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Hide a Dagger Behind a Smile: Use the 36 Ancient Chinese Strategies to Seize the Competitive Edge
Hide a Dagger Behind a Smile Use the 36 Ancient Chinese Strategies to Seize the Competitive Edge Author:Kaihan Krippendorf Today's global economy is a battleground. To survive and thrive, you'll need every weapon you can get. Microsoft, Sony, and Starbucks use business practices based on the ancient Chinese military text The Thirty-Six Stratagems-now you can, too. Author Kaihan Krippendorff explains how to apply each stratagem to make your business profits so... more »ar, such as:
Stratagem #1-Kill with a Borrowed Knife: Indirect attacks on your adversaries can catch them off guard.
Stratagem #19-Watch the Fire on the Other Shore: Companies that temper power with patience will be more competitive in the long run.
Stratagem #33-Hide a Dagger Behind a Smile: Threatened adversaries resist-trusting ones do not.
With Hide a Dagger Behind a Smile, you can take on your competitors and win-one battle at a time.« less