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Topic: Like History? What do you read?

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Subject: Like History? What do you read?
Date Posted: 2/4/2009 7:26 PM ET
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Since this is a brand new forum, I thought it would be cool for people to discuss what books they enjoy in the history genre.  Come on....speak up folks!!

eclecticreader10 avatar
Date Posted: 2/4/2009 9:48 PM ET
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I read a lot of non-fiction about historical events. I'm not sure it's exactly history.  Issac's Storm, Into Thin Air and Under the Banner of Heaven, for example. I have Auschwitz, Schindler's List, The Baby Thief on my TBR list.  I like bio's which is sort of history - Marie Antoinette, Six Wives of the Henry VIII, Truman, etc.

I'm really excited about this forum.  I hoping to learn alot.  Oh, no! I have feeling TBR list is going to grow.

katknit avatar
Date Posted: 2/4/2009 11:51 PM ET
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Mostly books about medieval Europe, especially England, France, and Italy. American Civil War, Revolutionary War. Some biography.

jscrappy avatar
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Date Posted: 2/5/2009 7:03 AM ET
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My favorite topics to read about are WW II and the Holocaust, twentieth-century American history, the Civil War, British history, social history...there's not much I won't read about, LOL.

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Date Posted: 2/5/2009 9:07 AM ET
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I love books about medievel history too.  I also loved Into Thin Air.  I think it is one of the best books I have ever read.

sevenspiders avatar
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Date Posted: 2/5/2009 9:33 AM ET
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I read a wide variety- favorites have included Marie Antoinette  by Antonia Fraser, Love and Louis XIV by Antonia Fraser, Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin, An American Plague by Molly Caldwell Crosby, Demon Under the Microscope by Thomas Hager, The Ghost Map by Steven Johnson and The Ten-Cent Plague by David Hadju.

Also like some of the classic historians, especially Suetonius' The Twelve Caesars.

And my all-time favorite book: The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson

Page5 avatar
Date Posted: 2/5/2009 9:37 AM ET
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Just in the past 5 years or so I have discovered how much I love history. I had very poor history teachers in high school and college and thought I didn't like history. But, really, I just didn't like memorizing dates, places, and names! I read everything, WW2, nautical, science, European, and Asian to name a few.

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Date Posted: 2/7/2009 3:33 AM ET
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I am finishing a book about London in the 18th century and will shortly start a book about Gladiators.

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Kat (polbio) -
Date Posted: 2/9/2009 11:18 AM ET
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I read a lot of non-fiction. Right now I am slowly working my way through two Einstein books, one is a biography and one he wrote. I love biographies and books about archeaology. Some of my favorites are books about the Iron Age and Geology. As far as biographies, I read mainly books about presidents, dictators, scientists, kings, etc. I have a lot of books on my TBR. I have a bad habit of buying more than I have time to read. lol.

Some of my favorite authors are:

  1. Simon Winchester
  2. David McCullough
  3. Brian Fagan
  4. Ron Chernov
  5. Steven Ambrose
  6. HW Brand



lilynlilac avatar
Date Posted: 2/10/2009 6:10 PM ET
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I am a huge fan of British history but am starting to read different eras now.  Am in the midst of 1776 by David McCullough.

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Date Posted: 2/11/2009 8:37 PM ET
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Michelle, an interesting followup book to 1776 is "Redcoats and Rebels: The American Revolution Through British Eyes".

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Page5 avatar
Date Posted: 2/11/2009 10:13 PM ET
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Sounds like an interesting book Richard.

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Date Posted: 2/12/2009 7:07 PM ET
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OK, now I wanna visit all of you and get a peek at your RL bookshelves!

I read a lot of mil-history.  Mostly The Revolutionary War, the Civil War and WWII.   I also enjoy general history. 

I recently finished The Airmen and the Headhunters by Judith Heiman and Another River, Another Town by John P. Irwin (both WWII).  I'm currently reading Donnybrook by David Detzer (The Battle of Bull Run).

Recent favorites have been The Worst Hard Time, Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World and Nathaniel's Nutmeg.

srfbluemama avatar
Katy -
Date Posted: 2/18/2009 8:50 PM ET
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My nonfiction history tends to be related to the subjects I teach (US History and California History). I love reading autobiographies, but well-written monographs are great too.

AniL avatar
Anna (AniL) -
Date Posted: 3/1/2009 7:48 AM ET
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I read a lot of books on the counties in which my ancestors lived, due to genealogical research. I also go for Native American histories and Native Law, Indian Schools, Native Rights, and slavery. My interests in history is wide spread and rather eclectic I think.  

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Date Posted: 3/7/2009 12:42 AM ET
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I''m a recently joined member (with the dvd site also). My main interests are mostly American military history as well as early manned spaceflight.

Page5 avatar
Date Posted: 3/7/2009 10:00 AM ET
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Welcome to the site Ed! What have you read lately about American military history? My husband and I read a lot of that genre.

Wildhog3 avatar
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Subject: Books by historians
Date Posted: 4/13/2009 11:07 PM ET
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Recently, I have been trying to study the subject itself. Ist book I wanted was Colingwood's The Idea of history. I am also working on a current book I got from History Book Club titled A History of Histories. Of American historians, I like Halberstam very much. He is such a good writer, stylistically, that I am dazzled and often wonder if that clouds the actual content. I also like Schlesinger, though some disagree. I am working on The Age Of Roosevelt. It is scary, the degree to which is sounds like today. On a world perspective, I think Ferrnand Braudel had no peers.

Tinplate avatar
Subject: Reading choices
Date Posted: 4/16/2009 11:17 AM ET
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Early American history in the West. Mountainmen, trail blazers and any of the early frontier stories. I like Terry C. Johnston indian war series. So if you know of any along these lines, please let me know. Western lawmen and gunfighters, etc. You talk about characters, the "Wild West" had them. BTW I'm new so if I'M not doing something right let me know.                                                                                                                                                     

mnphotos1951 avatar
Date Posted: 4/16/2009 12:47 PM ET
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I read all types of books, except for romance novels.  I do like history books, I usually read about an area I have visited. 

Right now I'm reading "Down the Santa Fe Trail and into Mexico", the diary of Susan Magoffin, an 18 year old bride who rode the trail with her husband.  I had driven on parts of the Sante Fe trail on a road trip last winter, so it's very interesting for me to read about some of the first people who traveled this route.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading "Jews Without Money", about the tenements in the lower east side of New York City.  I picked this book up after I visited the Tenement Museum.  It was interesting to read about the real people who lived and worked here.

I have on my TBR pile, a huge book, "Gotham", a history of New York City - can't wait to get to that one.

I also read a lot of historical fiction, which more often than not gets me interested in an era and then I'm reading the history books of that time.

Too may books, not enough time.

OpalLady avatar
Date Posted: 4/20/2009 9:19 PM ET
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I have a list similar to Janelle C.  I read 20th century Am. history, WWII and the Holocaust, WWI, Civil War, military history, and British history.  I have discovered that where I live now, Baltimore, is home to some wonderful historians and writers.  Recently I had the author Leo Bretholz, Leap Into Darkness: Seven Years on the Run from the Nazis, speak to a large home school event.  When I met him in person, I found out he is best friends with my next door neighbors!  Baltimore is almost like a small town; everybody knows everybody else.

I look forward to getting more recommendations here.

redwingsgal avatar
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Date Posted: 4/28/2009 9:13 PM ET
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In terms of history, my interests are primarily in American history as it related to women and/or children. I'll read about virtually any time period. Pioneer women, women on either side of the Civil War, the lives of dance hall girls and soiled doves, and women who stepped out of their typical sphere are my main interests.

I also enjoy books on Michigan history and the history of the Great Lakes region that aren't dry or overly textbook style. Great Lakes Crime: Murder, Mayhem, Booze and Broads by Frederick Stonehouse was my most recent read--entertaining and informative!

Not really history, but I also consume a lot of books on pop culture, particularly the myths and legends of Native Americans and early settlers and ghost stories told throughout the ages.

CK avatar
Date Posted: 5/14/2009 11:13 AM ET
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  I will  read Revolutionary and Civil War histories whenever I come across a book, as I grew up in Virginia.  But, for the most part, I'm into Irish History.  I also read storm related history in regards to tornadoes and hurricanes.

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Subject: history
Date Posted: 7/23/2009 9:13 PM ET
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Chinese history is my thing. Got hooked 20 years ago. Currently reading about the Chinese in America. Also reread Ssuma Chien : records of the Historian. And, for fun , outlaws of trhe Marsh. Any China fans out there?

I-F-Letty avatar
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Date Posted: 7/24/2009 5:45 PM ET
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I read English, Scots, Welsh, Irish, French, Italian,  Roman mostly, and American pre 20th century.
