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Topic: how can I make a replacement box for audiobook disc

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olieann avatar
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Subject: how can I make a replacement box for audiobook disc
Date Posted: 7/21/2024 12:25 PM ET
Member Since: 8/19/2010
Posts: 111
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Has anyone ever made a replacement box for Audiobook disc. I have 200+ audiobooks with no containers, they are in the paper wraps and still in perfect condition, but it is not feesable to buy plastic containers in order to trade them. I am trying to make a container out of cardstock to hold the multiple disc for trading. I do believe I can do this for trading on this site. 

My question is, Has anyone done this before or know where I can find a templete. I thought I would ask before I wasted a lot of paper trying to make my own...

Any ideas are welcome


lionrose avatar
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Date Posted: 7/21/2024 1:06 PM ET
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Hi OlieAnn. I trade CDs on the sister site and use a cardboard mailer to send single and double discs with  just the disc(s) and papers so they can be mailed at for the lower first class cost with the small non-machinable fee. Years ago I bought a box of mailers somewhere. You can actually just use the paper label and secure the discs inside a couple pieces of rigid cardboard, like from a cereal box, other packaging or from the back of a note pad. Uline also sells multidisc boxes. I did find this website that has templates that you might be able to use, depending on how many discs you need to package up you might be able to adjust it a bit.

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Date Posted: 7/30/2024 2:27 PM ET
Member Since: 11/30/2007
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I trade Audio books and would be glad to get just the discs and paper wrapper. I have many CD containers from  Friends of Library Sales and would put the CD's in those containers. If you mail them the way Linda R. suggested they would get through the mail.