Helpful Score: 2
If you are just starting out in a sales career or have been in one for a while and would like to increase your sales, this is the first book you should read. There are many books on attitude that I have read, but this is by far the best. I read this book 30 years ago and along with other sales techniques from other books, raised my volume 50% in less than a year. Great book.
Terrific book. Should be required reading for all students in high school. A true classic.
Helpful Score: 1
Great book! Easy to apply principles that will enhance everyone's life, whether in business or personal.
Helpful Score: 1
You can go after the job you want. . .and get it! You can take the job you have. . .and improve it! You can take any situation you're in. . .and make it work for you.
Helpful Score: 1
An important book to read no matter what you do in life. You'll remember you read this book.
This book gives great advice about influencing those around you.
Helpful Score: 1
Great advice on how to handle even the most difficult person. I found some of the techniques hard to use in the real world, but for the most part I learned quite a bit from this book. I learned how to communicate more effectively with people.
A friend recommended this book because I was transitioning careers into insurance sales. This book has completely changed my outlook on how to interact with people. I've been working in retail management for 4 years and considered myself as being successful at it, but after reading this book I realized that I was sabotaging myself in so many ways. Anyone who works in sales or service industries at any level should obviously read this book, but I suggest reading it regardless of what you do for a living. This book can help dealing with argumentative spouses, children, neighbors, bosses, anybody.
Great book. Some of the book is a little outdated but the basic principles still exist. This is a very important book and should be taught in schools as standard learning. You may not walk away with everything that the book tried to give you, but you will walk away with a different perspective on how you interact with people, and if you take the suggestions to heart, you will find you begin to live a better life. Great book.Classic.
This is a primer for anyone who wants to be better with relationships. I use its concepts continually in my work, which is teaching people skills to technical people.
I recommend this book to everyone. Although the historical references are quite dated (presidential examples may be lost on many younger generations), the basic advice is gold. If you implement just one of his suggestions, you'll turn your world around. The day I started making a point to use people's names (the word every human loves to hear) the world was almost instantly friendlier. I'm not exaggerating. These simple steps make a huge difference.
The first and still the best book on interpersonal relationships. You'll love the stories that accompany each lesson.
Great Book, dispite it was writin in the 1930s it still applies to your life today.
This book is a gem of what feels like common knowledge, but isn't.
I really got a lot out of this book. Though towards the end it got a bit repetative. The ideas are so basic and common sense but if you really think and try to apply the concepts you will get a lot out of it. The only thing is reminding yourself of them daily to really engrain them in your life.
Updated to 1981 (Carnegie died in 1955, his widow was alive at least to 1981). The ur-book of its genre. It contains some basic truths that might easily be forgotten because they are so obvious, like "smile", and use people's names when talking to them.
A winner after 50 years...offers rock-solid, time-tested advice that leads people to success.

Love Dale Carnegie. This book worked great for me. As a teacher, I was getting sick of people with no in-classroom experience giving me tips and suggestions on how to deal with classroom management. I started with Dale's "How to Love Your Job" and started reading the rest. I can't sing his praises enough! Better than any "secret" book out there.

A classic, everyone should read.
must read for all
Great book especially for those who work with people and are in sales and marketing. The stories are genuine and very educational and inspirationally. I certainly benefit from the knowledge learned and hope others will too.
The first, classic, book of its kind; 1981 Revised edition
This is considered a classic in the business world! Everyone- business people as well as the rest of us- should own this book. Extremely helpful as well as interesting!
The classic but still read and appropriate, even today.
Originally written in 1936.
a great reminder of human nature and our need to be treating one another respectfully and honorably
One of the BEST books ever written.
This book is the world's outstanding guide in the field of human relationships. Read it and improve your personality, secure your happiness, enhance your future, and increase your income.