying until you find what works and sometimes, what works one time, doesn't work the next.